Birthday gift ideas - HELP


My DD, Sophie, turns 9 this month. I have no idea what to get for her. I don't want to get her some throwaway toy that she'll get sick of in 2 days.

Does anyone have any brilliant ideas? She already has an iPod, and a portable CD player for her room.

Last year I got her a dog:p
This may or may not appeal to Sophie but my DD11 is having a great time with her horseback riding lessons. Through our Park and Rec dept. I signed her up for 8 lessons at a cost of $150. Not cheap but we really wanted her to develop other interests aside from video games and reading plus it's good exercise. Check to see if you have any local stables that offer riding lessons. A lot of girls that age love horses.

Sue ~ she does LOVE horses and riding, but the closest stable to us isn't very convenient at all.

I like the camera idea!
How about taking her and maybe a couple of her friends to a bead store where they can make their own jewellry?

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