BFFM - week of November 6

Hi all!

Way to go TK!! I am so excited for you. It is so awesome to meet our goals.

Anne - sorry to hear about the knees. I just cringe at the thought of an injury that would slow me down.

Today is my 30th birthday. No big deal except my BF% went down because of my age changing. I am taking a rest day today only because I won't have time to workout. I get up early on Friday to go to work so I can get done early and I have a family dinner for my b-day. I am down 1 lb and 1% fat for the week. I am thinking it is water because I didn't eat that clean this week. People kept bring goodies to work but I didn't eat after dinner. This is a big thing for me as I am usually hungry around 8pm. I don't think I will do a workout tomorrow either but it is a power shopping day with the girls so I should get lots of walking miles in just no intense cardio. I have a full weight workout planned for Sunday. I just got the Power Hour, MIS + DVD. I am excited to try it. Have a great weekend and I will see you all Monday! Vicky
Congrats, Ladies! This is so exciting!

Well, I have not lost any weight.x( But! I am down 2%BF. I went from a size 6 to a 4. So that is ok in my book. I have been focusing on building muscle. Now I am really starting to focus on shedding fat. I also learned that I wasn't eating enough. Once I increased my calories, I started shedding some fat. This is a very slow process, but I am not a quitter. Just takes some figuring out what works right for me.

Today's workout was PUB and a interval run. Tomorrow is abs and a steady run.

Have a great weekend!:)
Hi all, I did get the book and went to Kinkos and had it printed out today. Did everyone buy the plastic caliper thing he is talks about using? I have not read everything yet, just skimmed parts on the PC, but now that I have the hard copy, I will read it word for word. I am excited about starting something that seems to make sense, no gimmicks etc.
Yes - I did get them. I got them from the following site within 3 days of placing the order. Still working on mastering how to use them.

Congrats on getting it printed - which is only part of the battle - the rest is getting through the 330+ pages. I had a hard time putting it down when I was reading it. It is great material.

Good luck and happy reading!
Good morning Burners!!! So, glad to see everyone is doing so well and getting great results.

I've been doing well with my eating. My tummy is finally feeling better. Workouts have been going well. I'm on vacation. I probably won't get to weigh in again for 2 weeks. Just hoping I maintain.

Hope you all have a great week with the food and workouts.

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