<--- Blink Blink Yawn

<---walks in, on air
<---thinks Lehigh Valley Mall on the 10th may be doable
<---is heading home now, with stop at library to peruse Kali's pics
<---will chat later
<---is at the library
<---sees what all the excitment was about Kali's pics
<---thinks Kali is awesome, as well as all the other beautiful, strong women here
<---is heading to the grocery store for the last couple items for Thursday
<---will be at work and will check back in with you all tomarrow
<---hope Shelley and Sophie have a wonderful rest of the B-day
<---waves at any Catheites to come later
<---hates to say good bye
<---could sit here and chat all night
<---really has to go now
<---is wasting time
<---doesn't want to go home and do HSC
<---but really, really has to go
<---OK, is leaving now
<---really, this time <---means it
<---is not kidding now
<---is on her way out the door
<---has car keys in hand
<---is logging out now
<---well, OK, now
<---hates to leave you guys
<---don't you just hate to say goodbye
<---wonders if <---could get in trouble with Cathe for wasting space on her lovely forum
<---is going now
<---this time <---really means it
<---wonders if you all can tell how needy she is?
<---is gone
<--- is about to cry since you are so nice and so supportive
<--- is curious about how many calories are in a summer roll
<--- got a summer roll because one of the attys went to get lunch, came back, and THEN read the ingredients and realized he's allergic to shrimp
<--- thinks if you're allergic to food you'd read every label compulsively
<--- is trying to ignore the fact <---'s leg hurts again
<--- thinks maybe the leg has to do with the dead workout shoes
<--- ordered Rykas in a size 9(!)
<--- is a size 7.5-8
<--- hopes <--- likes the Rykas
<--- has wide feet and tried on Rykas months ago that were too narrow
<--- has to get back to work
<--- waves hi again, but later in the day, so <--- is much nicer now
<--- will see you all after work and school tonight!!!
<--- sends cyber hugs to all
<---waves hello again
<---wants everyone to know that this thread is responsible for my demise(Debbie/pumpkin spice latte!!! and Tammy/pumpkin bread!!!):p
<---bought a bunch of pansies and needs to go plant them
<---is repainting the bedroom after thanksgiving
<---is getting new carpet for christmas:7
<---still has to workout
<---is making turkey/rice soup for dinner:9
<---got Crash in the mail today and can't wait to watch it

<---jumps in for only a milisecond to tell Jess that <---just watched Crash this afternoon and <---thought it was awesome!!!!!!!

<---ole man winter just arrived at our doorstepx( - It's snowing!x(
<---tells Jes that she had led to the demise of quite of few}( ...but Jes is the first chick!:eek:
<---thinks she'll bake pumpkin bread tomorrow
<---thinks Robin is funny
<---hopes Amy likes her Rykas and that they fit
<---needs new workout sneakers as <---'s knees have been talking to her lately
<---thanks Missy for the movie recommendation
<---wonders what kind of carpet Jes is getting?

<--- also thought Crash was fab
<--- thinks Jes should go with the neon orange shag carpeting
<--- is so tired she could spit
<--- is chatting with Emily on MSN:)
<--- would like Tammy's pumpkin bread recipe (unless it is the same as Jes's;))
<---thinks Jes should go with the avocado green shag carpeting
<---posts pumpkin recipe for Shelley


3 cups sugar
1 cup veg oil
4 eggs
1 1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup cold water
15 oz can pumpkin
3 1/2 cups flour (I use whole wheat)
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

Combine sugar, oil & eggs – beat well

To that…Add cold water and pumpkin – stir together

In a separate bowl…Mix dry ingredients w 1/2 of the flour. When mixed, add the other
1/2 of the flour.

Add dry ingredients to the pumpkin mix.

Bake @ 350 for one hour.

Yields 3 loaves

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