BFL Tuesday 1/15

Hey Melissa!

That sound good to me!;-) Is your DH feeling any better? Has things passed...ya know...? Terrible if things are taking their grand old painful time to go away. x(

DH is walking better today. He took off the leg brace and I think that has helped. He should reall stay off it as much as possible though. I don't want another blood clot or hematoma to develop!

I was just checking in quickly...need to go pick up DS. I will be back to read all the other posts. Heidi:7
Hi girls!

Gayle** I didn’t think out checking out the web site! The manual is with Alesia! LOL! Thank you!

Heidi** I am glad your DH is doing a little better today!

Melissa** how is you DH doing?

Jennifer** are you in any pain? I hope you feel better!

I will see you all tomorrow morning!

Hi Heidi and Belinda!!! It's nice to hear that your DH is up and walking around Heidi. I hope he doesn't overdo it.

DH is doing about the same. I appreciate your concern! He hasn't passed the stone yet. He has good moments and bad, depending on whether or not he took the pain meds in time! He goes back at the end of the week for another CAT scan and I'm hoping that if the stone hasn't moved, that they'll go in and get it. Which is unpleasant since there is only one way in, if you know what I mean. But I think if it was me, I'd rather go get it over with. The anticipation of not knowing when it's going to make it's grand and painful exit would be unbearable...x( !!!

Okay, meals for the day:

M#1: 3 egg white mini quiches & sweet potato fries
M#2: beef & barley soup (LOVIN' this stuff!!!)
M#3: w/w tortilla, lean beef, salsa & 1T low fat cheddar
M#4: salad w/chicken breast & veggies
M#5: grilled steak w/baked potato & brocolli
M#6: 1/2 c oatmeal w/ 1/2 c 1%

I pulled out my old VHS tape, Gin Miller's Intense Moves. Gonna give it a whirl tonight!

Hi all- how is everyone?

Today is going well- my eating is on track and I already did my 20 min. on the treadmill today. The only problem I had was not eating until 10:00AM because i wanted to wo on an empty stomach. This means I'm going to miss one meal today.

Anyone know of some good websites for recipes? I'm trying to figure out dinner tonight.

Jean-I'm in the same boat as you with missing a meal today. Since I overslept and did my WO from 8-9:10, I ate at 9:45 which is usually my SECOND meal! For recipes, try They don't have a ton of healthy recipes, but they do have a LOT that can very easily be modified to healthy!

I'm baaaaack!!! I just HAD to do some personals!!!

Sherry - oh how I love the pyramids -- maybe because I just matched Cathe's weights in lower body!!! However, I am still a weakling in the upper body -- so that is one my goals!!

Belinda - I sure wish I could help with the MP3 troubles. Sorry!!!

Gayle - I CANNOT believe you stood me up this morning!!! Tomorrow you'd better be there girl -- my goal is not to use any pink or girly looking weights for my upper body workout!!! Well, maybe for shoulders!!

Melissa - I had fun "working" with you today!! Best of luck to the hubby.

Heidi - That's so funny that DH is jealous of us. He should be -- we are an awesome group of ladies!! By the way, when does he go back to work - he he!! :)

Kathy - I love reading your mileage posts. I gives me something to strive for!! You go girl!

Michelle -- Oooops, that's me. har har!!

Susan - I love 4DS -- however, since starting BFL I am determined to stick with the plan -- since my eating is sometimes off track, I'm doing my best to stick with the pryamids. :) However, I may do bootcamp for my next cardio day -- that is a killer!!

Jean & Gayle -- oh my you can't get that last meal in -- I soooo wish I had that problem. I seem to be getting hungry even between my meals. Gee, you would think 6 meals would be enough!!! Hey, I'll eat one of your meals today -- what are friends for!!???

Man, I hope I didn't miss anyone!!

Yeah!! Have a great evening everyone!
Alright, Michelle, I'll be there bright and early tomorrow. I'm planning on BFL upper body weights, after warming up with GS Chest push ups. Then, ASSUMING I GET UP EARLY ENOUGH AND DO INDEED MEET MICHELLE, (lol) I'd like to add on the iTread 26 tempo run again. I loved it tons this morning. Just a nice easy leisurely run to finish it up. But we'll see.

Good night! See you all in the AM!

Hello I am back also,

Just got back from my doc. Had an x-ray of my wrist and arm. I will find out tomorrow what the deal is. I also have a new ortho doc to go see if needed.

Melissa: Ouch! Makes me shiver just thinking what they have to do for your DH. I feel really bad for him. I hope things workout soon for the both of you.

Thanks Michelle for the comment on DH being Jealous! Made me smile big time :)

Hubby hanging....Have to go. BBL Heidi
Hi all- just another quick question for all you experts!! Is Fat free microwave popcorn an authorized food? I thought I read somewhere that it was.

Gayle - What exactly is a "nice easy leisurely run" never heard of such a thing. Unless you are talking about a "walk". har har.

I will see you tomorrow -- don't be late!!


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