BFL Check-in #8

Hi! Amy - sounds like a good plan. However, you could also increase your calories in things such as fruit (oranges, apples etc.) I also eat a lot of sliced ham, turkey etc. to up my protein intake. They are high in protein, low in calories, and no carbs and low in fat! I also drink the Myoplex shakes. The ready to drink ones are awesome. All the Myoplex Lite shakes are low in sugar and would be a GREAT way to up your calories! You might just want to up the calories slowly and see how it goes. Like I said before 1100 seems really low but I don't know what your weight is. Check out the BFL winners site I gaved you in the previous message. There is a ton of info on there. They are the ones who helped me figure out how to up my calories properly. Some disagree with Hussman's calorie deficit theory. I think it is right in some regard but KNOW that too low of calories can stop your progress all together.

Well.... I just finished up IMAX 1 and did 15 minutes of running. Geeze... nothing gets me to my 10's better than running! I am soooo glad I got my treadmill. It kicked my booty today. Imax 1 seemed too easy today believe it or not. I think all this interval training is getting me in better shape.

Well gotta go eat my afternoon meal! Gonna have a shake!
I definitly will be checking out the info on the site you gave me! thanks for the input, it was really hard to eat the other beef patty - would rather have had an apple, but then my carbs would have been high and my protein low, its like a conspiracy! Also, my height is 63 and 3/4 inches and my weight is 138 so I'm at the top range of normal for my height, I lost 25 lbs on ww several years ago so its hard to think of weight loss options other than low fat. ww just isn't working now though, I think mainly because my workouts are so much more intense, I have trouble maintaing the low fat and still not piggy out on carbs! this approach is definitely easier for me as far as not getting hungry, but much more time consuming, because of all that needs monitoring in a day to make sure i'm in the 40-40-20 range. I think that I will start next week to eat more fruits/veggies even if it throughs my carbs in the 50 range and my protein in the 30's, I just think I feel better with alot of fruits and veggies thrown in the mix.
Ohhhh my goodness.... WHERE is EVERYONE??? This thread was getting ready to fall off the page! Hope you all are alive and doing alright! Miss you! Hopefully you are just out enjoying the beautiful weather!

I did PLB today and some work on the wt machine. Felt awesome. Definitely have some hurtin' unit legs tonight:)

Took my kid to a movie for his bday today so I pretty much had a free meal/afternoon. Had popcorn and 1/4 c ice cream! Yummy! I will just make sure to be good on my Free Day Saturday!

Cardio is tomorrow. Will probably do a Cathe tape (not sure which one yet) and run on the treadmill:)
Our server was down all day yesterday, and I could not get on. Man, I hate it when that happens. I did The Gauntlet cardio yesterday, and today is PLB. My UB is shaping up very nicely. I can not believe how mauch my muscles show. It is inspiring. Well, tomorrow is my free day. Tonight I have a show about 2 hours away, so I am going to sleep in tomorrow and rest. Have a great weekend everyone.
Lori S.

Hope you don't mind if I join in...

I'm in week 1 of my challenge. My cardio is my running (I completed my first half marathon on April 13th and am training for another in June) and my strength training is Cathe! I have no trouble getting 6 days of working out per week. My main problem is doing it in the morning. I want to convert to AM exercising so I can get some quality time in the evening with my family...

Food wise, I cheated 3 times this week! x( Monday, I had some easter chocolate stuff. Tuesday and Wednesday I had chocolate cake (it was my son's birthday). Yesterday, I was good. I do pretty good planning my meals, but sometimes change them at the last minute according to what my taste buds feel they need (ie I might change a snack of turkey or ham deli slices for a Detour bar). I aim for 1500 to 1650 calories per day with at least 100g of protein (C/P/F: 40/40/20), 25g fiber and 100% of the RDA of calcium. I'm not very successful at achieving all of those in one day though :eek: .

