Bill O'Reilly Rant


My DH watches Fox News all day long, its on all of our tv's...all day long...can you guess who he is voting for?;) Actually, Hillary.. April Fools!}(

Okay, anyway. Not sure if anyone watches "The Factor' or not, but I am so sick and tired of this windbag O'Reilly. He is possibly the most perverted, disgustingly arrogant, rude man on the news--ever.

Its on right now, and Bill is talking about some strip club that let a 12 year old girl strip-I mean that is horrific, but why is it that Bill covers all these "stripper/hooker/underage/young women going wild stories? Gross. You just get the sense he "enjoys" it.

And the other day when Ceasar Millan the dog whisperer guy was on? Bill was so incredibly condescending and rude to him, it was unbelievable.

And then he does these "pop culture" quizzes with Steve Doocy who is actually pretty cool, and is condescending and rude to him...who does this a**munch think he is?? Oh yeah, thats right, he's "looking out for you".x(

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest, sorry to any of you Bill O'Reilly fans.

I wish someone would come on and put him in his place. A long time ago, he was actually pretty good.
I think you either love him or hate him, and I love him - never miss his show, and my tv is on Fox News channel all day long. To each his own.
>I think you either love him or hate him, and I love him -
>never miss his show, and my tv is on Fox News channel all day

LOVE Bill O'Reilly -- 2nd only to Neil Cavuto ;)

LOVE Steve Doocy, too :*

Sorry Tneah :p :7
Oh you guys!:) I love Neil Cavuto too! I love Steve D., just think Bill is so dang mean to him. And "Red Eye" is my all-time favorite. What a strange and funny show!

And last but not least, love me some" Hanny-pie!";)
I love Red Eye, too! My favorite guests are Jenine Pero & Judge Napalitano (I probably butchered spelling their names) because they're such good laughers.
Tneah-My DH watches Bill O'Reiley too, every night, sometimes twice and its the same broadcast as earlier. I don't think that man is capable of talking in a normal conversational voice and neither are any of his guests, because they are forced to try and talk over him to get a word in! Since the writers have been on strike this is all that is on at our house. Thankfully soon we may have other tv show options! I'll be taking back the remote!
>>Well tneah, that's what you get for watching Fox "News"
>Agreed. That whole channel is so biased and one-sided. I can't
>stand Bill O'Reilly either, Tneah.

The only time I enjoyed watching Bill was during the sexual harassment case against him. Do you remember how when he was harassing that poor woman on the phone he said he wanted to take a shower with her and rub her with a falafel (he meant a loofah)? Hilarious!

Yeah I'm not a fan of "Fixed" News/"Fake" News/Fox "Noise" myself. Sorry your DH is! I know I could NOT handle that! }( }( }(
Love Fox News. I guess you know who I'm voting for. I don't watch O'Reilly much. I watch Fox News in the morning. I love Bill Hemmer. I watch Greta sometimes at night when I'm interested in what is on. I can agree that it is biased but I feel that the other networks are biased the other way. And I have to also say I love my MS boy Shephard Smith he makes us proud.

I agree with you . . . thank goodness for those networks that provide the "other side" of things. I think we are force fed through most network outlets that are very selective about the information they provide and we need to seek out other sources. I'm also a Hannity fan. As far as O'Reilly goes, if you don't have the ability to "put him in his place", then don't appear on his show - it's not as if you don't know what you're in for! Yep, now you know who I'm voting for too! Have a good day - regardless of your political affiliation!

Fox News is certainly leaning to one side, but then so is every other news station out there, from ABC to BBC. Kills me that folks get so up in arms about Fox News being biased, when CBS used to let Dan Rather editorialize DURING THE NEWS BROADCAST. Not on a panel show or round table, but during the news!

That said, I don't like O'Reilly. He interrupts all the time and does cover a few too many of the scantily-clad women stories for my taste. He's a bit of a blow-hard, IMO. Plus, Fox ticked me off with its devotion to that wingnut Mike Huckabee.

Personally, I like Ron Paul. :D


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
No need to watch O'Reilly if you have access to Stephen Colbert. It's basically the same thing right? :)

I CANNOT STAND O'Reilly, or Hannity or really anyone on the Fox "News" channel. I'm an NBC/MSNBC gal. Love love love Chris Matthews and Tim Russert. I could listen to them talk politics all day long.
Love the Colbert Report and of course, The Daily Show.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
"... does cover a few too many of the scantily-clad women stories for my taste. He's a bit of a blow-hard..."

Love it!!! :+

Yeah, for me its not about any sort of political affiliation, its about Bill O'Reilly and how I do not like him, he used to be okay a long time ago, but then got more popular or something and turned into a tyrant that does not let guests even speak.And yes, I remember the comment he got in trouble for, he said something to an assistant about her needing to go use her "device".

I watch Fox and Friends too, and miss the days of ED Hill, Brain and Steve D. Gretchen is a cutie, but I liked ED best. And Sheperd Smith is awesome, so is John Scott. I will always remember 9-11, when we were all glued to the news, and as John Scott was reporting and he started to cry and got really chocked up as he talked about the plane hitting the Pentagon, it was just so heart wrenching...for all of us..

And I agree that every news channel leans one way or the other, CNN goes the other way, but that just adds a nice balance and something for everyone right? I don't care about that, I have my own views on things.;)

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