BFL Check-in #8


Happy Easter! :+ Figured it was time to start a new thread. Changed this 1 to check in # versus week since many of us are all in different weeks.

How about a roll call? Who is doing BFL and what week are you in? Also - what are your goals for this week? I know when I set my weekly goals it sure helps me keep on track with the right things that matter!

Well, since I started a new challenge last week I am officially starting week 2 today (would have been week 7 of the 1st one:))

Today was LB for me but I also added in some cardio. I did Viper (almost all of it) and then 10 min. on the treadmill. I took an extra day free day last week due to being sick so I knew it was alright to stick another cardio day in there.

My goals for this week are as follows:
1. Plan and stick to my plan!
2. Focus on intensity in ALL workouts! Give it my all!
3. Increase wts where possible.
4. Eat at least 5-6 meals a day!
5. Remain focused on my goals and REASONS!
6. No Cheating!

We went to church today and had such a lovely time. Beautiful service and what a geourgous day it is here today! The sun is out and the love of God is definitely in our house and life today! We went to an Easter egg hunt at the church yesterday. My 2 year old had a blast!

I was pretty bad on my free day yesterday so I am really ready to get focused again on the week!

How are all of you? Hope everyone is having a Happy Easter! :7
Happy Easter to you too ;o)

This is week 2 on the BFL for me also. I had a pretty good morning, it started with Step Heat love this workout & the Firm V1 floor work. In about an hour or so, I'm going to start my upper body w/o. I'll be doing the PS series. Tomorrow is LB for me, Leaner Legs is on my plate, just may add in the PLB stability ball work.

My goals for this week:

1. Drink 64+ oz of water a day
2. Eat cleanly for the remaining of the month
3. Workout smarter and not harder
4. Eat 5/6 small meals a day
5. last meal around 7pm

I was doing good with my meals today. But, I fried chicken as requested by my oldest son and I did mac & cheese etc...

However, I am proud to say that, I only ate one piece of chicken with garlic toast and calling it a day. I didn't get my second helping of veggies tho. I cooked salmon, yams for my dinner today. But, going to put on hold until tomorrow. This is what I ate thus far:

B: 1 packet of oatmeal, 2 egg whites & 1 c ff skim milk
M1: 4 oz of LF cottage cheese w/ 1/2 c of nonfat yogurt
M2: 1/2 tuna sandwich & salad
M3: 1/2 Myoplex protein drink & Asian pear
D: 1 fried chicken wing, 1 slice of garlic toast & 1/2 mac & cheese

And I'm done for today. If I get hungry later, I'm going to eat a Myoplex cincinna bar, well gotta run, ttys.

Fit Nut , thank you for changing it to a BFL checkin instead; as I never felt right in checkin in on a week that I was not a part of :+

Anyway I'm in my 2nd consecutive challenge... starting on week 3.

My goals for this week is to:

* up my water intake
* reach for my 10's ( no problem here using Cathe's tapes LOL )
* Plan my menus and stick to them as close as possible
* be better with my journaling ( I tend to slack off on this)
Good Morning everyone. I am starting week 8. I blew it yesterday, I took 2 free days this week. Oh well, I have done near 100% perfect so far, I am not going to let it get me down. I do LB today. I need to up my water this week, that is my main goal!!!!

Have a good day!
Lori S.
Hi BFLer’s!

Let me start right away with my goals. I think a few weeks ago, (was it you Fitnut ?), who mentioned weekly goals and found that I liked that concept!!

So for this week I PLAN to:

1. increase my water intake
2. cut back on the caffeine (no sodas, which is my biggest problem in the afternoons)
3. plan my menus and stick with them, no eating after 8:30 p.m.
4. focus on extra ab work in the a.m.
5. begin journaling and read a new BFL Success Journal page daily.

I missed my workout yesterday due to fatigue. I slept through my afternoon workout time and by the time I got up, we had dinner then headed off to my niece and nephew’s Easter program. Because we had dinner so early (normal dinner time is 6:30/7 o’clock every day of the week), we stopped for blizzards and banana splits. This was somewhere around 7:45! So as you can see I need to do some major cardio tonight! :+

This is week #8 for me but I can't wait to start a new 12 week challenge! I think I spent the first few weeks with trial and error methods that I’m not sure which week I should count this as. So I’m sticking with 8, this way if anyone is planning to go for a second round of BFL, I’m there with you.

