Best Video to Start With


Hi Cathe & Ladies! My co-worker just sent me an email telling me she's starting to develop osteoarthritis in both of her knees. Her doctor has recommended that she start off with aerobics. I'd like your advice as well as my educated crowd out there as to which video she should start off with. I thought maybe The Wedding Video. Do you still sell it? And should she be starting off with step videos at all? Your thoughts please! Thanks a bunch, Kathy
Hi Kathy! I'm sorry to hear about your friends knees. Knees are a delicate issue. What is considered a remedy or therapeutic in one instance can be considered detrimental in another. For that reason, I think that your friend should really consult with her doctor and ask him/her to be very specific as to what movement and type of workouts she is able to safely participate in. Once she has that information, I would be better able to make a recommendation. Please wish my best to your friend.
Hi Cathe! Thanks so much for your speedy reply. My friend is going to be talking to her doctor and having her kneeds x-rayed today and will get the specifics from her as to what exactly she should be doing. I'll email you again for your help once I have more information. Best to you and your family, Kathy
Not that you asked

But I'll add some free advice. Your friend may want to ask the doctor for a referral to physical therapy. With managed care's eye toward containing costs, PT is not offered as often as it once was. Many doctors will refer you if you ask, but don't offer PT unless it falls under specific guidelines. Especially with a nonspecific diagnosis such as osteo, PT may not be offered.

It's not any fun to spend time at the physical therapist, but I'm sure PT has helped my knees immeasurably.

Worst case scenario, she asks and is refused PT. Best case she gets a few weeks of supervised care to build knee strength.
RE: Not that you asked

Hi Honey! I'll tell her about your response. Thanks so much and she had to have her knees xrayed on Thursday and will be speaking to her doctor on Monday. I'll find out what specific movements she's able to do and email again but your advice is well taken. Thanks so much, Kathy

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