Big Praise


Hi all- I just want to take this opportunity to give some praise where it is due. I am 30 yrs old, and have used workout videos off and on for about 5 years (all Firms). Last summer I realized I had unwittingly put on 15 pounds and had gotten quite big and untoned. So I cranked up my workouts and started eating more carefully.

After 4 months I had lost 10 lbs but I stayed there, stuck at 125 lbs despite my best efforts. THEN I discovered Cathe and got Circuit Max, Interval Max, Cardio Kicks, Power Hour and MIS. They are incredible workouts, and were just the things to break me through the pesky plateau! I dropped the final 5 lbs with Cathes help and have been maintaining at a very strong and healthy 120 for three months now!

And one final note: I have been fair-weather running a 4.5 mile loop for years. After this winter of Cathe, I ran it for the first time this spring 8 minutes FASTER than usual! Cathe workouts kept me in such good shape that my runs are faster and easier even at this early point in the season! Thanks SO MUCH!
And Cathe, best wishes for you and your growing family.

PS: I think it is amazing and unprecedented to have the expert herself checking posts on her website so people like us can actually communicate with her. Cathe you are doing so many things right!!
Hi Lhk! Thank you so much. I'm completely flattered. But the credit goes to YOU! You worked hard for all you have achieved and you deserve all the wonderful results your accomplishments have brought you. Congratulations!!!!!
I just have to second the praise for cathe! I've seen such increases in my stamina and energy with your videos! My favorite is MIC and it was the hardest for me at first. I hope to see more like this. The music gets me really moving and I get that feeling like the "runners' high". I've lost 9 lbs. recently with ww and cathe's videos. It's the first I've lost in 5 years of working out. Thanks cathe!
I'll third that. My sister 'forced' me to go on and order Power Hour DVD when I was complaining that I wasn't strong enough or flexible enough during my martial arts classes and that I was already scared of the pre-black belt training that is at least a year and a half away. That was back in february and 5 DVD sets later I'm a Cathe ADDICT and am already kicking stronger, have improved flexibility in my tightest area, and have more endurance and also, strangely enough, more confidence in my martial arts skills! I know that continuing to use Cathe and increasing my weights will get me ready for the black belt training I'll have in late 2003, its the perfect compliment to the training we do in my tae kwon do classes. Also the only reason I was able to jump right in to Cathe workouts was 2 years of intense tae kwon do classes, so her intensity level is right up there with the rigors of Martial Arts! :)

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