There’s not much going on at work today so I plan to create my own journal pages, similar to those in my BFL Success Journal, only set up according to the videos I’ll be using. Then I’ll just put everything into a 3 ring binder and call it a day!

Hope this helps because I have issues with staying focused the full week! How weird is that?! I think I just have too many things to do and not enough time in the day to get things done! I think I need to get back to using my Day Timer to stay organized and keep track of things. I have an 8th grade graduation, fund raisers and high school physical night coming up all within the next 6 weeks. And some birthdays! See what I mean? :)

I’ll check in later,
Hi All

Well, today is going great. I got my workout in early, Yeah! and just now sitting down eating M4, which is my dinner. Today I did Leaner Legs and PLB stability ball work, minus the hamstring work. Legs are toasted! I even up my weights, for the dead lifts and Plie squats to 50 lb..

Eating is almost perfect. It'll be perfect if I can get M5 in before bedtime. Today I ate:

M1: 1 packet of oatmeal, 2 egg whites & 1c of ff skim milk
M2: 4 oz of lf cottage cheese w 1/2 cup nonfat yogurt
M3: boost protein drink w 1/2 c of strawberries
M4: salmon, asparagus w/slice of ff cheese, yam & garlic toast
M5: Myoplex Lite Cinnamon Roll Crisp or Asian pear

Why is it, that, I feel like I'm eating too much food? I'd love to Know what you guys are eating. Do you eat 5/6 meals a day? I usually plan all my meals for the day. What do you guys think of the Myoplex Cinnamon Roll Crisp Bars, is this too much sugar? do you guys eat them? I just feel so guilty after I eat one, why not sure...there just so darn good. Well, going to say bye for now.....night night.

Hi everyone! So nice to see all your goals! In looking at your goals I realize some of yours are the same as mine! Pfive -I am w/ya' on the pop! I need to focus on minimizing my diet coke intake! I am also focused on increasing water intake this week!

TeddyGirl - it is soooooo normal to feel like you are eating too much on this program! Just as Bill says... you MUST eat! I have hard days with it too. I keep my food log on E-mail me and I will send you the url for the public version. Then you can see EVERYTHING I am eating.

Even though I don't really monitor my calories since I am doing the palm/portion thing I try to keep them around 1700-1800. If you look at the journal just ignore this past weekend as I ate like a PIG. However, today and last week will give you a great idea of what I am eating. I have actually increased my food intake the past couple weeks and have lost MORE weight. I don't think I was eating enough prior:( My trainer also says I need to up my calories and carbs? I meet with her again tomorrow. She is giving me some menus etc. I'll let you know what she says.

I also eat the Cinn Raisin bars! Love them!!!! I only eat one a day on average (today I had 2) so I usually don't worry about the sugars. If you like them I really don't think there is anything wrong with eating 1-2 a day. When I called EAS and asked they recommended eating no more than 2 a day. I have also been eating the EAS Carb Sense bars as they have no sugar. They don't taste as good but they are better for me I think.

I have learned a TON of stuff from the BFL Winners site. Have you been there??? They helped me figure out my right carbs, protein, calories etc.

LoriSax - don't worry about the extra day off! I did the same thing last week. Sometimes ya' just gotta listen to your body! I cheated like hell this weekend and I look at it as water under the bridge! Pick up the pieces and move on! We'll just blame it on the Easter Bunny... ha ha ha !

Tonight I did cardio step class at the gym! It rocked! I could feel the chocolate easter eggs being squeezed out my fat cells! ha ha ha I also did some quad, hamstring and inner thigh work on the machines since I got cut short yesterday morning by my 2 year old's excitement for Easter!

