BFL-Week 11


Well, I caved last night. I struggled all day to stay on plan. I am PMS'ing, BAD. I wanted hot fudge so bad, and I took my free day on Friday. I finally gave in, plus when I came home, I made some chips and cheese. Then my stomach had the nerve to growl when I woke up this morning. I ALMOST threw in the towel today too. I am almost done!! How can I think that?? I am just feeling stressed, fat, lazy, and I plain want to eat. I will get over it, but I feel so fat right now, it is hard to keep going, but I will. I did NOT want to do a hard cardio today, so I did the cardio from C&W, and did the 4th cardio twice to give me 45 mins. It was hard, but not like Imax Extreme, or the Gauntlet cardio. I also preordered all of the new Body Blast today. I really did not want the cardio ones, but if I ordered 3 DVD's, it would be $120, and if I ordered the whole set, it would be $129. So, I ordered them all. I will like the cardio's I am sure. I love anything Cathe. Well, hope everyone had a good weekend.
Hi all! Lori you sound just like me! I am totally PMSing too! Feeling fat! Feeling hungry! Plus I am sick with a stinky sinus infection! uuuggghhh! I didn't eat very good all weekend. Didn't really stick to plan at all. Probably didn't eat enough calories or enough of the right stuff at all. I just didn't have an appetite and when I did it was only for bad stuff. I am just feeling so sick. Planning on getting back on plan tomorrow. I haven't worked out since Thursday due to this stupid cold!

I am not going to double up workouts anymore w/LB. It really got the best of me last week. I dbld up on Monday w/LB & Cardio. My legs were soooooo sore all week!

Tomorrow I am due for cardio and will only do it in the evening if I am feeling better. If not I will probably take 1 more day off. Figure it is better for my body to use it's energy on repairing the BODY versus repairing muscles at this point! I need to get better:(

My goals for this week are:
1. Get over this cold!
2. Drink tons of water
3. Stick to BFL plan 100%
4. Continue w/lower fat foods (seemed to work last week)

Well gotta get my little one off to bed!

Hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day! Chat w/ya' later!
Hi everyone,

Got up this morning and did MIS lower body and the stability part of PLB. I can feel it in my butt and hams so hopefully that is a good sign that it was a good workout. Tomorrow is cardio.
The weekend was OK. Did my cardio on Saturday and then seem to splurge a little too much in the sweets. Back on track today.

Still debating if I want to try a fat burner? I was looking at Diet fuel by Twinlab or EAS Thermodynamx (the new one).

Also need to pre-order the new vids.

Hope everyone has a nice day,
Good Morning!

Is the PMS going around or what? I don't know if it's that for me or just fatigue! I was a little on edge this morning and warned the kids that I was feeling irritable and crabby. "So back off!" :)

My weekend sucked! Thursday was my last day working out! I have spent the majority of the weekend, shopping, attending a Mother's Day brunch Saturday, helping my son get ready for his class dance, cooking, cleaning and lining kitchen shelves yesterday, that I couldn't fit in any other workouts! :( How sad!

But I am looking on the brighter side! Those days are past, I can't recover them, and I actually enjoyed the weekend! So I'm back on track too and will do a few A.M. workouts this week because our client conference starts tomorrow and 2 of the evenings I will spend with the clients at planned activities.

Then I am getting WITH THE PROGRAM because I plan to see this through! :7

I'm dragging today but I will do my workout tonight!

Talk with you all later!
I did MIS UB today. That workout is tough!!! I will rpobably finish out the Challenge with that for mY ub WORK. Hope everyone has a good day.
I went to the Dr. today and got some antibiotics. I sure hope they kick in soon!

I managed to get in my UB workout today. I didn't do a tape just did it on my own as my 2 year old watched tv. I pretty much did something similar to PUB but my own stuff and followed BFL. Whoooo... I am SORE! Feels good as I hadn't worked out since Thursday since I have been sick.

Hope to get my butt out of bed in time to do cardio tomorrow morning. That is if I am feeling better. If not I will do it tomorrow night probably.

