BFL Check in 4/7


Hi everyone,
Well,I have decided to plunge in! We use to have a check in before for BFL and we found that the check ins use to get rather long so we would start a new one every couple of days. Hope I am not stepping on anyones toes!:)
I think my only problem is that I am going to have to eat (alot of the time) before I workout.Unless I get up super early.There is only one day in a week where I actually have to be at work for 9.If everyday was 9-5 I would be laughing,but I work weird hours.I hope that doesn't hinder my progress alot.
Did anyone state in the last thread how much weight they wanted to lose or their goals?
Realisticly I think I should probably only lose 5-10 lbs of fat and gain 5 lbs of muscle.I have never been lower then 123 lbs in my adult life and right now I am pushing 129.5 lbs;( I liked how I looked at 123 lbs.Im 5'4".The areas that bother me the most are my abs and thighs.
DH is gone tonight for alnight so that makes starting easier.I alsways found that I was hungry that first couple of days.And he likes to eat at night.
I know I am behind everyone else but I didn't want to put it off any longer.I didn;t want to wait for sunday to roll around.That would have meant another 4 days of overeating!
Today is going to be PUB and a run.I may get in another run tonight after I get off of work.
ANyway,I am totally excited about this.I was waiting to get some motivation before I started and now I have it!
Oh,Is anyone taking any supplements?
Hi Lori! Glad you are joining us. You are never too late in joining the group. Even though I just started on Sunday, I am still trying to weed out the Easter junk food so this week may be a bust, but at least I am trying to do something. Next week should definitely be better I hope. I wish I had the willpower that some people possess. Exercising is the easy part for me.

I am 5'4" as well and weigh 135. In high school I weighed 120 but had no muscle at all. Looking back at the photos now I looked really sickly. Realistically I would like to be 125, what it says on my drivers license, with muscle tone. Hopefully I can achieve this by July when I am supposed to go to NC to visit a friend who right after I had a baby told me "You look like you've aged a bit." Of course I was 20 pounds heavier then and had just given birth a month earlier but I am only 28 who says I should look like I am 18. My primary goal is to be as healthy as I can be. I know I can reach my goal, but only if I really buckle down and put my all into it.

I'm going to try to stay 98% supplement free. The only supplement I plan to use, if you consider it a supplement, is protein powder and that will only be when I make smoothies, probably for my on-the-go breakfasts.

Have a great day today!!
I think I am going to get some detour bars, b/c I have a major sweet tooth and I think that would help.They are also nice for when I am on the run.The calories are a little high in protein bars but I only eat 1/2 at a time.I also have protein shakes.
I really don't see the point in taking any supplements b/c I live in Canada and supplements are never the same here.Some of the ingredients they use in the States are not allowed in Canada(like ependrine)BUt you can buy the product without the "magical ingredient" but it doesn't work as well as they say.
I think if we have a clean diet and we stick to the program then we will see results.
Where is the fitnut that started this whole thread....she hasn't even checked in.Did you back out fit nut???????
I did PUB and then I went for a 40 min run with my dog.When I did shoulder work I did over head presses instead of the flyes (where you are sitting on the bench) and it BURNED!
Anyway,I have to go to work, but I will check back later.

May I join?? I am going to start tomorrow. I am 135lbs and 5'4" also. I was 116 when I got married 14 years ago but like you said it looked sickly. I would love to be around 123-125.

What do you mean by supplements??

I am very excited about this program. My DH and I did South Beach for 5 weeks before Vacation in March and worked out like crazy. I looked better but only lost about 4 lbs. Also - high protein just stops me up. Sorry about the bluntness but it is true.

Do you all measure yourself with calipers and take photo's and all that. What Cathe workouts will you be doing or will your be doing normal rotations.

Thanks and I will check back later,
Join in, Dawn!:)

I think what is meant by supplements may be something like Betagen which helps with muscle building and various types of other supplements that are sold by BFL. Others can describe better than I. I use simply weigh protein powder 2 to three times a week with blueberries.