Tomorrow is UB and I am working out with a trainer at the gym. I have 6 sessions. I am going to use them to learn some new wt. training techniques and have her help push me thru these plateaus. I am only going to meet w/her once a week and alternate LB and UB:)

Well, gotta get some sleep so these sore legs can recover! So glad you guys are doing good! Have a great BFL Tuesday mornin'!

p.s. Where is LoriHart?
Good Morning ladies,
I missed yesterdays check-in..oops.I slept in and when I got up there was only a few minutes to wake up and then I hopped right into my workout.I didn't follow a BFL workout tough.I was really in the mood to do something different.So I did Boot Camp.I haven't done it in such a long time, my abs are so sore now.I wonder what moved caused that reaction?
I am still not sure what I am doing today.I know that I am going for a 12km run in the afternoon but I am sitting here wondering what workout I should do now.My back is also sore from yesterdays workout and my back NEVER gets sore from weights.
I have been a good girl since the new week came in.I was sort of all over the place for a little while but trying on my jeans Saturday let me know that what ever approach I was taking was the wrong one.:eek: It was not pretty.
This week my goals are:
1.Drink more water
2.No picking between meals
3.Get an extra cardio in some days
4.Cut back on easter eggs.
5.No eating in the night time.
This week should be a crazy week.I should find out within the next couple of days if I got the job or not.Then form there it could get crazier.If I don't get the job,then things will stay exactly the same.
I will let you know when I hear something...
Have a good day everyone,
Good Morning guys. Had a perfect day yesterday, except I did PLB and did not have time for the ball work, so I will do that today. My business has gone thru the roof, and I have been running from morning until night. Life is so good right now, and GOD has been GREAT to me. Even though things are so troubled w/ daughter, I know this is all for a reason. I am going to go right into another Challenge after this. I am going to Premier's Rally in July for 4 days, and I will not be able to stay on program, but I am going to continue anyway. I just may not enter that time, continue, and start "officially" when I get back. So, Angie, I will start again with you if you want!!!!! Have a great day everyone.
Lori S.
Hi Everyone,
Back from vacation. It was restful.

I am in week 7. This past weekend was not good for me, no exercise and pigged out. Oh well, back on track this week.

Friday I re-injured my knee and can't do my treadmill for walking/running now. Thank goodness I have my bike but for some reason just doesn't seem to be the same. Not sure how long it will take for the knee to heal up.

Years ago I tore the cartilage, so instead of being in a straight line, it is now stretched and at about a 45 degree angle. The doc said if I can walk he didn't want to do surgery. So everything was fine until Friday evening. I know eventually it will heal but just takes time.

Tomorrow is Lower body and not sure what to do. I am thinking about doing what I normally do (leg ext, squats, leg curls, deadlifts) and not go quite as heavy. I guess I will see when I actually do the workout.

did cardio this morning on the bike.

This week goals are for the knee to heal and eat properly.
Fitnut! Yesterday was Day 1 for me without a soda of any kind! :) Usually I just want a coke or Dr. Pepper/root beer to perk me up in the afternoons. But I just guzzled my water and starting reading my book to distract myself. Now if I can make it through the weekend without a soda or caffeinated tea, I'll be back on track! :7 I know I can do this - I've done it before.

Lori S - Just let me know whenever you're ready to start. During that break I can do my usual circuit style workouts or reacquaint myself with all the videos that are just sitting by the wayside, watching my hand pass over them to grab one of their neighbors! :7

And you know what? It is rather nice and motivating (to me) to see everyone's goals. Makes me feel like I am on the right track, even when I feel as though I'm making no progress whatsoever!

Take care,
Hi girlies! Glad to see everyone checking in!

Pfive-congrats on cutting back on the coke! Wish I could say the same for my diet coke addiction.

LoriHart - was BC a blast? I did it on Fri and REALLY enjoyed! We need to realize it is alright to mix things up once in awhile. Plus I think it is good for our bods!

LoriSax - glad to hear you are doing better. You sound much happier. You are right... this is all happening for a reason and everything will work out in the end.

TeddyGirl - I sent you the url. Hopefully you got it?

Rhonda - so sorry to hear about your knee. Bummer! Well, hang in there! Hope it heals soon. Maybe you can focus on UB strength for awhile? Might be a great time for S&H?

I went shopping yesterday and bought some new pants. I have to say I am officially a size 6/8!!!! I fit into more 6's than 8's! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me as I started out at a 12/14 last fall:) To be honest it is hard to believe b/c I still don't feel small. I still have like 25 lbs to lose to be at my goal wt. But I guess pant size is an accomplishment in itself?? Most of my pants are too big at home. I have to buy all new summer capri's etc. However, I have some shorts from before I was pregnant that are going to fit just perfect this summer!!!!!!! Yeah!!!

