BFL, closing out 2007...BRING ON 2008!!!!

So far so good today. I think I may post my pics'll see how much work I need to do!
Jennifer, I used to be a diet coke drinker too. When I started trying to get preg I quit cold turkey..and I gotta tell you I feel soooo much better. Now all I drink is 1 cup of coffee and water. I felt bloated all the time..and I always wondered what aspartame was doing to my body.
Here is what I've had so far to eat. I am really going to try and make proper combinations when I get the hang of it.
kashi go lean 1/2 banana
3 egg whites, ww toast, 1/2 grapefruit
pea soup, 1oz 2% cheese, 6 whole grain crakers
water with and in between meals
I guess I could do worse!
Jennifer-I use the EAS Myoplex Lite shakes and they're really pretty good, even though you make them with WATER! Even my older DS asked, when he saw me making it with water, "why aren't you using milk?" lol

Michelle-SOOOO glad you liked the salsa chicken wraps. I just picked up 2 large pack of chicken breast this morning and wraps too! Guess what I'm making later this week! LOL Also, sometimes I like to keep the salsa chicken in a separate bowl in the fridge (sounds like that's what you do, right?) and then I can put some over a tossed green salad or on toast for a sandwich. It's just SOOO convenient to make the wraps ahead of time and just zap them for 30 seconds! Glad you liked them! Let me know how you like those Bulgarian Squats (I'm not sure why they call them that...instead of 1-legged lunges/squats? lol).

Sandra-are you trying to post a picture INSIDE of your post? If so, the picture has to be a .jpeg file, hosted online somewhere like PictureTrail or Photobucket. Once it's online somewhere, you right click the picture at that site and copy the URL (which ends in .jpg) and past that URL into the post. Does that make sense???

Also, I'm taking Sandra's lead and posting my food so far today, and what's planned for the rest:

M1: 3 Vegetable Egg White Quiche, 4 baked lo-carb tortilla chips (since I didn't have my normal bread on hand, I cut and baked a few of the lo carb wraps I use for the salsa chicken wraps and ate a few of those chips).
M2: 4 protein pancakes (small)
M3: 1/4 salmon fillet, small baked sweet potato
M4: Beefy Chili (hot off the stove right NOW)
M5: baked cod, bake sweet potato, steamed carrots
M6: something at the NYE party tonight....hoping for some shrimp and veggies, maybe with a few w/w crackers BUT IT WILL BE CLEAN AND IT WILL ME IN CONTROLLED PORTIONS!!!

DOMS are setting in in the lower half! LOVE IT! HA!

Susan-Oh please! lol Shall we compare BEFORE pictures? lol I LOVE that suit....I like the kind of covers and kind of doesn't! lol Great pictures, though, seriously! But just you WAIT till we're all done with this 12 weeks!

Ladies-I wanted to share another recipe that I used a few times this past challenge that even my older DS likes. In fact, he requested it 2 weeks ago.

Summer Squash & Sweet Onion Frittata
2 tsp olive oil
1 large sweet onion, thinly sliced
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
2 small zucchini, cut matchstick-thin strips
2 small yellow squash, cut matchstick-thin strips
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped or minced
1/4 tsp salt
4 large eggs
6 egg whites
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp pepper
1 Tbls chopped parsley

· Preheat over to 350.
· Heat oil in a medium nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 8 minutes.
· Add the zucchini, squash, garlic, and salt. Cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until squash is softened, about 4 minutes. Uncover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is evaporated, about 5 minutes.
· Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs, egg whites, vinegar and pepper in a small bowl.
· Stir the egg mixture into the veggies until blended. Reduce the heat to medium and cook, without stirring, until the eggs begin to set, about 3 minutes. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake until the eggs are completely set in the center, about 12-15 minutes.
· Invert the frittata onto a platter. Sprinkle the top with the parsley.

· I’ve made this recipe using egg substitute for ALL the eggs and it turned out fine!

Makes 4 (LARGE) servings. 171 calories, 8g fat, 2 g sat fat, 0g trans fat, 212mg chol, 302mg sodium, 12g carbs, 3g fiber, 14g protein, 70mg calcium (weight watchers points = 3)

I'm sorry for the way it lines up when I copy and paste it. I've added this recipe to the document that I'm putting together with the other recipes.

