Biceps: barbell vs dumbell


I find that I can only feel my biceps working in bicep curls if I use dumbells. As soon as I do the same move with a barbell, I can't feel the work in my biceps anymore. Does anyone else find this?

RE: Biceps: dumbbells for me!

Hi, Sharon! I prefer dumbbells to barbell for biceps curls myself, because with a barbell the wrists have to stay in a fixed position that may or may not be natural throughout the ROM; PLUS my dominant side (in my case the right side) winds up doing more of the work just because it's a bit stronger and more coordinated. Plus, the weight load is more concentrated in dumbbells then on the barbell, so I too feel it more.

RE: Biceps: dumbbells for me!

I'm the odd woman out here...I feel much more of a burn in biceps using a barbell. Just goes to show everyone's different!

:) Stacy
RE: Biceps: dumbbells for me!

I'm like you Stacy - I find the barbell much harder to use for biceps than the dumbells. It's much more of a challenge for me (i.e. those darned crazy eights in CTX) :-wow
RE: Biceps: dumbbells for me!

Hi Annette, do you still do bicep curls with a barbell, or do you substitute dumbells?
RE: Hi, Shaz!

See above . . .

I do biceps curls exclusively with dumbbells these days, primarily because I like to vary the hand position (hammer curls, supinated hammer curls, one-arm isolation curls, and then the classic palms-up position); plus, I'm experimenting these days with compound moves like a combination hammer curl into overhead press, and a combination standard curl into an overhead Arnold press. None of these lend themselves to a barbell except the standard curl-up.

That being said, there are a million different ways to paddle the canoe, and if you like barbells by all means use 'em, and if you don't, don't!

How's that for a clear answer?

Annette The Slightly Overcaffeinated
Annette, you're a panic!

I love your posts -- always great info, always advocating moderation in all things (my life's motto -- deny nothing, moderate everything), and always funny.

What a great way to kick off my morning -- a classic Aquajock witticism. :)

Your pal, the also slightly overcaffeinated (but it's a HAPPY buzz!;-)) Kathy S.
RE: KathyS: Caffeine RULES!

If I didn't have my two strong cups of homemade witch's brew every morning I'd be in a coma!

If you think I'm giddy on the Cathe forums, you should see me when I teach an aqua class! Take no prisoners, rock-shock-aqua, and never let any sense of dignity, self-respect or embarrassment deter me from kicking my participants' butts!

RE: Biceps: dumbbells for me!

>I'm the odd woman out here...I
>feel much more of a
>burn in biceps using a
>barbell. Just goes to
>show everyone's different!
>:) Stacy

I find bicep curls with a barbell much tougher than with dumbbells! For years I didn't have a barbell, and always used dumbbells for everything. When I finally did purchase a barbell, I had to lower my weight on the biceps. Not sure why this is, but I definitely feel more of a burn with that barbell!

Jeanne :)

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