I ordered some stuff from and sure hope it gets here today! I ordered some more detour bars, CLA and MyoplexLite bars. I haven't had a detour bar in a few weeks! I also love the Apex Oatmeal RAisin bar. I picked up a box of them lastnight at the gym.

I am doing good on the diet this week and haven't cheated once :+ Hopefully I can keep it up. I have been doing good on the journaling and I think it is helping.

p.s. My hubby worked out for the first time in 2+ yrs lastnight! He got on the treadmill for 22 minutes! I am so happy!
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new here and was wondering if I can join this thread. 2 weeks ago I started using the BFL techniques although I am not actually registered for the challange, I like the book and the approach very much. I have been doing a routine of 2 lower per week, 2 upper per week, 2 morning cardio (trying to do intervals, but think I will do better at this after I get Cathe's imax video) and one evening cardio per week - usually a 3-4 mile run on a lower body day. As far as eating, I have done pretty good except for the weekend! last week I followed the bfi but modified it to stay within the ww pts and have a 40-40-20 ratio. I lost 4 lbs, but of course put 2 back on over the weekend and since have not budged. Now I know I'm not supposed to watch the scale but....
My dilema is this, I'm hovering at 1000 to 1100 calories in order to get my veggies in, stay in the 40-40-20 ratio and within the ww pts. I know 1000 cal's is not enough, but my pts still end up at 19-20, which is mid pt for me. I need ideas to safely up my calories without gaining weight - the idea of upping them really scares me, if I'm not budging here than will I gain if I eat more. I'm not really hungry at 1000 calories and I believe what Hussman (sp?) says, that it is all about cal deficit and you will lose but some of it will be muscle if you don't eat enough. I really want to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs per week so should I add calories and how? also, I'm about 7 lbs away from my goal so this is crunch time! I'm eating 5 times a day and just can't fit more in my schedule. Any suggestions. Also, the tapes I am buying (I've been doing firm and fit prime) are pub, plb, and imax 1 and 2. Any other suggestions for tapes to fit bfl?
Hope you guys don't mind me joining, I feel great following this new system and really want to stick to it to lose weight and to feel good! I joined fitday yesterday but have not had time to journal, I've been journaling at home though. If anyone can share there journals with me so I can get ideas for menues I would really appreciate it! Have a great day everyone!:) Amy
Hi everyone,

Hope all is doing well.

I got up and did lower body. Listened to my knee and didn't over do. I also did the stability ball work from PLB and feel great. My legs must be getting stronger because I could do most of the ball work. When Cathe did the hamstring work I kept both feet on the ball and worked with her. Otherwise I kept up with Cathe, yeah!!

Does anyone else to pilates and/or yoga? I plan on doing pilates twice a week and yoga 2-3 times a week, to keep my flexibility up and hopefully help with my core.

tomorrow is cardio, and I will be doing the bike. I am hoping to get back to the treadmill next week, even if it is only walking.

Morning all ;o)

I didn't get a chance to post on yesterday, busy busy busy. Anyway, yesterday was a good day, until I reached for a payday candy bar & chips, dang!! and I was really doing so good all that day. My first meal started really late bc I had a 9 am dentist appointment and didn't get home until noon. And then, I wanted to w/o on an empty stomach so didn't get M1 in until 2pm, eek.... here's what I ate:

M1: 1 c of ff skim milk w/ 1 c Special K cereal & small banana
M2: 4 oz of cottage cheese & 1/2 c of nonfat yogurt
M3: mango & LF apple muffin
M4: salmon, 1/2 mushroom & streamed brown rice, sweet peas & garlic bread
M5: chips & a payday candy bar ;o(

I didn't eat m4 until 10:00 last night then afterwards I munched, I know I'm bad. For my workout I did a split, my am: w/o I did an hour jog without stopping and pm: w/o, CTX upper body, I was really pumped and enjoying that one. Today is cardio day, so I'll be doing Cardio Kicks & the Firm V1 floor work & abs or Imax 1 or 2.

