BFL - Monday


Goodmorning ladies!

I did my 2nd workout of the NRLFW. Personally, I’m just glad I got up and got it done. I am so much into my habit of Cathe or BFL workouts – it’s hard to study the book and try and figure out what I’m doing.

There are a few things in the book that I thought were worth mentioning – it is now 6:00 and I need to get going to work – but I’ll start you out with one quote from his book:

“A woman is willing to work like a galley slave in Spinning class, twist her self into Gordian knots in the yoga studio, and build enough core strength with Pilates to prop up a skyscraper will walk into the weight room, pick up the pastel-colored Barbie weights, and do the exact opposite of what will give her the results she wants.”

Ha ha. So true. However, not so true of my BFL gals!

Hi, Michelle!!! Great job getting in your workout today (already)! I like that quote, but I PROMISE you that there are NO pastel colored weights on MY weight rack at home! LOL

I'm in need of a hardcore upper body workout. Maybe I'll see if the library has the NRLFW and browse. I had upper body for today, but didn't want to do PUB since I did it last week and I didn't really want to split UB into 2 days using GS (although now I think I should have). So I browsed my Cathe collection and decided to pull out the Super Sets & Push Pull DVD. I chose the SS UB Blast premix. So-so, in my opinion. Good workout, just not as HARDCORE as I would have liked. So I tacked on the chest and back segment from PP and THEN added on 100 push ups on my knees and on the bench to really top off the chest, tris and shoulders. We'll see. I think Friday's UB workout will be a BFL pyramid to max out.


today is the first day of the kids' Recreation Program at the public park. It goes from 9-12, weather permitting. They do all kinds of activities. They're forecasting rain, so we'll see if they get to go today or not. Our Play Off game is tonight, but again, we'll see what the weather has planned for us. IF IF IF the kids go to Rec, then I'm tackling my house cleaning in a BIG BIG way.

Off to shower and start breakfast.

Good Morning girls!

today is a power walk or a run interval on the treadmill and im thinking about doing PUB! Havent done it in a while!

Gayle-Wow,great workout! Just reading it makes me tired:+

Sherry-i may have to checkout that book as well! sounds interesting! Enjoy your day!

hey to all that follows! I will bb this evening to post my meals and report my wokrout:)
Good Morning All,

Today is upper body for me but I have to wait until this afternoon to workout.
I have an appointment with my endocrinologist this morning. Along with my quarterly lab results, I'm going to find out what is the world is wrong. For the past few months or so, I get completely exhausted and winded from just walking up the stairs. My heart beats through my chest and I'm gasping for air. I have to lay down for a few minutes to catch my breath. I've also noticed that it is harder for me to complete a step workout without pausing it many times to catch my breath. I consider myself in good cardiovascular shape and this leaves me scratching my head. I'm hoping that my thyroid levels are off a little bit and this would explain some of what is going on , but I have been on the same dose for over a year.
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? It is not a good feeling and a bit scary at times. Other times my heart beat is totally irregular, beating really fast, then skipping a few beats, then beating really slow. I notice this when I'm in bed resting. My stress levels from the end of the school year is long gone so I'm not sure what could be triggering this.
I'll let you know what if anything is going on.
I made it to work, so I have a minute to type. :)

I wish I would have done a little more research before starting NRLFW – just so I would have known what I was getting myself into. There is even a check-in on Cathe for ladies that are doing it.

First, they are not split into upper and lower. He wants you to work-out three times a week – total body workouts. Once again – I’m looking at this workout as just another “option”. I love the upper body/lower body workouts in BFL – and you know I love Cathe’s pyramids – but I also love push/pull and other total body workouts – so who knows, maybe I’ll like this too.

It starts out kind of slow. I’m sure REALLY slow for you hard-core gals.

Workout #1 is Squats, Pushups, Seated Rows, Step Ups, Prone Jackknifes. Yes, that is it. Two sets of 15 reps each – and your workout is done!! Workout #2 is Dead lifts, Shoulder Press, Pulldowns, Lunges, and Crunches on the stability ball. Once again two sets of 15 reps each. The idea is to get you lifting heavier – so the amount of weight will go up and the reps will go down each workout.