My workouts this week:
Monday: PUB upper premix and PM yoga *Done*
Tuesday: 3.2 mile run *Done*
Wednesday: PLB upper premix + PUB abs *Done*
Thursday: 4 mile run (2 mile warm up and 2 miles intervals) *Done*
Friday: PUB
Saturday: Rest and free day
Sunday: 5k race
Hi Janick!

By all means please join us! It's great to have another runner in the group too! So Welcome Aboard! :D

I love your training schedule you have intact. Wish I could devote more time to running, but I guess if I kept my gym bagin the car I would have fewer excuses. But I really dislike running alone. :-( Probably why I don't go as often as I used to.

I cheated a few times this week myself! Let's see: Tuesday one of my coworkers brought in 3 varieties of pound cake and I tried ALL 3 that day! And at home I had a sweet potato pie awaiting me. :9 Thank goodness that's all gone now! I plan to do so much better next week. I know I'll be fine this weekend because I'll spend most of tomorrow working, my only problem then will be not eating enough because I'll be so engrossed in what I'll be doing.

So let's start the day with a clean plate! :D

Chat with you all later!
Hi all! Glad you are still alive and well :7

Welcome Janick! So glad to have a true runner on board! I am like Pfive and don't really like running but am trying to find a love for it. I bought a treadmill recently and am just getting in the swing of things. Your workout schedule looks fab! Can't wait to get to know you more:) Don't worry we all cheat once in awhile. So far in 7 weeks I have only truly cheated 2 times when it wasn't a free day! One of them was yesterday:( But I have been going NUTS on my free days. I just can't control myself. I am going to start this Saturday trying to be better on the free day thing :p When I have cheated I just ignore it, pick up the pieces and be really good the next couple days. No use crying over spilled milk (or eaten easter eggs) ha ha !

LoriS- congrats on seeing your muscles! Isn't it amazing. It must be the paper towel theory. I think we are close to the same week (week 7?) but I am in week 2 of the challenge I started over. All of a sudden this week I feel much leaner and my muscles are popping out since the fat is starting to drop off. Don't get me wrong....there is still lots of fat left to fall off. However, at least it is starting:)

Pfive - sounds like you are getting into the program! Good for you! Yep, that's the thing that is so nice... each week is a new week! This easter week was so hard! I was soooo bad last weekend!

I did 25 min. on the treadmill today and 5 min. on the bike. OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH did I hit my 10's! Wow! That running can really kick your butt. Janick - maybe you can give us some pointers on how to best use the treadmill w/incline, speed etc. for the BFL style??

I also did ME PUB today! I will be traveling next week Mon - Wed so I figure a little extra workout this weekend won't hurt anything since I know I won't be able to work out on Monday as my flight leaves at 7:30 a.m. and I have a 45 min. drive to the airport. I guess I'll have to be there by about 5:30! uggghhhhh!!!!! x(

Tomorrow is my free day and I am going stick in an extra cardio session. Will probably do Imax Extreme or something really fun! No intense intervals since it is my extra cardio day.
>>I did 25 min. on the treadmill today and 5 min. on the bike.
>OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH did I hit my 10's! Wow! That running can
>really kick your butt. Janick - maybe you can give us some
>pointers on how to best use the treadmill w/incline, speed
>etc. for the BFL style??

Well, first of all, I don't consider myself a REAL runner yet. I've only been running consistently since December. Back then, one of my friends 'dared' me to do a half marathon with her. I almost always jump on dares, and I started to run. It was so tough in the beginning, as running 3 miles was a big struggle.

Since it was winter (and I'm in Quebec, so winters can be pretty harsh), I trained mostly on the treadmill, but I came to despise it (try running 15k on a treadmill, and you'll know what I mean). I also found out, that even in the worst atmospheric conditions, I run faster outside, so it's much more motivating.

