BFL Checkin 1/31/05


HI everyone,

Hope your weekend was nice.

This morning was PUB and wow is all I can say. I pushed myself today and stuck with Cathe. Triceps I did 5,8,10 for kickbacks. Not sure why she starts with 3's but those are way to light for me for kickback. Bi's I did what Cathe did. Hammers are harder for me than the curls but I did 3 hammers with 15 lbs before going back to 12s and on the curls I did all 8 with 15 lbs. That is a first for me and I am one happy person.

B - cottage cheese w/yogurt, one nutrigrain waffle
S - cheese, lf triscuits
L - shrimp w/rice (Balance Go Mix if I am still hungry)
S - BFL bar
D - EFL spaghetti and meatballs, salad

Hope everyone is having a good day. I hope we get more people checking in. It seemed to be a slow week last week.

Hey...Here it is right in front of me! I just started yesterday to find my heaviest weights so I'm in the resting phase. I was wondering what you do for the cardio especially in the winter months? I'm pretty new to Cathe too so I need to buy some workouts, any suggestions are appreciated. I have a couple I got on ebay but this resting is suppose to be soooo important I don't want to jeapordise my results.

I'm like a fish out of water tho not exercising morning and evening. I've been doing the Firm for years and more recently Cathe. She has really made me feel the muscle and given me the motivation to go farther. Hence BFL thier website is very helpful. Thanks for this thread.

Welcome Aboard Debbie,

I have a treadmill and have been doing HIIT on that or on the Bike. I also have split the IMAXs up and did the first five intervals for a session and then the last five intervals for another session. Right now I am trying to follow BFL as closely as possible because once I get the hardcores I maybe switching up a little so I can try those out. Hope this helps some, I know others do it differently

Good morning everybody!

I'm back from being away on business. Too many late-night dinners and rich desserts. x( But I did manage to exercise every day and did A LOT of walking, so the damage isn't too bad.

6 am L&G

B - soy protein cereal w/blueberries, coffee, 1/2 bagel
S - BFL bar
L - soup, sandwich
S - protein shake
D - vegetable quiche
S - ?

Have a good one.
Good Morning everyone. I'm going to have to excuse myself from the BFL check-in (at least for the next 9 months). ;) Just found out that I am pregnant. I'm going to the doctor on Friday and I"m not sure if the BFL way is the safest while pregnant. I"m going to continue to eat healthy & do the 6 meals but I'm pretty certain that the shakes & the BFL bars are a no-no. At any rate, I enjoyed particpating over the past 4 weeks.

Good luck to everyone!
Congratulations and keep us informed on how your doing. If you still want to check in with us that would be great. Hope all goes well during your pregnancy : )

I hoping to get back on track this week. Last week was a joke - I think I worked out Tuesday and Wednesday only, because snowfall and shovelling on Sunday ruined that day. Monday I had issues with the phone service which sucked up too much time. Then I got sick.

Yesterday I ended up stacking wood, which I figured was a decent workout considering I still had the cold lingering...

Hopefully tonight I will do SJP.
Wow - congratulations Dana! Keep us posted on your progress. As much as we are a BFL check-in, we are also a Healthy Eating check-in.

Best wishes for an easy, healthy pregnancy.

- Shopgirl :)
HI gals! Can I join in? I just officially started BFL yesterday. I sware I have started Bfl so many times the past few years between getting preggo twice, two babies etc. and have NEVER finished a challenge!

I am in for the full 12 weeks and have promised myself I WILL finish this one!

My friend won bfl a few years ago and just had a baby 5 months ago. I saw her last week and she inspired me to start! She is starting today too.

When did most of you start? How many of you have also started challenges and never finished?

Here's my workouts for yesterday and today
Sunday - PUB inc wts on all - ouch!
Monday - Killer cardio step class at gym this evening - I am sooo excited!

Also, let me know if you want any pointers from my friend who won! She shared a bunch of ideas w/me last week. #1 is that she did NOT cheat! She said she only cheated on her free day.

Happy monday to you all!
Welcome FitNut.
I started January 3, so I am starting my 5th week. No cheating, that is so hard though.

any pointers you can throw our way would be great.

Hi Fitnut how exciting your friend actually finished and won besides! I'm determined to see this through too. I just started yesterday and so any and all tips from anyone is welcome please pass those along. Like is it OK to do more cardio than 20 mins on those days. I'm used to exercising both morning and evening. I know the rest part is so important but I'm from the school where more is better! Guess I better get over that huh!

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