This is REALLY different to me. However, I have heard so much about this book, I just wanted to try it out.

One of the things that I do like is that he doesn’t give us women a break. (Unlike what I’ve heard about BFL for women.) For instance – no girl pushups! Pushups work so much of the body – including the core – and when you go to your knees you aren’t getting the entire benefit. So, you start on an incline and slowly move the floor – all while on your toes. (Interesting because I always start on my toes… then move to my knees – I guess from now on I won’t be doing that!)

Gotta run – but this is just a few more thoughts on this book.

Good morning/afternoon ladies!

Man, am I tired today. I slept awful last night. Then just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard DD shuffling around in her room. She never gets out of bed in the middle of the night! She ended up coming into bed with us and then I REALLY couldn't get to sleep. Coffee has been my friend this morning!!!

UB tonight. And like you Gayle, I'm looking for a KILLER workout. I haven't tried CTX UB yet. Has anyone done this recently?

Okay, I'm trying cottage cheese for the first time today. I put it in the blender last night to get rid of the lumps. Wish me luck!;)

M#1: 1 w/w english muffin w/1T natural pb & 1 c skim
M#2: 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese w/1.5 cups of strawberries
M#3: salad w/1 can tuna & 1/2 c black beans
M#4: apple & 1T walnuts
Michelle – I bought the NROLFW a couple of weeks ago at Borders but still haven’t gotten around to reading all of it. I browsed the recipes (which looked good) but not the exercise section. I also bought the Biggest Loser Cookbook which I really like.

Gayle – Good luck with the play off game tonight! How’s you son’s arm, is he feeling better? I was in the same mood this morning, lol…I ended up pulling out a Gym Style.

Amelia – Enjoy your workout! When does your internship start? Are you excited?

Carolyn – Good idea to get that checked out! It may be hormonal or thyroid related. You do lots of cardio and you’re in really good shape so hopefully you can get some answers.

Belinda – Great job on finishing your rotation! When do you go back to Germany?

Melissa – I think CTX UB is a great workout, it hits every muscle group really thoroughly, when you’re finished….you’re wiped, lol. I actually like cottage cheese as is, the lumps don’t bother me too much, lol.

This morning I did two segments of Core Blast + Gym Style Back/Shoulder/Biceps + Bootcamp Upper/Lower premix + ran 2 miles (intervals). I took 3 days off (Fri, Sat, Sun) because I ended up going to the doctor for this poison ivy. He prescribed steroids plus an anti-itch medication. The swelling and oozing has gone down quite a bit and the itching is subsiding. I’m still on the fence about cancelling my RT spot. I’m going to be exposed to this stuff for a couple of more weeks (DH has it piled out in the back yard) and I’m trying to avoid it but seem to be highly sensitive. Ugh…it looks really awful and it’s spread over my entire body. I have to make a decision by the end of this week to give the wait list person time.

Oh, I missed a 20 mile long run this weekend so I’ll have to make it up this weekend. I was afraid to over exert taking this medication (one of the side affects is possible heart palpitations…YIKES!)

Carolyn-I've never experienced anything like that, sorry. I hope all goes well. PLEASE keep us posted....I'll be thinking of you.

Melissa-CTX UB....DO IT! NExt to PUB, that's up there on the top of MY all-time fave list. I did that last week (and PUB earlier in the week) and I was sore pretty much for 4 days straight. GOOD LUCK!

Kids are due home soon. I've got 35 minutes. I'm going to sit on my tush and read Gone With the Wind, which I'm LOVING! I cut the grass for 2 hours, so I DESERVE to sit for 30 minutes!

Came back to add that I got the new BFL Champions book on audio and although it’s not new information…it’s been very motivational. I can use all the motivation I can get lately, lol.

Caroline - keep us posted. I've never experienced anything like that either. Good luck today. I hope there is a simple explanation!

Belinda & Gayle - CTX UB it is! I knew I could count on you to convince me..;-)

Kathy - I'm actually enjoying the cottage cheese & strawberries. It is taking me FOREVER to eat it, but I like it. Who knew?!?!
Hi girls,

Gayle ,I just finished " Muscle Building & Defining Rotation", I am very happy with my results! I loved every minute of the rotation! Yesterday I noticed my inner thighs still has a layer of fat? I was so shocked!I don't get it?I work my legs really hard! My entire leg is nicely shaped and muscle ,except my inner tights! SOS! This week is 100% clean eating, no more cheating! Of course, I will work my inner tights next week hard!

