BFFM Check in first week in Nov.


Hi BFFMers! I don't know if this thread was already started this week, I couldn't find it, so I thought I would start it. I did very well this past week (except for some Halloween candy yesterday ;-) ). Lost another 2 pounds of fat, unfortunately a pound and a half of lean mass too. I vary week to week with the lean muscle, gain a little, lose a little, so I think I'm going to stick with what I'm doing. The results so far have been great!!

I hope everyone else had a great week too! :) :)
Hi Marsha and everyone else!

I had a few too many sweets this weekend but I ate clean 90% of the time. I had a few treats last night at the pool with my sons as well but I got on the scale after HSC this morning and I weigh the same as Friday so not too much damage I hope. I felt good about the way I looked in my swimsuit and I rec'd a compliment at work today, someone actually told me I may be getting too thin. Who me? I don't think so but I smiled and said thanks. I still want the scale to read 10 lbs lighter but I am really noticing definition and clothes fitting better. I am sticking with the 5 meals a day but cheating by having some chocolate most days. I know if I cut out the sweets 100% I would loose the last 10 but I am starting to think this is a good place to be. I workout 6 days a week and don't look too shabby. I never thought I would say that about myself. I will continue exercise and clean eating but maybe I will quit obsessing about a number on a scale, for today anyway. }( Have a great week burning! Vicky
Hi Burners -

I did good staying away from the Halloween Candy yesterday - but as we all know - it doesnt dissappear in a day - so will be a challange for the week I am sure. I am eating pretty well - sometimes the fat % gets a little higher than I would like - but that is usually with I have some lean red meat or something for the day. I am targeting 1700 cal at 40/40/20 and seem to get pretty close most of the time. Of course I am also cycling so every three days I get the higher cal - which is actually hard for me to do since I am getting pretty programmed on what I eat.

This weekend my eating was pretty good- but I did have a few drinks on Friday and Saturday. But I made sure I just had like a chicken breast or salad - and then the couple of drinks.

My clothes are getting looser and I am feeling pretty strong and good - so I am afraid to take measurements - I dont want to see less progress than I am feeling... :) I am going to do the November rotation for fat burning as well as throw in a bit more weights I think. So we will see....

Hope you all have a great day!
Hi Burners!

This is a tough week for me with TTOM, struggling with feeling bloated and discouraged. I will be especially vigilant with the eating until the scale normalizes next week.

I have found that the 2 weeks following TTOM are phenominal for accelerating fat loss. This is when I make the most progress and have the most energy.

Today I did BC/ME bonus combo, which was OK. I still love running 3-4 miles and chasing it with a body part wieghted workout. I burn the most calories before the day even starts!

I may try to loosely follow the November rotation. How about the rest of you? What are your workout plans?

B-2/3cup oatmeal, 1 egg/2 whites
S-Whole wheat english, hummus
L-3oz turkey, half cup cottage cheese
S-apple w/ PB
D-Chicken baked with spinach/feta wrapped inside, sweet potato

Thanks for starting the thread.

Hey Burners,

Thanks Marsha for starting the thread. I am just getting settled back in from my trip to Houston. I was fairly good up until Sunday and then I don't know what happened. Went on a bit of a sugar binge. I haven't seen what the scale says, but I'll just wait until my normal weigh day on Friday to get the bad news. When I was away I did manage to keep my workout schedule which I guess is a plus.

X - I agree with you about the two weeks following TTOM. Those are the only weeks I manage to lose. However being peri-menopausal I never know when those two weeks will be LOL.

My workout plan this week can be stated in one word - Cardio - and lots of it. As TV says 'it's better to burn it off than starve it off'. I was a little disappointed in my calorie burn from the Gauntlet this morning so I might add a little session of CTX tonight to make up for it. fact I haven't made up my rotation for this month so maybe CTX in it's entirety should be on the agenda.

Have a good week all!
Hi there -

My pleasure to point you to the way.

BFFM - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.

It is long - but worth every minute!!! A lot of it is facts you already know - but spells it out and helps you plan your way.


sounds interesting. Can you tell me what are the:

-Top twelve worst foods you should never eat

- & The top twelve best foods you should eat all the time

I am just wondering if I should invest the money. It says that it is $39.00. So what exactly do you get for that price.

With the exchange rate it would mean an investement of $55.00.

I'm not working right now and am debatting if I should spend that money for the e-book.

Waiting for your comments.

Welcome Helene,

The 'dirty dozen':

ice cream, fried foods, doughnuts/pastries, candy/chocolate/sweets, soda, fruit drinks and other sugar sweetened beverages, potato chips, bacon/sausage, white bread, hot dogs/fast food burgers, cookies, sugary breakfast cereals.

The good guys:
oatmeal, yams/sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread/100% whole grain products, veggies, fresh fruit, low fat/non fat dairy, chicken/turkey breast, egg whites/egg susbstitute, lean red meat, fish/shellfish.

What you get for the 39 bucks is 8 downloads, the biggest being the 300+ page BFFM ebook. It's gives you a comprehensive explanation of how you can combine diet and exercise to get maximum results. It also shows how you can measure your results and gives you ideas about setting realistic goals. Just be warned: it gets into a lot of detail. The other downloads are smaller documents about recipes, body fat, food, self image, etc.

I started using BFFM at the end of Sept and have lost 9 pounds. It's not been hard to follow at all. The part I like is that it encourages 5 to 6 meals every day. It just seems like I'm eating all the time so I'm never really hungry.

Hope this helps!
Hey Burners -

Helene' - I started BFFM about a month ago and have had some very good results as well. But a lot of it is mental too. I found a lot of what is in BFFM to be very motivation and gave me good resolve to eat well and exercise.

I finished this week with pretty good eating. I have stayed pretty close to the 40/40/20 each day and have kept my calories where I am targeting, which is 1500-1700. I do seem to have problems on the high days- I seem to only get to 1900 when I would like to be closer to 2100. Oh well.. :) I guess that is not such a bad thing. I avoided all of the halloween candy, and worked out each day. I am following the November rotation and have been enjoying it so far.

Have a great weekend burners!!!

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