Bobbi, running in Tucson



Hi Bobbi...and any ther Tucson runners!

We're going to see dh's sis in Tucson over Labor Day weekend and I was hoping to get a run in. She lives way at the South end. Do you know of any good and safe trails? Concrete kills me.

Thanks Bobbi!

I won't be doing the race, although I wish I could. I'm just keeping my 3 mile base until duathlon training, and only running once a week. I was missing my vids big time! And it looks like the new ones will probably be out when I need to start my du training :-( I might check out some of the other places though.

What happened to your foot?

RE: Thanks Bobbi!

What part of town will you be in? There are some pretty places to check out. It's still hot though. Are you an early bird?

My foot has gone to the dogs. I collasped my arch a few years ago and the subsequent damage has led to a bone spur and pain and limping. I am seeing a foot doctor next week and trying not to be too bummed. Stepping is actually not too bad because I land on my toes. But I am being sensible and taking it easy. It's a simple matter of biomechanics. I don't think my feet were designed for the type of activities my brain enjoys!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-02 AT 09:58PM (Est)[/font][p]I have no idea what part of town they live in. I just remember last time we drove until we were pretty much out of Tucson and we were thinking we missed the exit. Then we hit it and started driving the other way! We were VERY low on gas and FINALLY went by a gas station.

Anyway, yes I am a very early bird and the rest of the fam is not (except the kids, but dh can deal with that }> ), so I'm hoping I can drive out to one of the places...probably that park...and get a run in.

How much longer till your foot is better? Have you been able to do other activities besides step? I know what you mean about the body and the brain. I have the same problem with my knees :-(

A guy who used to live in Tucson once told me about a restaurant in Mexico that is in a cave that used to be a torture chamber or something??? Ever heard of it? He said the food is yum. I didn't know you could eat food in Mexico and not get sick. This guy was little weird though.


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