Hi girls,

I am back with personals! Now I have all this free time to chat! LOL! I am taking a recovery week!

Michelle** love your quote! That is so true! Nice job on your workout, girl!

Gayle** I forgot to motioned; I had DOMS every day on Debbie’s rotation! LOL! I love her rotation!

Amelia** enjoy your workout today!
Carolyn** enjoy your UB workout today! What are you doing?

Kathy** WTG on two segments of Core Blast + Gym Style Back/Shoulder/Biceps + Bootcamp Upper/Lower premix + ran 2 miles (intervals). How are you feeling after all that? I will fly back the beginning of August! Very soon! My DH is coming in 3 week! My DH wants to go on vacation somewhere in our RV, maybe California?

Melissa** you will love CTX UB! Enjoy!

Afternoon Ladies,

I just got back from my doc appt. It was so weird b/c the very first thing she asked me before I had a chance to tell her any of my symptoms was if I was having any heart problems. I then told her everything that was going on. Due to the fact that I already have two autoimmune disorders (Graves disease and vitiligo) she is doing a whole battery of tests, adrenal function, liver function, iron, b12, and a few more I can't remember. She thinks I may be anemic which would explain a lot of my symptoms. But I also have a family history of hemochromatosis, which is too much iron in the blood. So she is running a genetic test for that. I wouldn't be able to take iron for anemia if it came back I also had the hemochromatosis gene. I'm off to Google all of this.

Anyway, I am going to do PUB tonight.

No time for personal, but I will check back later.
Hey girls

Carolyn-just wanted to give you a cyber hug and wish you the best with the results! Ive never experienced anything like that but it sounds like you have a good doctor that will help you! Have fun with PUB tonight!

Michelle-Im sorry about this morning,i ment to say Michelle in my post but posted Sherry instead, so use to Sherry starting the thread i guess? I absolutely love the upper and lower body splits like BFL has,its been doing wonders with my bf%(also take on a 30min cardio too). Who is the author of the book agian?

Kathy-wow,great workout girlfriend,high fives! And you did all of that with poison ivy:eek:. Im so sorry its gotten so bad,it must be aggravating:-( I should start my internship at the end of the month,so next week! I think its weird though how the doctors husband(the one who interviewed me) told me to call them back at the end of the month? (they were going on vacation, but i still could of started?) I felt really confident that i got the job but i didn't like the idea of waiting:-( so i will be calling them on friday.

hey to everybody

so as promised im going to list my meals!

1/2 blueberry bagel and 1tbs strawberry creamcheese with 2eggs
turkey on whole wheat with ALOT of lettuce and some baked lays
chicken noodle soup with 10crackers
apple with string cheese
protein shake

that totals around 1700 cals so thats good for today.I only drank water today so that should flush all the crap out that ive been eating:+

And my workout was PUB(no abbs)then i did a 30min powerwalk on the treadmill and my legs were screaming,i walked at 4.0speed !
Carolyn** more cyber hugs coming your way! Keep us posted with the results!


Carolyn - wishing you good results on all of your tests. Keep us posted!

I just finished CTX UB....YOWZA!!!! Why, why, why has this sat on my shelf for so long?!?! My arms are so fried...

Off to have a protein shake and some oatmeal. That's my dinner. We are having "Fend For Yourself Night", which really means "Mama Doesn't Feel Like Cooking"...:p

Talk to y'all tomorrow!
It's late - stopping by anyway.

We got back from camping yesterday, and I was just too tired to this a.m. to workout. Thought about it tonight, but that would put be back into the same wanting to sleep in in the morning, so I'll just move everything back a day. Lower body on tap for tomorrow.

Eating was good on Friday, camp food on Saturday - good food, but not enough protein to make it BFL, then back to good on Sunday. Even got in a run when we got home.

Carolyn - hope you get results that can help you get better.

Hello to all. See you at the gym in the a.m.

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