I really like the idea of posting our meals:

M1 - cream of wheat/protein powder (EFL recipe)
M2 - 2 small protein pancakes
M3 - salsa chicken wrap
M4 - chocolate protein pudding
M5 & M6 - we are heading to a New Years Eve party -- but I plan to eat as clean as can!! :)

Susan - Great job on posting your photos!! You are soooooo close to your goal, you will be looking AWESOME in 12 weeks!!

Okay, are you saying that this tummy I have is from my diet soda?!! He he!! I wish it were that simple. However, you have made me think... if this bloat goes down some simply from eliminating carbonation and the unnatural sugar it's worth it. So I'll try giving up some of my diet soda!! :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!!!

Gayle - Thanks for all the great info! Yup, I'm most successful when I'm "out there" and accountable. ;-) Thanks for your kind words, we are definitely our own worst critics. What day in Feb. is your birthday? I was born the 19th.

Susan - I always add veggies into my egg whites/egg beaters, it makes them go down easier. I'm 44 years old (turn 45 in February). You look so petite in your pics already! You're going to be smokin' in 12 weeks!

Great progress Sherry! I totally think a marathon is do-able for everyone. You just have to find a good training plan and stick to it. The long runs are the most can rearrange the rest of the runs during the week if things come up but you can't miss a long run without feeling it. ;)

I totally agree Michelle, even different body types look different at the same height and weight. It's all relative to how much muscle you have on your frame (in my uneducated opinion anyway, lol). Thanks for your kind words, I really feel flabby now. I had a knee injury 18 months ago (followed by surgery and recovery) and it sure took its toll. Ugh.

Hi Belinda! Your shopping trip sounds great, I'm looking forward to doing the challenge with you.

Jennifer - OMG, I love Wawa coffee, lol. My favorite thing to do is put about 4 oz. of the CinnaTwist cappaccino stuff in a 20 oz. cup and fill the rest with coffee. YUM! I promised myself I would only allow this on free day until the challenge is over though, lol.

I'll post my food for today tomorrow. More accountability for me, I can only post what I ate and not what I intended, lol.

Kathy G
Happy New Years Eve!!! :):)
Everyone getting ready to party?? LOL :)

Ok, I screwed up today...I told myself I wouldn't, but after a few peanut butter cups that was it! BF is making pasta for dinner, and then I plan on relaxing today and tomorrow. Weds is D1 for me :)

Hope you all enjoy your night!
I will try to check in later!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Hey, Kathy. I think I'm going to do the same today's food/meals TOMORROW. For me, it's because I have so much stuff prepared and in the fridge, that sometimes I change my mind at the last second! lol

Belinda-I tried to email the recipe document to you at that hotmail email, but it came back to me again.

You ladies are so nice!! Im gonna give it my all these next 12 weeks! I can't even stomach diet drinks..or anything with splenda or aspartame. I would rather have an occasional real coke ..I know what sugar does to me..ya know.
Changed my meal for tonight..we're having chicken fajitas.
Kathy..I will try some peppers in my egg whites tomoorw..that will be delish!
Hi everyone and Happy New Years Eve!!! I've decided to post on both check-ins, this one and the 12-week challenge one. I am following BFL the only exception being that I cannot workout first thing in the morning, as the plan suggests. I've tried several times and am just not coordinated enough. Plus, workout time is at 7:00 every night and it's a family affair so I don't want to change that. I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a looonnngggg time. Not a pretty number and not really ready to share it yet!! lol!! My long-term goals are to lose 20lbs, see a little less back and ab fat, and to be able to do 12 pushups on my toes.

My biggest goal today was to go "coffee-free" and I did it!! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me.

I just got home from bowling with DD and DH and can proudly announce that I did not have any Junior Mints nor Swedish Fish that they were snacking on. All I kept thinking about was my last meal of the day...oatmeal. Yes, I was thinking about oatmeal while I was bowling!!

So here is what I ate today:

#1: protein pancakes (4)
#2: 1 cup of homemade veggie chili
#3: whole wheat tortilla w/grilled chicken breast, lettuce, chopped cukes, tomatoes & scallions
#4: apple & string cheese
#5: healthy version of the taco's I made DH and DD for dinner: whole wheat tortilla filled with lettuce, red pepper, tomatoes & 2T 93% lean ground beef. This was surprisingly filling & satisfying!
#6: 1/2 c oatmeal, 1/2 cup 1% milk & dash of cinnamon.

Workout: PUB. 20lbs on the last set of chest flyes & presses (heaviest ever!). I'm going to pay for that tomorrow, I can already tell. But that is a good thing!

What a great feeling to finish out day one. Woohoo!!

Talk to you all tomorrow!

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