
Hi Everybody, (and Lizzy-our founder)

My question for today is basic. If women are supposed to eat 5 times/day and cease 2-3 hours before bed, what have you established for eating times?

For me, I find the 4th meal the hardest.

5:30 wake up, water,coffee

6-7am Cathe workout or run outdoors

7:30 meal #1

10:30 meal #2

1:30 meal #3

4:30 meal #4

7:00 meal #5 (lightest, least carbs)

9:30 bed

How about you?

You don't have to be so stringent. It's recommended to eat every 2.5 to 3.5 hours but that doesn't mean you can't deviate according to what works for your schedule. The main thing is to get protein, carb and fat at every meal.

My schedule is:

8:30 Breakfast (at work)
12:00 Lunch
3:00 Snack
6:00 Snack
7:00 Dinner
9:00 Snack (mostly protein)

This is working just fine for me.
Hey X -
I'm not the founder!! I'm just excited about what Sarah has shared with me!! And there are so many of us - so thanks again Sarah!!!

Here are my eating time frames so far - but I am still learning how to do it:

6:30 - meal 1 - usually just a piece of toast before I go work out
8:00AM - soy shake
11:00 - lunch (trying to make this my big meal of the day)
3:00 - snack
6:00 - lite dinner
8:00 - lite snack - I don't want to eat later than 8PM

Now, I am still figuring this thing out, so I am open to any suggestions from anyone!!!

Hope everyone has a great Sat - the kids and I are off to TaeKwon Do this morning and then SHOPPING!!! YEAH!!! Got my Pria bar in my purse to eat if I am over my 3 hour spread.


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