
Anyone out there with wide feet (mine are an 8 1/2) have any luck with finding a good aerobic shoe, maybe special order from someplace? I have horrible troubles finding good shoes for me--I have a wide wide foot with a moderate to low arch. Cannot wear Rika, period. lately the Reebock line is OK, but still not great. I buy the inserts, wear the shock resistant socks.. replace the shoes every 4-6 months because I am hard on them...
I spend more money on my feet than my clothes. **sigh**
It is so hard to work out so hard and always have aching feet taking away from enjoying the workout. (Note, I have different running shoes and those are OK)
Thanks for any help you can offer. :)
I have big feet....9-1/2, and currently am wearing Reebok Cross trainers for aerobics and kickboxing. Since crosstrainers seem to work, why don't you try to get fitted with men's shoes, since you would have an easier time finding wider shoes in a man's shoe. They look the same as women's, so no one needs to know. That would seem to me to be the fastest and cheapest solution to your problem.

I've been buying shoes in the men's department for years. Let me know what you end up doing to solve your problem.
Hi HB--

Thanks for the idea...I will give it a try next trip and let you know! :-cool

I have never worn crosstrainers, will have to check out if any have good lateral support? One time about 4 years ago I went for a flight in step class when we were doing full back turns over (helicopters) because by ankle just kindof gave out and flopped in my shoe and the rest of me kept going. I sprained my ankle badly (and my pride even worse) and the Doc told me to be sure forever after to make sure I had really good lateral supports in my shoes. Or, in my terms, dork protection. :-rollen
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-00 AT 05:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Kristina -- as the owner of HUGE feet (11WW!), I can certainly relate! I've had wonderful luck with the New Balance line. Although their larger/wider sizes are not always available at retail stores, there are many places online that have them: Athlete's Foot, D!ck's Sporting Goods (, The Sports Authority, etc. Try going to and click on "Sports" to see what online coupons are currently being offered. I just ordered a new pair of NB 608s from Sports Chalet earlier today, with $10 off. Good luck!

PS: I can't believe this software edited out the word D!ck's! Hopefully my attempt at an alternative spelling will work!

NEW BALANCE, MY SAVIORS!! Try Road runner sports shoes at They offer all kinds of sports shoes. i have never had shoes that fit this well.
Alzner Effect

I don't know how to look up profiles, Honeybunch...hope you had a notify on this..
I found a place in my town called Good Feet that does custom made inserts called "the alzner effect."
Cost about $65 but SO worth it. My feet are a whole new person, and the inserts can be worn in any shoe and last for about a year. They correct any balance problem and bring the foot to "perfect" alignment. WOW. Great thing.

If there is a picture of a girl's face (ICON) above the poster's message, you can click on it and it will give you that person's profile. When you finish reading it, just click the "back" button to return. Hope this helps. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Similar problem

I wear a 9 1/2 and while the ball of my foot is really wide, the heel is pretty narrow, so men's shoes won't cut it. I also have pretty high arches. I have yet to find strictly aerobic shoes that are comfortable. I have found both Nike and Addidas crosstrainers that are wonderful.
My best advice is to check out someplace like Oshmans. The one here has the world's WORST salespeople. This is good, because all of the shoes are on the floor (no one has to go to the back to get them), so you can try on, jump around, jog in place, do ricochets, whatever, and no one will bother you.
Of course, because I'm so disgusted with the sales people, if the pair I like aren't on MAJOR sale, I go across the mall-hall and buy them at Lady Footlocker :)
New Balance

I really like my New Balance shoes, cross-trainers, 'fitness,' and walking shoes. I have 11 AA and these are the first shoes that have fit me.

Some places to try for good sales:

All three have clearance deals all the time. I like the Brown's New Balance site and paper catalog for research because they explain the full details of each shoe and what "Abzorb" and "Stability Web," etc. all really mean.

Good luck! It's no fun to have feet that hurt. :-mad

:) Gretchen
New Asics Fitness Shoes that I LOVE LOVE LOVE


When I discovered Cathe's videos about a year ago it didn't take long to realize that this kind of working out needed really serious shoes. I also have learned it helps me to go a half size larger than normal to avoid my toe slamming into the shoe on all the power and pivot kinds of moves Cathe throws at us. My normal shoe size is 9-1/2 M but my fitness shoes are 10's. (My running shoes are men's 10's - go figure :-rollen)

I too have had good luck with the New Balance and would still be wearing them except that Asics (they make terrific running shoes - I've worn nothing else for the last four years) came out with a fitness shoe - the Asics Gel Newporter. Great stability, :-jumpy cushioning, a roomier toe box (which I like-I know some people don't) and virtually no break-in. These babies fit like gloves from day one :-cool. I don't have sore shins, or get cramps in my feet anymore from wimpy shoes, or the dreaded black toe nails :eek:. I paid $64.00 for them at Chick's Sporting Goods here in So. Calif., but I bet you could find them cheaper.

Good luck with your search and let us know if you find a shoe you like.

Janet H
RE: Big Feet

I don't have any other suggestions other than those already offered, but I'd just like to say I was glad to hear that other people have the same problem I do! Do the shoe manufacturers think that everyone has itty bitty feet? I take a 7 Wide and have the hardest time. Getting off the subject of fitness shoes, fashion shoes are even worse! I won't buy an outfit unless I know I have shoes to go with it! The complete opposite of the rest of the world!

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone

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