BFFM - week of November 20


Hey burners,

It's turkey day week. Is your game plan in place? A lot of temptations will be before us. Are we going to indulge or are we going to compromise?

To all who enter here, please feel free to jump in and contribute. This is not a closed thread. Anyone who is currently using or thinking of using BFFM (this is the eBook by Tom Venuto called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle) you are very welcome to join in! We'd love to hear from you.
Hi all,

Oh the lovely holiday season! Food abounds and here we are trying to eat healthy. It's not easy. I try to think about it in the way that it's a 'holiday', not a 'holiweek'. If I do my cheat meal on Thursday, then it's back on the program the next day. There's no slippage to the next day and the next, etc etc unless I want to start losing ground.

I only lost .3 pounds last week, but at least that's better than nothing at all. This weekend was a wedding, so I don't know if I can pull off a loss at all this week. More cardio is on the schedule to try to counteract any damage done. Also, the Gold's Gym in my area has a free week pass that I was thinking of using. Perhaps I can use that to shake things up a little. Has anyone used those free passes before? Are there any catches to the deal that I need to know about (well besides the hard sell they'll give me)?

Keep on burning everyone!
Hi TK and everyone!
I was just considering starting a thread since I didn't see one.

TK - I see you have a new goal. I am so inspired by you. If I made it to my 10lb goal and readjusted to add 6 more I think I would cry. I know that BFFM says to continue making goals though.

Last week and this weekend were a complete bust! I had the flu and then I gave in to everything but the good news is the scale only registered .4 lbs gained. I am focused today and started out with cardio and weights at 5:30am. My day of food looks like this:
Breakfast: Oatmeal plain, one boiled egg, one pc light wheat toast
meal 2: fat free yogurt, honey crisp apple small
meal 3: rice and hamburger
meal 4: salad with fat free low cal dressing and chic breast
meal 5: undecided (lots of protein, no carbs to save on cals)

I am going to try to reduce my calorie intake to closer to 1500. If it seems that I am starving I will increase calories with protein. I think if I eat certain food it triggers overeating and I am slowly identifying them and eliminating them from my diet. I printed out the Nov rotation today and I am going to give it a try for the next four weeks. It will be my first rotation but it looks like a good one for me. I am going to resist the holiday pig out this year! Less than 10 weeks to Hawaii! Happy Burning and Thanksgiving to everyone! Vicky

TK, yes, I have taken advantage of Free Gym Passes before. I remember being overwhelmed with all the equipment. What I failed to do was have a plan what I was going to do. I wanted to use some cardio machines and all the weight machines. I ended up all over the place.

Vicky, how exciting going to Hawaii! Your diet is similar to mine.

I have a question though, have any of you tried Boca Burgers?
How do you think they fit in with the BFFM plan?
I really don't like meat, but can choke down a little chicken with my oatmeal in the morning and in with my afternoon apple.
Dinner is the hardest for me. I want to eat with my family, but they eat animals and it's hard for me to do. I need a substitute.
Susan C.M.
Hi All,

Just really started this past Sunday, after getting the book printed etc, I am having a hard time even getting up to 1400 cal, let alone 1800! I see what people list as what they eat in a day and it looks so low calorie wise. I bid and won the Accumeasure 3000 on Ebay and it has been shipped. Got it for under $10 including shipping. Is this what you all use?

Have a good week everyone!
Hi everyone! I lost 2 lbs of fat this week. It had to be because I was really particular with my diet, I had bronchitis and was on antibiotics. I didn't get in much cardio (per doctor's orders :) ), so I really focused on my eating. I think I'm going to make Thanksgiving dinner my cheat meal so I can enjoy it. }(

I hope everyone has a great week!
Hi All,
Just finished the BFFM and loved the read. I alread lost inches in just adding meals and putting the correct foods together! Who'd of figured...
I have the calorie/carbs list on my frig along with all the "good" carbs to eat.

Here was my menu today so far:

meal one:
five egg whites and one egg scrambled with 2% cheese and onion mixed on one pc. of five grain toast

meal two:
one slice turkey breast with fresh spinach and tomatoe on five grain bread toast (love that bread)! one cup of organic minnestone soup

meal three:
protein shake (mixed with banana and tsp. natural peanut butter)
lrg. salad with ginger dressing

meal four:
no sugar added yogurt mixed with some kashi go lean cereal and honey.

dinner: not sure yet.

Sometimes I'm eating when I'm not really hungry and it's hard, but the inches are comming off so It's worth it.;-)

Welcome Lonnie. Glad to have you with us. Please keep checking in and keep us up to date with your progress. Kudos for your ultra-clean menu! What brand 5 grain bread do you use?

Fox2star: how many calories have you been eating? Are you showing any progress with the level you've chosen? As Tom Venuto says, if you're showing progress doing what you're doing, then don't change anything. As for bodyfat % I use an omron, one of those electrical impedence thingies. I guess I should also get an accumeasure too. I'll have to check out eBay like you did.

Vicky - well the 10 pounds I just lost was the 10 pounds I gained during the two weeks I was on vacation. It took me about 8 weeks to get it off. Now I can concentrate on the 6 I needed to lose before vacation started. Mentally I couldn't think of focusing on anything more than 10 pounds. Smaller goals seem much more attainable. Given how slowly the weight seems to come off, for now I'm only realistically looking at 3 of the six before the end of the year. Oh, and Vicky I hope you feel better. Gosh it seems like everyone is sick now! I myself haven't had a voice for three days.

Marsha - You're sick too. Hope you get well soon. Congrats on defeating that 2 pounds of fat too.

SCM - I do use boca burgers, but I'm not sure if they are considered clean or not. Thoughts, anyone? All I know is that they are quick, convenient, and low calorie when I'm pressed for time and can't cook a real meal.
This is what I am supposed to eat according to the calorie calculator..

Maintenance: 1996 Calories/day
Fat Loss: 1597 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss: 1200 Calories/day

When I am eating clean, I eat around 1400. I will see when I weight again on Sunday, if this is working, If not, guess I will adjust it, but going up will be really hard!

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