BFL Check In 1/20/05


Morning everyone,

Today was 30 minute HIIT on the bike. Then I did about 10 minutes of yoga. I am hoping to squeeze in something tonight but not sure.

B - english muffin with low fat cream cheese/ricotta cheese mix
S - cheese, hb egg
L - salad w/ crab
S - BFL bar
D - going out with friends but plan on a nice big salad w/grilled chicken.

Hope everyone is doing well. I am not as tired today as I was yesterday. I just wish it was the weekend.


6:30 am - IMAX2

B - soy protein cereal with 1% milk and blueberries, coffee, chocolate donut x( - a slip up, I know
S - protein shake
L - ?
S - BFL bar
D - chicken piccata, vegies

Blew it last night and had a bowl of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and then blew it again this morning and had a donut. I am so hungry and tired, my willpower is shot. Oh well, just have to get back on the bandwagon.

Have a good one.
Mornin'. I'm going to the gym at lunch so it should be lower body today. Yesterday I did UB + 30 min cardio & abs + stretch from C&W.

B: ham & oatmeal w/splenda & cinnamon, coffee, water
S: BFL shake & an orange
L: chicken w/tomatoes, black beans & asparagus
S: BFL bar
D: steak, baked potato & spinach
S: ff cottage cheese w/ff yogurt

I wish it was the weekend too. We are supposed to get hammered with one heck of a snowstorm on Sat though so I'll be homebound all weekend. Tomorrow I have to go to Jury Duty x(

Have a great day everyone!
Shopgirl don't beat yourself up over it. So you had a donut . . No biggie. I"m sure you'll do great the rest of the day. :)

And now you've got me hungry. I sure could eat one of those peanut butter filled bow-tie donuts with the choc icing from Dunkin Donuts. }(
Free day is almost here....I take mine on the weekend so if you do to then it is only a couple days can hang in can do it...we are in this together...

I am trying to help,
Thanks ladies. I'm sipping my protein shake as we speak. Funny thing is, that donut didn't even taste that good. What I really want is some pizza! :9 Rhonda, you're right, only a couple of more days until the free day.

Until then ... carrots anyone?

Shopgirl :)

p.s. Thanks for the support. :7
Shopgirl - not a problem that is what we are here for to help and motivate each other.

Sooner or later I will need those pep talks. I am getting pizza on Saturday, we are going over to some friends and ordering it. I can't wait.

Has anyone tried those Hershey Health Zone bars? They are supposed to be based on the Zone diet and just wondering if they would be allowed on BFL? Anyone know?? I keep seeing them advertised and they look good.

Time to go eat my lunch : )

Shopgirl - Its a countdown now and you have the rest of the day so stay on track, you will feel better when that free day comes and you can really enjoy and be guilt free :)

Today I did a Lower Body Workout in the BFL book, I don't feel like I got nearly the workout I usually do with Cathe, either I didn't go heavy enough or something is wrong. I might be singing a different tune tomorrow but I doubt it.

But on a HAPPY note.... my jeans are LOOSE! Woohooo, I am just finishing my 3rd week and it seems like it would be to early for this already but I am not complaining =)

Food for the day:
B- Oatmeal and Eggbeaters ( my usual )
S - MRP Shake
L - Chicken w/ black beans on a bed of lettuce & salsa
S - Protein Shake w/ strawberries
D - Tuna noodle bake ? maybe
S - Choc. muffins or CC & yogurt

Have a Great Day!
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Hello Everyone!

Well after a complete disaster of a day yesterday: unhealthy lunch, no workout due to 3.5 hour drive home in the northern virginia snow... I'm trying to get back on track today!! The scale is still moving though, i'm down to 125! :)

b - coffee
l - pita pizza with LOTS of veggies and lf cheese
d - blackeyed peas, rice, broccoli
s - cottage cheese, pear

Have a great day all!

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