Big Calves!


I have huge calves. They've so big that I can't wear boots. They've always been large even I was very thin and had a very low body fat percentage. My sisters and my mother are the same way. I've been skipping the calf exercises in fear that working those muscles will only make them bigger. But could it make them smaller? I've tried calf exercises in the past and it never made a difference. And like I wrote earlier, I don't think it's fat because they were the same size when I had very little fat on my body.

Should I do the calf exercises or not?

I would like to know the answer to this question as I have salamis instead of calves!

I have read (I forget where), that women should not be afraid to do calf exercises because the fat is interspersed in the muscle, and when the fat is finally burned away, the calf will get smaller.

Sounds like bunk to me, actually.

I'll be checking back at this post to see what other people have to say!

Susan G.
I would also love to know the answer to this question.My calves are not overly big but I would love for them to be alittle bit smaller.
When I do Cathe tapes, I always skipped the calf work out b/c I was afraid that it would make my calves bigger.But as of last week I started doing them again.I guess if my legs get bigger I will just have to stop.
But big legs are in my family......mine are not as big has my sisters and my mothers but they are bigger then my husbands.
Hope Cathe replies,
My good friend is a personal trainer. She is a petite thing and has a lot of muscle. She has the same complaint about her calves. She is a long distance runner too which is supposed to help slim them down, but they are the same size. She realizes it is purely genetics. I met her father and they have the exact same calves. So I am afraid that it is your genetics that determines your size. I wouldn't be afraid to train your calves though. I don't think you will make them bigger, but they can become more defined.
I also have huge calves. When my thighs were slimmer, they were about the same diameter as my calves! I don't usually do any isolated calf moves, but when I do, I do many reps with no weights.

It's definitely a genetic thing. There are male bodybuilders out there who have calf implants because they have naturally small calves. Wonder if there's a transplant procedure that can benefit both groups ;-)
I also have big calves. They are getting (or at least appearing) thinner. I'm still working on getting them thinner. What I've done so far are calf raisers without weights 3x25 3 times a wk. And running or walking will help. All "we" can do is get all the fat we can out of them and let the muscle do what it will. You can't get rid of the muscle.
I just read an article in Shape or Fitness (I'm not sure which) where someone asked the same question. The advice was that she might as well take atvantage of it and use it in sports like running or volleyball. I also read that if you build the quads more it will seem more even. That's what I've been doing as well.
Hope that helps
I have big calves, too, and I still do calf exercises to give them some shape. It's genetic in my case, too, so I just have to live with it. I just stay away from high boots and narrow pants.

I have a fairly small behind, so I'll take the big calves.
I have big calves, too, and I still do calf exercises to give them some shape. It's genetic in my case, too, so I just have to live with it. I just stay away from high boots and narrow pants.

I have a fairly small behind, so I'll take the big calves.
I've never been overly thrilled with the size of my calves either .. however I've found that working them (ala PS Series) the way it's presented in the video has actually slimmed them down! In doing this workout, I've noticed about a 1/2" - 3/4" reduction in their size. I do the first set of calf raises non-weighted. For the remaining two sets, I work each calf separately holding an 8lb dumbbell. Halfway through, I switch sides, and repeat that for the 2nd set.

I was surprised that adding weight training to my calves has actually shaped, defined, and *reduced* their overall size! Something to think about ..

Happy Workouts!
My big calves are not a problem as long as I don't wear boots or very slim pants. I consider them an asset. It's all in our attitude! Honey bunch I'm with you. At least my behind is small, so I won't complain about the claves!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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