I try to do intervals when I run, but not all the time. Last night, I did a slower 2 miles. Then, the next 2 miles, I did a total of 6 intervals. Since it was dark outside, and it was too much of a hassle to check my watch in the dark. I winged it. The first 3 intervals, I tried to get up to a 7, 8 and 9 for about 30-45 seconds (or so it seemed). Then, I would slow to my regular pace until my HRM didn't beep anymore (ie in my THR zone), keep it up about 30 secs then start another interval. The last 3 intervals, I went up to 8, 9, and 10. A short cool down at a regular running pace.

These intervals can probably count as "speedwork" which I need because I'm a slow runner (10 - 11:00 pace depending on distance) and I want to get a better finishing time at my next half marathon.
Hi Guys! didn't have achance to check in yesterday. well my second week (or first if you cancel out last week due to easter candy binge on Sunday!) is over. I did good using firm tapes and running alternating upper, lower, cardio. eating was clean except had some extra pasta last night with shrimp and veggies at dinner. still having trouble upping my calories. had 1200 one day and I'd be happy if I could achieve that every day. today I've had 575 calories - all clean and am about to eat a lean cuisine with about 350 calories, its late to eat that many calories but I've been out doing erronds and haven't had an opportunity to sit down! now its family time with a movie (inspector gadget 2) so dinner time finally! tommorrow is my free day and I bought cinnamon english muffins and can't wait for breakfast. then over to a friends in the evening and a few beers - hubby is drinking a glass of chardonay right now and I would love to join him!!!! oh well. lost one pound this week, hope it keeps up. camping season starts soon and then it will be clean eating during the week but weekends will be bad - camping is all about eating! Have a great Friday evening everyone. Oh yea - the best thing - my Cathe tapes arrived tonight, will start them monday. got pub, plb, imax, imax 2, and abs!
I'm still here did really well this week 'cept for today which I ended up taking as a "Free Day" because I was away from my menu and workouts ended up stuck at the doctor's office all day with all 3 kiddos for follow ups and physicals :(

I usually take my free day on sunday , so Saturday I'll be doing today's workout and so on :(
Good Morning Ladies,
Do you like my disappearing acts? I have been so busy and I haven't been up in the mornings to do my workout, I wait until later b/c I have been going for runs.I am up today but I don't know what I am going to do.I haven't been good with the weights this week so I really should do that.
I took the dog for a walk Thursday night and my shine splits are acting up.The 10km run topped it all of yesterday.Thats pretty much my workout life....
My personal life is some what of a roller coaster right now.I didn't hear from my job interview YET.I know that they called one of my references on tuesday but thats it.I figured I would hear something by yesterday evening.He said 2 weeks and now we are heading into 3 weeks.Then my trip down south got cancelled and we haven't really checked out any others b/c we were waiting to hear back from this job.I think today I am going ahead and booking the trip.I am tired of waiting to hear from these people.You would think that it would be on their list of things to do before they went home for the weekend.Just makes me wonder how slow they are at doing things? I know it takes time but 3 weeks?
Sounds like everyone else is doing great! I had a good cheat day yesterday.I had two small pieces of dessert.They were both cheesecakes, my favorite.
Its good to see more people joining us.Hope everyone as a good weekend.
Hi guys - its my free day and I'm loving it! relaxing at the computer before starting work, drinking coffee and eating cinnamon english muffins. Yea there is an "s" at the end of muffin cause one just didn't do it - had to have two :) . Should be good for a couple hours now, then some fruit and a trip to the roller skating rink with my dd. I have a question for fitnut or anyone else about bfl. I know from reading Hussman's site that the most effective fat lose occurs if you work out on an empty stomache first thing in the morning and wait 60 minutes to eat. is this just for cardio workouts? I've been waiting one hour after all workouts including weight training. I've been seeing posts about how you are supposed to have protein within one hour of weightlifting, so I am confused. SHould I start having my slimfast soy shake right after working out with weights or wait 60 minutes? Thanks! Have a great Saturday everyone, I'm even excited for tommorrow cause it is cardio (running) day and the weather in PA is supposed to me awesome tommorrow!

hey - i just noticed my smiles come up as an X - how comes?

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