Intensity/Body Blast DVDs Rotation #1
Sat. Step Blast warm up and step sections 1 and 2. Then do Muscle Endurance upper body split premix skipping warm up. Do ME abs and stretch.
Sun. Legs and Glutes
Mon. Boot Camp cardio only premix skipping the stretch. Then do the SJ&P hi/lo add on. Go back to Boot Camp and do the stretch.
Tue. Push Pull upper body 2 sets premix.
Wed. SJ&P all step premix. Skip the stretch and go into C&W step only premix skipping the warm up. Do the abs and stretch from C&W.
Thu. PLB
Intensity/Body Blast DVDs Rotation #2
Sat. KP&C blocks and kicks premix. Before the abs, go to Boot Camp kickbox only premix. Go back to KP&C and do abs and stretch
Sun. Supersets lower body blast premix and floor work from PLB
Mon. SJ&P warm up, step, and hi/lo section #1, stop before the weights and then do C&W heavy weights premix
Tue. Timesaver Day 5
Wed. Imax II
Thu. Supersets upper body blast premix
Intensity/Body Blast DVDs Rotation #3
Sat. KP&C and high step premix
Sun. PUB
Mon. Step Blast
Tue. Push Pull lower body 3 sets premix
Wed. Cardio and Weights
Thu. Imax II 1-5 premix, skip stretch do hi/lo add on from SJ&P. Go back and do Imax II stretch.
Intensity/Body Blast DVDs Rotation #4
Sat. ME/BC bonus premix
Sun. Step Blast
Mon. Supersets
Tue. KP&C
Wed. Legs and Glutes Xtreme standing only premix
Thu. Imax II 6-10 premix and C&W heavy upper body premix
Intensity/Body Blast DVDs Rotation #5
Sat. SJ&P/Step Blast step and hi/lo cardio circuit premix
Sun. PLB
Mon. Timesaver Day 1 warm up then skip cardio and do all 5 upper body sections back to back and do any of the Timesaver stretches
Tue. Imax II
Wed. SJ&P warm up and step, then do Boot Camp upper and lower body premix. Then do Boot Camp core only premix and stretch
Thu. KP&C