Body bar and pain



Hi Cathe

When I use the body bar in PS Strong Legs and Abs I find that my waist/hip area hurt. I think I have my position wrong...are my legs supposed to be at an angle or is my body meant to be in a straight line. I noticed the other day that you have a slightly different position for the inner and outer thigh lifts. I don't feel like I am hurting myself, but feel the strain and feel awkward doing the exercises. My legs have what I call "good" pain later, it is just that I dread that part of the tape each time I do it.
body bar

Hi Joanna! You are right, I do have a slightly different angle on the outer thigh lift than on the inner thigh. This was mainly done to help keep the bar balanced and secure on the leg. When doing this exercise, feel free to re-adjust yourself until you find a position that is both more comfortable yet still targets the working muscle(outer thigh). If that doesn't work, try the following: 1)lowering the amount of weight you lift(if you happen to have a lighter body bar), 2) switching to an ankle weight of equal or less weight or finally, 3) holding a dumbell along the outside of your thigh as you lift it up and down(but make sure your leg still does all the work, no cheating with your arms

You never want to continue doing a movement that makes you feel as if you are staining yourself. This will only set you up for potential injury. Hope these suggestions help.

Maybe I'll try some sets without the bodybar and some with, working on my position until I get comfortable. Even though I didn't think I was going to, I am finding that I actually look forward to weight training and also to the other cross training ideas you have suggested.

Hope baby Eric is well and that you enjoy all the special moments of these early days. Believe it or not, the middle of the night feedings were some of my peaceful!!!

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