Gotta get to bed!
I am a complete crab today, I feel terrible. Today is cardio day, UGH, I feel like doing NOTHING. I will have to find something to do, amybe something different again to just break up the boredom. Talk to you later guys, I hope tomorrow I am nicer.
I suppose my moodiness is over because I woke up this morning, washed the few dishes from last night and baked some carrot cake muffins! They were quite tasty! :9 I'll have to buy those again. I think they were by Betty Crocker.

Yesterday on the ride home I realized that I was NOT 3 days behind working out, I only missed my Saturday and Sunday workouts. I completely forgot that I did Power Hour early Friday morning! Woo Hoo! :7 Then last night to get in some cardio/interval and leg work I did Power Circuit.

Here are my plans for the rest of the week:

Wed: CTX cardio/a.m. (baseball game in the evening)
Thu: CTX Cardio/a.m. (conference dinner in the evening)
Fri: Power Hour/a.m.
Sat: Cardio (not sure what)
Sun: ME

My goals for the week are:

1. drink more water
2. do some extra stretching
3. eat more fresh fruits and veggies

Will check in later! My sinuses are bothering me again today and my eyes feel itchy and puffy! I need to get away from this computer screen.

Talk with you later,
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I did my cardio on the treadmill and boy my legs felts really heavy (did Lower body on Monday). This morning did MIS uppper body. Felt good, didn't want to do it but once I started I finished. Does anyone know how long doing all PS upperbody is? I am trying to put other upper body's together. I am getting CTX upper body and should have it tomorrow when I get home. The rest of the week looks like this:

Thurs treadmill
Fri Power Hour
Sat treadmill

I have only two more weeks doing the BFL way after that I am thinking about changing up a bit and adding in Boot Camp. I like the short cardio days and am thinking about keeping those but changing up the videos a bit.

Hey Gals! I have not deserted you before I even started. I did start my first week of BFL on Sunday. So far everything is going well. I'm having a hard time fitting in 6 meals a day though. During the work week I can only fit in 5 due to my work schedule. I guess 5 is better than 3. Does anyone else feel like this is so much food? I keep having to convince myself that this is what my body needs and that I won't gain more weight from eating so frequently. These feelings may subside once I get through this week. I'm PMSing. What a week to start a new program, but next week will hopefully be better.

The workouts are going well. On Sunday I did PUB, was still sore last night from it. Monday I did Imax 2 and last night I did PLB. I think I might try to stick with the BFL exercise plan for at least a couple of weeks before I tweak the workouts, maybe doing 1 UB, 1 LB, and 1 total body. I'll just play it by ear.

I hope everyone has a great day!
I was so crabby yesterday, I forgot to report some great news. I went to Kohl's the other day and bought a pair of crop pants. I always wear an 8, so I just grabbed them and came home. Two days later, I tried them on and they are too big!! I am going to take them back. I will try the 6 before I bring them home just to make sure, but it was a good surprise. Today is LB, I will probably do MIS LB. I do a couple of the exercises twice to make it a little longer. I can't wait for the new series, the leg and glute tape sounds the best to me!!

LoriS - I forgot to congratulate you on going down a size or 2 in pants! That's some wonderful news!! :) I can't wait to get the Legs and Glutes tape myself. My legs are not cooperating with me. x( Could it be that I'm turning into the other women in my family? I'm working out but am seeing very little improvements. I keep telling myself to stick with this but it's tough! Maybe when I workout I should wear leggings instead of shorts. Then I won't have that reminder everytime I look into the mirror! :)

Kristi - it isn't easy squeezing in all those meals. I still can't do it! Some days I manage 5, others 4. I'm just not hungry. I really need to locate the EAS AdvantEdge strawberry meal replacement shakes. Our Wal-Mart used to carry that flavor but discontinued it - now it's strictly vanilla and chocolate on the shelves. :( But when I was drinking one of those during the day (at 3:30 p.m. snack), I was able to get in a few extra calories and saw some great definition and muscle gains in my body. So if you can, try to work those meals and/or snacks in! I was afraid of all the extra calories too but with the workouts going the way they were it didn't hurt at all! :) But I'm glad your first week is going well!

