Bitten - by Sara Jessica Parker


That's her new clothing line - Bitten - carried by Steve & Barry's starting today. Nothing costs over $20.00! I knew about it from watching Oprah, so I was curious to check it out. Great stuff, quality compares to Old Navy, and cheaper! Sizes seem to run small - I tried on a jacket and a medium was tight. I normally wear a small or medium. She's a breath of fresh air compared to bratty Paris Hilton.
I love SJP anyhow, she's so down to earth, seems so nice, adores her kid and hubby but not in a bragging sickening way, is always kind. I'd buy her clothes just because her name is on them...

The name of the company is a little odd, though. At first I thought it was maybe a play on the German word bitte, meaning please, but she said somewhere she meant it as "bitten by the fashion bug" sort of thing. No matter, though. Because it's SJP it's wonderful...
I'm such a dolt - I saw someone post SJP and immediately read it as Step, Jump and Pump. Duh.
Thank you for this info!!!!

I just love her! She is so cute.

She was the best in Sex and the City! :)

My all time fav!

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!"
:) :) :)

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