Good Morning, Ladies ~
BBC Arms/Abs Cardio w/ Barry down...boy, does he kick arse or what? I swear my lungs were burning by the 2nd round. I was soaked! I finished up w/ the abs portion of that DVD. You know, there isn't much ab work, but it's short and sweet ... I always feel my abs!

Depending on what time we get out of work, I would like to hit the gym and do 30 mins on the elliptical. Tonight is S&H Bi's & Tri's.
Work gave us a turkey for the holidays. The owner owns farms, so they are fresh birds...They are soooo tender, so different than the ones you buy at the grocery store. I got my free turkey cert. again @ Giant this year, but I think I will opt for the Lasagna or $10 off coupon. Last year we had 2-turkeys and the one never got cooked...I could always donate it, or is it too late for that?
Gayle~ Go Gayle, Go Gayle!! We will be cheering you on...Your ears are going to be ringing, you will hear us screaming and cheering you on !!!

I'm right with you on the goals. Tomorrow I plan on being 100% clean! I enjoy my weekend free day too much ... my "lazy day.."

I know you can keep clean, you have totally rocked this challenge...I hope I can go through the challange as good as you have!! Week 4 is NOT going to get me this time. Great job on PUB! I like this DVD, now PLB, not so much...I don't know why... I can't normally go as heavy on PUB, I guess b/c of the speed of it. Is this more a endurance series?
Let's DO THIS!! Can you believe it....7 pds!! I saw that also on Biggest Loser! I can't believe how great Kae (Is that how you spell her name?) looks! I loved her!! I think my next fave is Hollie
Heidi~ Great job on BootCamp!! YAY

Enjoy GS today ... I love this series. I'm not too fond w/ back, but Shoulders are my favorite to work. My kids had a 1/2 day also. I let my DD stay home, my son went to school though...His GF is going away for the holidays, so he is complaining he won't see her for a week....

Awwwww... LOL I'm mean I know!
BBL, Off to heat up my protein pancakes!!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"