Body Blast Rotations


I just purchased the KPC DVD so now I'll have the entire series!! Could some of you tell me what kind of rotations you do with this series?

If you look under the rotations header there is a thread about the index to Cathe's rotations. I know there is a BB rotation in there, among many others.:)
Here you have the rotation:

"December Rotation: Body Blast Series"

Hi Everyone! Now that you have had some time to learn the new choreography and get familiar with the Body Blast Series, here is a rotation to enjoy. Each week will get a little more mix and matched.

Week One: A basic order that flows well

Mon: Step, Jump and Pump (SJP)
Tues: Kick, Punch and Crunch (KPC)
Wed: Push Pull (PP)
Thurs: Step Blast (SB)
Fri: Legs and Glutes (L&G)
Sat: Off
Sun: Supersets (SS)

Week Two:

Mon: KPC
Tues: PP plus L&G (skipping the stretch on PP and skipping the warm up on L&G)
Wed: Off
Thurs: SB
Fri: SJP
Sat: KPC
Sun: SS

Week Three:

Mon: SB
Tues: SJP
Wed: Warm up and step only of SJP and the kick punch combinations and abs only of KPC
Thurs: Warm up and high intensity drills only of KPC plus PP (skipping PP warm up)
Fri: off
Sat: SS and L&G (skipping stretch of SS and skipping warm up on L&G)
Sun: Off

Week Four:

Mon: Warm up and step only of SJP plus PP (skipping warm up of PP)
Tues: KPC
Wed: Jump, Pump, Abs, and Stretch only of SJP (do a warm up of your choice before starting)
Thurs: Off
Fri: L&G
Sat: SB
Sun: SS


Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)

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