I took pictures and measured myself with tape measurer, no calipers, on Monday but I don't plan to officially enter.

It was a cardio day for me and I did HIIT on the Nordic Track with an extra 10 min of cool down. I got a Polar heart rate monitor for my bday recently and was having fun using it.

I'll do PLB tomorrow, I'll just go up the "pyramid" though. I'll do the pyramid workouts this month, S&H next month and may do the workouts from the book the last month.

Eating today slipped...and it is only day three. I had a playgroup and I tried to be strong but ended up having 3 cookies and two brownies for one meal. I was going to save all that stuff for a free day. I have to not get discouraged and get back on.

I guess I got a little wordy.

Good night:)
Good Morning BFL'ers,
How was everyones day yesterday? I don't mean to brag but I had a awesome day yesterday.I don't know if it was b/c my meals were spread out or b/c I didn't have any junk food all day but I felt like I was full of energy and I wasn't at all tired.If everyday was like yesterday then I am set!
I am so sore from yestrdays workout.After I did PUB I went for a run but I took my 115 lbs dog with me.He constantly pulls on his guess who got an even better bicep workout yesterday.I think thats why my arms are REALLY sore.They were actually sore before I went to bed last night.
I won't be taking any supplements.Just my multi vitamin and protein bars.
I asked someone who worked at GNC one time if I needed all of the supplements recommended in the book and they said that if I did that it woule cost about $2000 dollars.
If I were looking for a protein powder I would just look for one that as the same amount of protein as the myoplex shakes.That would be the easiest thing.I think thats what I actually did and I think that it was the GNC brand that I bought.(called ProX)Something like that.
Anyway,I am going for a run now.My workouts are going to be a little longer then described in the book.I am going for a 14 kms run and then I am going to do PUB abs.Thats if my arms can keep my body weight up.
I will check back later,
I was just wondering, in place of the Body for life weight workouts can you substitute a Cathe workout/DVD?
Would that mess up the program or do you just only work upper one day and lower the next as in the Body For life Book?
Thank you,
Kelly :)
PS) I own the Power Hour DVD and Pyramids DVD
I use my Pyramid system workouts for the weights.I tried following the book but found that I didn't get a very good workout and I need guidence when working out.Iusually follow the pyramid workouts but at times I didn't go back down the pyramid, but instead I would grab a heavier weight and go for a 10.
Last year when I did BFL, I also did the Imax workouts for my runs.When I did it last time I didn't own a treadmill and it was winter time.I wasn't about to go running outdoors,in the cold,early in the morning.
Hope I helped.I think as long as you are following the guidelines you will see results.I am a firm belever that it is 80% diet.
Thanks Lori,
Does that mean that I wouldn't be able to do say.. Power hour on a weight day.. or MIS?
I am a total beginner to both Cathe and BFL so I really have no clue.
Do you think someone could have a good result (a similar result)
following the diet and doing the specified Cardio but doing one of Cathes workouts (not necessarily PUB/PLB) instead?
I guess that is what most of the people on this forum do anyway, right? Eat clean and get some cardio in.. and do Cathe dvd's.
It just seems like The results gained in BFL are so amazing that I'd be concerned that I may be cheating myself not doing what he says.
But I have no gym to go, I have 4 kids (so working out at home is a plus) and I don't own a treadmill so I have to work it all out some way. I do appreciate your input.
Thankyou again..
I wouldn't do powerhour b/c it is a totally body workout.I am not sure about doing workouts that don't follow the books guidelines.I have never tried it. I am an all or nothing kind of girl.I have to do just as it says or it feels like I am not following the plan and then I give up. I guess if you want, just stick to upper body/or lower body workouts, weather it be the pyramid system or not.I don't think that PH,ME,or MIS works the muscle as hard as the pyramid system.
Today is legs for me.I went for a run outside yesterday and my legs are already pretty sore.I won't be going to a gym either.Gyms aren't my thing.
Hope I helped,

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