I think with this next BFL challenge, I will use my BFL Success Journal and exercise on my own. I'm gradually getting things together for that. I need to be better organized next time -- leave no room for failure! :)

Didn't workout at all last night! :( I was feeling so tired and drained by the time I got home. I even skipped my niece and nephews' program I felt so bad. And my nephew was crowned king and I missed it! I fell asleep around 8:15 and didn't wake up until 4 a.m. this morning - dozed off again and awakened when the alarm buzzed. Today if the old allergies flare up again I have a new medication to use. :)I've got to be on my toes for the client conference outing to the Cardinals game.

Time to check a few other threads! Will check in later today or tomorrow!

Good Morning everyone!!!! Today is cardio day for me. I think my last 2 weeks I am going to do longer cardio, and more steady stae, just to try to mix things up. I might do Step Works or Power Max today. Where has everyone been?? The BFL message seems slow....hope everyone has a good day.

Did anyone try the No Bake Protein Bars???
I was wondering where everyone is as well? Is Lori Hart back from Cuba? I hope she had a great time.

Last night was cardio for me. I did mine on the treadmill with the 20 minutes BFL style. I noticed that I will need to up my speed next time. It used to be that I could hit my 10's by going 6.7 mph. I guess now I will need to up it to 7 or 7.5 mph. Tonight is scheduled to be PUB. I'm really looking forward to my workouts.

So far my eating has went really well. Haven't really veered from my set course. Still can't fit in 6 meals, but I am perfectly fine with 5. If I can do well this week while I am PMSing then I should be able to do well most of the other weeks. Let's hope this holds true.

I meant to make the No Bake Protein Bars this weekend. Maybe I will be able to make them tonight. I look forward to trying the recipe.

Keep up the good work ladies and have a great day!:) :)
Hi everyone,
I did my cardio this morning. boy my legs have just felt so sore this week. I haven't done anything differently but I know I have worked them.
Tomorrow will be Power Hour.
Only two more weeks for me, then I plan on mixing up things a bit. I plan on keep doing the eating part of BFL (as I have noticed that is the part that helps with losing weight :) ) I plan on mixing up the tapes a bit more.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I haven't tried the no bake protein bars - I don't have the dried milk yet.

This is soooo weird! I just posted a message on this thread and it never showed up! I am wondering what is going on or if I did something wrong? Bummer as I posted a nice long message to all of you! Guess I will try again :-(

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I am still fighting this nasty cold. Went to the Dr. and they gave me some antibiotics. Feeling a bit better. I worked out tonight at the club and got a great cardio workout with a step class. Intervals and all!

I am having a hard time stickin to this program the past week. Not sure if it is the cold or what? It is also TTOM so that could be part of it. I feel bloated, can not stand the sight of chicken, beef etc.... so having a hard time eating enough. Just don't have an appetite at all. I figure I will just go with it and get back on track 100% on Sunday.

I am also getting a bit bored with the workouts. Tonight I added in triceps and back after cardio. I think I am going to start splitting the UB days to mix it up a bit.

Maybe we should all work on a "tweak" plan for the next cycle? Maybe come up with some cool rotations that include a total body day and split the UB into 2 days? What do you think? I'll work on it this weekend and maybe you guys can come up with some ideas too?

I am in week 5 of the 2nd challenge I started and would be in week 10 of the first. Now I am wishing I wouldn't have started over. Oh well. I am just going to tweak a bit starting next week.

I also have hit a plateau on the scale!! Haven't lost a lb in over 2 weeks! uuuggghhh! I am still losing inches so not sure what the problem is. Everyone is starting to notice at work. It is almost embarrassing. I went shopping over lunch today and had to buy some new pants. Even the ones I bought a few weeks ago are now getting big. I know... it is a good problem to have but is still a pain when you don't have anything that fits you in your closet and you are late to work! Even my sweaters are starting to look big. Oh well. I'll be pregnant hopefully this summer and will fill them out I am sure.

You guys should post your pics on the new site I built. Did you see the post? The url is http://[email protected]/CatheAddicts LoriS - I saw you are now a member! Congrat! I would love to put faces with your names. I posted 1 ugly pic of me and my fat bod so you can see what I look like.

