Best workout video for me


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I excercise with your show on FiTTV.

I think you provide an outstanding workout routine.

I was looking for a video that has about 15 min. cardio and the rest free weights. Do you have such a video?


Hello Dan and welcome to Cathe's forum. If you want to ask Cathe this question, you should post it under the "Ask Cathe" section.

I can not really think of one that only has 15 minutes of cardio. Unless you want a circuit workout. In that case, BootCamp or the Terminator dvd would work.

Do you do her step aerobics? If so, Cardio and Weights might work for you. Have fun! :)
The closest Cathe comes to this is the CTX series. This includes 5 cardio workouts that range from 22-28 minutes in length, and each is followed by upper body conditioning with weights. The sixth workout on the series is a complete workout for the lower body.

All other Cathe cardios are at least 30 minutes in length or not sustained, as in Boot camp and High Step workouts. You might like these last two workouts, but because the cardio is so split up, I don't think it really does too much for you cardiovascularly.

Hi Dan,

Cathe has a workout called Step, Jump & Pump (SJP), which is a 70-ish minute circuit workout. It has stepping, hi/lo aerobics, and total body weight work. The dvd also has a zillion premixes on it that allow you to do shorter, customized workouts. The one you might like is the one that has the step section (22 mins) followed by (or alternatively, circuited with) the weight work.

Also, she has a dvd called TimeSaver, which has 5 shorter workouts on it. Each workout consists of about 20-25 mins of cardio, followed by weight work.

You can actually choose to purchase any of Cathe's cardios, regardless of length, because they are always broken down into segments. Many people will just choose to do one or two segments of any given workout, depending on their preferences. No need to do an entire one hour cardio, if you only want to do one 15 minute combo!

I highly recommend the dvd that contains Step, Jump & Pump. It has another cardio workout on it, Step Blast, and the abundance of premixes on this dvd make it extremely versatile for all workout levels and preferences.


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