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Hi everyone out there!! I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for me. I am really about to lose my mind. I have been bloated now for 10 days in a row. So much so my clothes are tight and that is so aggravating. I use Beano and gas-x for some of the gassy foods I eat and always usually helps, but not anymore it seems. I have not changed my diet or excercise. In fact, I'm on my 3rd week rotation of the intensity series. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do or what is causing this? Is this a sign of pregnancy? Please help me!!!! Thank you;-)
Is there any chance you are supplementing with protein shakes? Those things make me bloat a lot. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can offer any other advice. :)
I read a few days ago where Vitamin B6 helps with bloating and water retention (I really have this problem). I started taking this vitamin two days ago, so I'm not sure if it will work. My weight fluctuates so much (this morning I was 3 pounds heavier than this afternoon, which should be the opposite, but -- ). Anyway -- I wish I could lose weight this rapidly for a few days!!
Hi Targetlover! I would need to know exactly what your eating. Many times the bloatedness comes from an increase in fiber & your body didn't have a chance to adjust to the increase. It can come from a lot of salads & also a high fiber cereal. Also, are you into perimenopause (if your in your 40s)? Let me know what a typical day's eating is for you & I'll try to be of help. Best, Kathy:)
Another possiblity is that the intestinal flora are not right. A recent course of antibiotics, lots of chlorinated water or slightly contaminated produce could mess you up there. Try some live acidophilus tablets, liquid or very fresh yogurt you are sure it "alive".

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