BFL Check in Week 10/20


I decided to not put the week number down since I believe we are not all on the same week. I may be wrong.

I am starting my 3rd week.

The weekend was not so good with eating. I gained 1/2 pound at the weigh in. Hoping that is due to TOM. We will see this week. I had some bad cravings yesterday but didn't go all out, ate a couple small candy bars.

Did PUB this morning. Upped weights on shoulders and tri's. Tomorrow is Imax or Imax 2. Not sure which one. Will be intervals 1-5 and I may add in an extra interval or two. Depends on time and how I feel.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. By the way the U of Michigan game was great, we won!!!

I am on my 3rd week also. Lost another pound, and fitting into smaller sized pants. Yay! Rebounded on Saturday, took a 5 mile hike on Sunday. Eating was good, tho' not perfect. I didn't have anything wrong to eat, just more than I should have. Generally I cook for the week on the weekend, so I nibble while I cook. Not good habit.

Today didn't have time to workout, had to dash into work early.
Hope to get my lifting in tonight.

Have a good day!

I hope others are having a good week.

Got in Imax intervals 1-5 this morning. I wanted to go longer but I still had abs to do.

Tomorrow is PLB. I am thinking about doing the full pyramid and skipping the floor portion until later in the day. Just wondering if this would fry my legs even more. I usually just do pyramid up and the floor. How do other do it?

I can't wait for the blast series. Hoping to have it by the weekend but I have a feeling I preordered later than I should have and I will be waiting til next week. Oh boy oh boy, how will I fit them in the routine.

Have a great day, Rhonda
I'm on my 4th week of BFL and I've really enjoyed reading how others are doing.

Yesterday was my lower body day and I did exactly what you described...PLB up in the morning and then I ran out of time before I had to go to work, so I did the stability ball portion later after dinner. Last weel I did the entire up and down pyramid for PLB just to mix things up a little.

This morning I took a spinning class.

Hi Everyone,
How is everone doing?
Well, I had a great weekend.Started my christmas shopping,ate out alot and didn't run once.
I used to be obessed about exercise and if I had to go a weekend without exercising I would feel like the world had come to an end.Lets just say, I got over that.:p I took my sneakers with me but I only wore them to the mall;)
We got back last night and I was late going to bed.I set the alarm for 5:15,I had to be at work by 7:30.I wanted to start tuesday off with a bang.I didn't know what I was going to do but it was some sort of interval workout.I don't even remember the alarm going off.I woke up at 6:30,jumped out of bed and in a tizzy to get ready for work.I slept in!Must of been the jetleg! I couldn't sleep on the plane b/c I had this kid kicking my seat the whole way home,I thought I was gonna ring his neck.But I didn't.
Anyway, when I get home today I am not sure what I am doing.I need cardi oand weights!
Hope everyone as a good day.
Hello everyone!
I was originally going to start this when you all did, but let's just say October is a hectic month! (My DH's Birthday 10/3, my daughter's 1ST Birthday 10/10, and mine coming up 10/31!) Plus, I had a weird ankle problem (achilles, actually) that wouldn't go away. But, I'm ready now!!
I'm wondering if anyone can give me some ideas of what you do for your meals? I am a non-eater, so I haven't got much imagination when it comes to food! I'd love to hear what you are doing to eat and stick to the plan.
Also, is everyone pretty much sticking to Pyramid Upper and Lower, then I-Max/I-Max 2 for 5 intervals on cardio days? I did Step 'n Intervals today just to jump back into the working out world again after 2 weeks off. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow...So if anyone can jump in here with what's working for you, I'd love to profit from your collective experience. (As always, here at!!)

Thanks, I hope everyone is staying positive and motivated!!

Hi everyone,
Did PLB with the whole pyramid system and skipped the floor work. Trying to burn those legs.

Tricia - I usually have eggs and carb in the morning. First snack is yogurt and a piece of cheese. Lunch is soup, or leftovers from dinner the night before. 2nd snack is a nutrition bar of some kind or fruit. Dinner usually have protein (steak, chicken, etc) with carb (potatoe, pasta) and veggie. sometimes I will skip the carb at the dinner meal depending on how the day went. This is a usual day but it does get changed depending on what is going on.

For the videos right now I am doing PUB, PLB, Imax, Imax2 and treadmill. When I get the new BB videos (which is suppose to be Thursday) not sure what I am going to do.

Hope this helps. My clothes seem to be fitting better but the weight doesn't come off as quickly as I would like. They say the big changes are usually after week 6 or so.

Hope everyone has a good day. Rhonda
Thanks so much for responding. I am just lost when it comes to planning meals, etc. (This is also causing stress now that my baby is completely off "baby food" and eats table food.) So I'm hoping to address both issues, her menu and mine, at the same time. I think I'm going to do PLB today and see how it goes. I LOVE the floor work in this one!! Since I ordered DVD's, I won't get Body Blast for another month or so (I think?), so I'll stick to Pyramid/Interval Max workouts until then.
Thanks for the input -the clothes are fitting a little snug after two birthdays in those 2 weeks I was "off" - it's time to get serious!!