Glad to see everyone is still hanging in there! We can do it!

Wonder where LoriH is? Haven't seen her check in on this board. Saw that she is back. Can't wait to hear all about her trip!

Well, I am going to bed. I am tired and need the rest.

Have a happy Friday gals!
Hi Everyone!!!!

FitNut, I do not know how to post pics. I am pretty computer illeterate. I maybe in spelling also, not sure I spelled that right???

Today I am taking my last free day. Pics are next Sunday, the 25th. I would love a new rotation to start, I am getting bored with the UB, LB thing also. I kinda liked the looks of Cathe's April rotation. It is a thought......Hope everyone has a good day.
Lori S.
Hi All!

I have survived 2 nights of entertainment with the clients! And boy am I feeling the effects of that luau last! :) I did not know that you could work up such a sweat hula dancing. It wasn't too bad at first but then when the dancers pulled out grass skirts and different items you hold in your hand to help express the movements - whew! :7 I was working up a little sweat being on the dance floor "participating"! It's amazing how people won't even try anything new, they'd rather sit back at watch instead of having some fun! I had a blastthough! The dancers' performances were great - they wore the traditional clothing (if that's what you call decorated grass skirts, the head piece, the tops, everything! Reminded me of the dancers I loved seeing while watching Hawaii 5-0. :7

So today my abs and hips are sore! I think most of that is from the hula dancing but then there was 2 hours of dancing to music performed by a live band! But alas, I must get back to wroking out! I have missed it. I thought this week, with the conference going on I would get up and do some a.m. workouts! Ha! For the last 2 nights I've barely made it home by 12:30 A.M.!

I will attempt some cardio tonight! Won't promise the length of time I'll spend doing it but you can bet it will be at least 20 minutes. Then tomorrow morning I need to tackle a ton of gardening work. :eek: I think I should prepare a list of chores and while I'm at it a grocery list. I don't have to work tomorrow which will make it easier getting my own projects completed!

Fitnut - I like the sounds of tweaking! :) :7 I'm already plotting my next challenge! I'm getting my training journal together, nutrition pages (maybe a basic notebook), recipes and a set of 25 lb. dumbbells.
And I even plan to use a camera for before, monthly and after shots. I think my first tweak will be using a full body workout once per week - so four weight training days and minimal cardio.

I'll try to come up with some ideas too for the tweaking process. Are we trying to do 1 total body, various upper splits and 1 lower body? You didn't mention the lower body so I was just wondering. And is this with or without videos or both?

I'll be back!
So far so good! Last night I did my upper body weight workout. However, I had to modify it due to my time constraint. Instead of doing PUB with Cathe, I did my weights BFL style but without the minute pause between sets. It condensed the workout down to 30 minutes which worked out perfectly for me, but I only do this in extreme circumstances. I really like to take my time and concentrate on each rep to get the most out of my time. Why workout otherwise?

Fitnut - I also think that tweaking the workouts is a great idea. After I finish two weeks of workouts the way that it says to do it in the book, then I might tweak my workouts to be 2 UB, 2 LB, & 2 cardios days per week, or maybe 1 UB, 1 LB, 3 cardios, & 1 total body. I would really like to make sure I get in 2 good LB workouts a week and at least 2 cardios. I don't want my body to get used to the same workouts and halt my progress.

Well, my first week is almost over, Sunday will be the beginning of week 2. My eating is pretty good. I really haven't had any bad relapses yet, but I think that is where my planning has came in handy. I've came to the realization that if I can only eat 5 meals a day then I will make the most out of them and hopefully make wise choices.

Here are my goals:
1. Keep preparing my food ahead of time so it will make it easier to
make wiser choices.
2. Try to keep up with my food journal.
3. Drink more water.

I'm really hoping that by this time next month I will see a difference in my body. Even if my weight does not change hopefully my bodyfat % will.

Keep up the good work and have a wonderful weekend.


P.S. Fitnut - I would post a photo of me, but I really don't have recent ones. I'll look around for one.

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