BFL Check-In


I am considering doing the BFL program again. I am still down the 9-10 pounds from the first time. I won't start til next Monday because we will be out of town in Chicago this coming weekend for the Nascar races and I doubt there will be good food to eat : )
Anyway, if anyone wants to join in again with a weekly thread I would love it. It really helped last time.

I started the program last time doing it by myself with watching TV but then half way through I started using PUB/PLB. I always did the 20-30 minutes of cardio the BFL way. I did see there is a new cardio called Guerilla cardio that was outlined in Muscle Media. It goes like this

Minute 1-4 warm up at 50% exertion
Minute 5-8 doing 20 second sprints with 10 second rests
Minute 9-12 cool down at 50% exertion.

I tried it this morning but I think I need to up the speed of my sprints. 12 minutes just didn't seem like enough for me so I will most likely go back to the 20-25 minutes BFL cardio.

Anyone want to join in the next round of BFL? I plan to start on Monday, July 14. That should take me to about the time Cathe's new videos come out.

Hi Rhonda,

I may join in. I did Pyramid Upper Body this morning and am now feeling the effects of that workout! :) Loving it and missing that feeling too! My only problem is I plan to incorporate running into my schedule and when my long run gets past 10 miles I may have to cut back on the leg training. What do you think? I do want to get in one leg day per week. My runs will look like this:

Tues: short run, no more than 4 miles or stairstepper with an equivalent time and pace of the regular scheduled run

Thurs: sprint intervals
Sat or Sun: long run 6 miles with increases of 1 mile every 2-3 weeks

Maybe what I need to do is post this question to the runner's on this forum for advice.

But let me know what you think too!

I'd love a BFL check-in. I'm not on a "challenge" just doing it "for life". But check-ins help keep me accountable!

How is everyone doing with the eating part of BFL? I am doing the July Rotaation right now but I think I am going to eat like the BFL book suggest.Eating small meals works well with me and keeps me in line! And that is just what I need.:+ Let me know how it is going.
Hi Everyone,

I am in week 4 of my first BFL challenge, although I am mostly just using the plan as a way of life from now on. So far, I am really loving it, and some people have commented on me looking smaller which hasn't happened in a long time. I think a big part of it is the pyramid tapes, they are awesome! As for eating, I have been getting 5-6 small clean meals in per day. I eat mostly egg whites, oatmeal, grilled chicken, tuna, whole wheat pasta, fat-free yogurt and veggies. I also use Myoplex Lite shakes when I don't have time to make a meal. I find it easier to plan ahead my meals for the week on Sundays, and do my grocery shopping then too. On my cheat day, I tend to go overboard so I am going to try and cut back on that because I don't want to hinder my results. Well, good luck to everyone!
Hi everyone,

trying to get all the "bad" stuff out of the house this week, so next week won't be as hard. My thinking this time around is doing the PUB, and PLB tapes and also switching in the S&H legs tape. So every other workout for legs would be S&H. so a two week period may look like this:


Mon-S&H legs

and keep this up. Usually after 6 weeks I get tired of a routine and switch it up. Last time I went to the Pure Strength series. For the pyramid tapes I am only pyramiding up instead of doing all the sets.

What is everyone else doing?

I do about 4 week rotations.

4 weeks of BFL style weights, watching the tv so I don't get bored :)
4 weeks of PUB/PLB
4 weeks of Slow and Heavy

I use Intense Moves and Imax's for my cardio.


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