Bet we get the STS workouts before the Cathe Roadtrip....

RE: Bet we get the STS workouts before the Cathe Roadtr...

I'm not going on the roadtrip but my fingers are firmly crossed that you are right. I was kinda wanting them before bathing suit season but, alas....

Take Care
I'm betting just AFTER road trip a la 4DS.
We'll all get sneak previews there that'll make us come here posting liek crazy. We'll make the last ones to hold out want to order. they will order and then we'll all get them and be super buff together!
That would be sooooo fantastic, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. I'm DYING to get this and I'll be thrilled out of my mind if I have it in time to get through the rotation once before our fall trip. :D
I'm with Kate on this one. The RT is a HUGE marketing/selling tool for Cathe and her team. It worked wonders for 4DS--we were all SO hyped up about it both at the RT with all the clips shown, the sneak peaks, and Cathe using many of the moves during the classes and then spread the word when we got home. We'll all come back from this RT and be buzzing about STS!

I'm hoping it will be out by the end of the summer. Wishful thinking, I'm afraid, though....

>I think these are still a looooong way off. I hope I'm

I think you're right. I'm thinking September/October?
It would be so great if they were out sooner, but, like Kathryn, I'm also thinking that they won't be out until the fall. I think that Chris/SNM posted something about how 4DS took 90 days to come out after filming was done, and STS is obviously a much more involved and complicated project.

I just hope that they come out before Christmas this year since STS was my Christmas gift from last year!;-)
I'm also thinking it will be fall before we see our STS dvds. While I would certainly love to have it before the RT, I just don't think it's feasible.
Kathryn I always love reading your posts but I SO hope you're wrong on this one;-)

I've been doing P90X and I'm ready for these Cathe workouts...I'm truly missing her.:7 My dh says it just doesn't "sound" right in the house!!!! think so? Kathryn, have we ever waited so long for workouts? I know STS is a huge endeavor but, honestly I don't remember things taking this long. deb
> think so? Kathryn, have we ever waited so long for>workouts? I know STS is a huge endeavor but, honestly I don't>remember things taking this long. debI think the only time it took this long was when Cathe was injured, and the time between the presale and actual filming was lengthened because of that.(I really appreciate presales that take place closer to actually finishing projects, you know?)
When I found out I was pregnant I was so bummed that I wouldn't be able to do STS with everybody. baby girl is due in October so I'll probably be starting it the same time as the rest of you!
I recently watched a show called "Workout" on Bravo. A team of personal trainers were filming a workout video and it was very weak...on many levels. Watching this made me appreciate the quality of work Cathe puts out. Even though we wait it is worth every penny...but, dang the fall just seems sooooo far off. deb:eek:
Wow, congrats on your impending baby! It's great that you have STS to look forward to. A perfect way to treat yourself after building a healthy baby.:) deb
Deb, Fall will be here before we know it!
Thanks for the congrats! I can't wait for STS to get me back into fighting shape!
RE: Bet we get the STS workouts before the Cathe Roadtr...

My guess is September too. Having 2 road trips will be good marketing for SNM as more people can see clips/snippets and maybe try out some of the new equipment and then share their excitement with the boards. Based on that long list Chris posted of what still needed to be done, they still have a lot of ground to cover. At the last road trip in August, '07, Chris "guesstimated" that 4DS would be out in September but they didn't actually ship until what, the 3rd or 4th week in October?

I'm sure STS will be an extremely high quality production but I'm just not sure I need THAT high quality for a workout if I have to wait 6 mos. from filming completion to shipment. I wish they would send out them out one Mesocycle at a time, but I can see that would triple their shipping costs. By the looks of Tony Horton's forthcoming "One on One", elaborate sets, color coordinated outfits, music, rehearsals, casting, let alone editing(!) could all be optional. Guess I'm just cranky this morning!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
RE: Bet we get the STS workouts before the Cathe Roadtr...

Just a thought: but I wonder why SNM didn't consider sending out Mesocycle 1 first, then have time to work on the other mesocycles while giving us something to do in the meantime?

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