Body Blade - Who has one?

Ally yo

Hello lovely Cathletes,
Does anyone have a body blade?

I'll probably end up ordering it but, was wondering if anyone had any experience using one and if you liked it or thought it was worth the cost.

Thank you so much!
Ha!! I had to look it up! I thought it was some kind of shaving thing!!!

This is a good one. LOL

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Hahahahaha too funny!!!!!
It is weird but, seems legit.

This is the guy who developed it explaining how its used. Physios use it for rehab. Ive ordered it lol so ill give you an honest review in five to ten working days :D
Please, let us know what you think. I read the reviews, most were very positive. I have a cousin that just had shoulder surgery. I may suggest, she give it a try. Never heard of this, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
We use these in the classes in my gym. We use it with straighter arms, and that's much tougher than bending your elbows like he's doing in his video. You really feel this in your core, no doubt, but that's with straighter arms. I'm not even sure how it feels with the bent elbows. Honestly, it's not my favorite piece of equipment......I just don't think it is extremely effective.
Purchased one of these body blades for a buck at the Goodwill (where I purchase most of my athletic gear) I did know what it was when I bought it and I know they aren't cheap, but this was a cheap way to try it. I suppose if you could stick to it you may see results. I agree with JeanneMarie. It just was not fun enough for me.
Update: I received the blade and a dvd in the post. The workout is about 7 minutes and it consists of about 6 moves.
The DVD walks you through the moves with active rests in between. The moves are completed in 30 second intervals.
I'm always on top of my upper body workouts so, I was quite surprised when I struggled or could not complete a couple of the intervals.
I'm certainly using muscles that I'm not using with my other workouts so I'm super happy.
Ill keep using it to start or finish off my upper body workouts. The blade also gives a good standing core workout too, which I love.
Its super expensive however, the quality is awesome.
My husband is also using it. He has a history of back and shoulder pain and also has poor core strength so this will be good for his recovery.
Its just another toy I guess but, it will be used :)

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