Have a great day!
My Monday was a exercise and awful eating. I just am going to have to write it off.

Yesterday I rebounded, eating was pretty good.

Today I did slow and heavy biceps/triceps.

Tricia, I probably won't be much help with your eating. I have a protein shake and fruit every morning, then stringcheese and almonds and celery for snack, then my big meal at lunch time. I cook for the week on the weekend and pack up containers for the week so I can just pull them for work when I am leaving the house. This week I made grilled chicken, bulgar and stringbeans in a tomato based sauce. I know it sounds boring but I will probably eat it every day. Afternoon snack is usually yogurt and fruit, or a small salad. I go light for dinner, either a big salad, or a vegetable type soup.

I am feeling good about the weight I've lost...hope Monday doesn't screw me up as i really messed up my eating. I am definitely down a size on my pants, and my arms have finally lost an inch, after a year of not budging. If only the flab will disappear!

Hi All

Did my cardio on the bike this morning. Right now I am so exhausted, I can barely keep my eyes open. It was a hard drive to work this morning. So far so good this week.

Plan on doing PUB tomorrow but I am getting the new videos today so we will see if that changes or not. My plan is to finish this week out with PUB and Imax on Saturday then seeing what the new videos look like and if there will be substitutions for next week.

Have a great day. Rhonda
Hi everyone,
I am continuing to work on the eating, did good yesterday. No junk! I did PLB using the same weight as Cathe for the first time, BFL must be motivating me! I will do 2nd half of Imax 2 today. I've been noticing that some are doing PS or Slow 'n Heavy on weight days. Has anyone done PS BBA & CST on the same day? I like to keep all arms or all legs on lifting days so I make sure I'm working everything. I think I'll stick with a 4 week rotation of Pyramid, then maybe try Slow 'n Heavy for 4 weeks, and finish off the 3rd month with Body Blast or back to Intensity series? I haven't done Power Hour yet (I know, you're in shock, right?) Would this fit in well with the BFL weight work?
Sorry to bombard everyone with questions everyday, I just want to stay motivated and sometimes it helps to know I can change up my workout to keep me focused.
I've got to say that reading the posts here is definitely helping. Just knowing I can come here and see that everyone is sticking it out, getting past the days when working out &/or eating went south...
or when it's going really well. I'm proud of everyone, and it help keep me on track. Have a great day, everyone!!

Tricia, if I had the time I would probably do PS BBA & CST on the same day, but I am limited to an hour at most.

This morning did rebounding for 25 minutes, with some fast jogging to get my heart rate up. Just got the new tapes and hope to test the Kickboxing tonight. Looks like fun.

Hi everyone,

Did the upper body portion of Push/Pull this morning. I actually rewound and did it twice. It is only about 16 minutes long so I figured I could do it twice. I enjoyed it. I don't think it is as intense as PUB but there are new exercises and I liked the use of the stability ball. The only exercise I didn't do were the inverted shoulder press, I just did the modification with Cedie doing the regular shoulder press.

Tomorrow I plan on doing Imax intervals 6-10 and maybe the last part of Step Blast where the intervals are. That will be around 35 minutes.

tomorrow is also weigh in day for me. I feel like I am firming up since the jeans actually fit good on me today and didn't feel tight. Love that feeling.

Have a great weekend everyone. Rhonda
Good Morning!
I did intervals 6 - 10 of Imax 2 yesterday -Wow! I guess doing them out of context really threw me, I was repeating, then repeating again!! I think I did interval 7 twice!! Not so great with food yesterday, I only ate 3 portions of protein. Today is Pyramid Upper Body (my arms are trembling just thinking about it!)

Susan, thanks for the input about PS arms. I never know how much time I'll have since I work out when the baby is napping.
BTW, has anyone tried to workout in the next room from where a child is sleeping, doing plie jumps, power hops, tuck jumps, etc?? I was trying to be quiet, but it wasn't working out too good! I pray we get to do our addition this winter so I have a workout room downstairs away from the sleeping baby. I don't think my DH realizes how hard it is to get my workout done in the current condition!!
Have a great day everyone!
Happy Friday all!

Today I did S&H Legs and shoulders for the first time. The leg section was legs were trembling by the last set of plies. I had just started the shoulders when I realized i didn't have time to finish, so will try to finish up tonight.

Yesterday's eating was pretty good, except for some pretzels and not enough veggies.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hi Everyone -It's Saturday!
I imagine today is probably an off day for many! I was planning for Sunday, but yesterday went haywire on me, so I had to use it early. I only got to do the abs from PUB last night at 8:00, so I think I will do Bootcamp in it's entirety (SP?) today to make up for the weight work I didn't get yesterday and still get killer cardio today!

My DH got home early yesterday and wanted to go out to lunch. I did fine there, didn't go off track until we ordered pizza last night! So, I didn't get much protein or veggies yesterday.

Have a great week-end everyone!


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