Hi Amy and welcome, I too just join the list. I'm on week 2 of the BFL plan. Sounds like you have a good workout schedule ;o) Amy your calories are really low, I too was struggling with the extra food intake. Before I started the BFL plan I was eating around 1200-1400 calories, always at the low end. Now, since I started including more varieties and more healthier choices into my diet, nice things are happening, I can tell. I'm losing weight again.

Don't be afraid to eat, you are eating the right combinations right! Proteins & carbs and vegetable. The weight will come off. What is a typical 1000 calorie meal for you? Its going to all work for you, don't be afraid to add 500/800 more calories into your diet. I asked the girls to list what they're eating daily so we all can get more food ideals and learn more from one another Well, gotta run to the grocery store this morning too pick up a few good things, ttyl

Hi Everyone. Everything is going ok here, doing UB today. The weather is beautiful here, that definitely helps. Have a good day everyone.
Lori S.
Good morning all!

Welcome Amy! Glad you can join us. Trust me, we have all been struggling on the calorie thing. I have had much better luck since I increased my calories. You might also want to check out the BFL Winners site. They are so many educated folks and they have helped me a ton. I don't know your wt so I can't recommend anything in regard to calories. However, my gut tells me 1000 is way too low. Your chosen videos look fab! Will work great w/BFL. I have also been doing Mindy Mlyrea! She has some great interval stuff that kicks my butt.

Teddygirl - Your day yesterday sounds like some of mine. I have finally given up on the empty stomach thing. Now I try to make sure I don't eat an hour or 2 before I work out. I have done a TON of research on this and most say that you are better off eating and not skipping a meal than making sure your stomach is empty. The food is more important than the empty stomach if you have to make a choice. They also say that if your planned meal times work out so you have an empty stomach, great! If not, don't sweat it. So now usually the only time I workout on an empty stomach is in the morning. Otherwise it is usually an 1-2 hrs before if I am lucky. I have noticed much better results this way since I am eating regularly. I like you found the days I tried to make it work on an empty stomach (particularly if I worked out in the middle of the day) that I wound up not eating enough calories and eating bad foods later in the day. I think it is a viscious circle....since you're not getting the foods you NEED, then your body starts craving the BAD stuff....which is probably why you caved into the Payday lastnight :+ Trust me! I have been there! P.s. I also sent you the url again. Let me know if you don't get it:)

I worked out w/my trainer lastnight. She taught me some good form. You don't realize how bad your form is until you spend an hour w/a trainer! But to be honest I kick my own butt harder. I think she was afraid to push me too hard? I had to keep telling her to up the weights. She did do some good stuff on the ball though. She even had me do chest flys on the ball. Worked my core at the same time! ugghhhhhh She also killed my abs x( But they were in need of a good kickin'! I am definitely feeling it today.

Today is cardio for me. I am still sore from the extra leg work I added to Monday's cardio day. My inner thighs are hurtin' units! Hopefully the cardio will kick it out. I plan on doing either Cathe or Mindy and then some running on the treadmill:) Can't wait!

Time for my 2nd meal! Gotta get!
thanks teddygirl and fitnut for the warm welcome. sure am glad I found you guys because I get really confused on this healthy eating stuff!!! Ok so today was cardio (did tae bo) plus abs. I'm doing the firms 5 day abs every other day. cardio wasn't as good as I would have liked. I haven't found anything but running that makes me reach my 10's, hopefully cathe's tapes will solve that problem, since I only can do one a.m. run, and the other one is more a long distance run for fun. I'm trying something today to up calories, please let me know if this is right or wrong for bfl.
bkfst slimfast soy shake
lunch (3 hrs later) turkey sandwich - 2 slices lean turkey, one slice fat free cheese, lots of veggies, 2 slices ww bread
snack (2.5 hrs later) balance bar
this meant only 550 calories, so for supper I am having 2 lean beef patties w/ fat free cheese, corn and asparagus. then bedtime snack will be lowfat cottage cheese and an apple. this makes total calories 1180, approx 40% carb, 40% protein, 20% fat.
My question is I'm eating 2 beef patties to up my calories and protein for the day but I consider this 2 servings. bfl says one serv. protein, one carb for a meal. so is 2 servings at dinner of protein to up my calories good or bad???
I think I'm obsessing on food again, only know its beef patties instead of peanut butter cups! :) Have a great evening! Amy

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