

Ok I'm only about 6 wks pregnant and I'm bleeding. Not a lot but I don't think its a good sign. my doctor today sent me for another blood test to determine if my count (whatever it is they count in your blood when you are pregnant) has increased since last week. If not then, its on to an ultrasound to determine if baby is ok or if its not, or even a tubal pregnancy! Yikes.
Lynne--just said a prayer for you. I hope everything is alright. Keep us posted.

Oh Lynn, I'm sorry to hear this. I know it's possible to bleed in early pregnancy and for things to still progress well. I hope that's the case for you. A number of us on this forum have had miscarriages and can relate to how you're feeling. Please let us know how you're doing. It's a very stressful time when you don't know whether the pregnancy is still viable or not. I'm thinking of you.

All the very best,
Yup its a miscarriage! I just got off the phone with the doctor - my blood count has dropped in half (whatever they count) and my period is heavy and I'm miscarrying as we speak!

Its so sad. so sad. I just can't believe it! thanks for everyone's best wishes.

So sorry to hear the sad news :( :-(
I had one 2 months ago and I can imagine how you feel
I hope you are not experiencing alot of physical pain b/c they are painful enough emotionally.
You are in our prayers.

thanks for everyone's thoughts! I'll be ok - i was just so excited that's all.

not a lot of pain - just feels like a heavy period with cramps! It is sad though. I guess its natures way of taking care of things......
Lynne, I'm so sorry for your loss. I had an early mc Dec of 2004. It's sad no matter when it happens. I hope you get pg again soon! Visit us anytime.
Lynne, I'm so sorry for your loss. I had an early mc Dec of 2004. It's sad no matter when it happens. I hope you get pg again soon! Visit us anytime.

Sorry to hear that. I know just how you are feeling. I just miscarried yesterday. What a strange coincidence that it should happen to us at the same time. I went yesterday for my blood test to check my counts and also had to get a rhogam shot because I am RH negative. She wants me to go again tomorrow to make sure my count continues to drop.

My doctor said I can try again soon but I don't know how to tell when I will be ovulating. We may just have to wait until I have another period.

Sorry again, email me if you want to talk. [email protected]

Lynne - I'm so's so hard to even express without physically being there, but I'm sending you a long hug and many prayers.

Lynne--I'm sorry too. You seemed so excited about this baby. Praying peace and comfort for you and your husband and a healthy baby in the near future.

I'm so sorry Lynn. You & your family are in my prayers.

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Oh Lynee I am so sorry! I am following Maggie and praying He brings you & your family peace and comfort AND a baby to raise very soon!

God bless!

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