Best upper body workouts


I am looking for the best workouts Cathe has to offer that focus on your upper body. I am pretty pleased with my legs, so I want to focus more on my arms and back. What are the best workouts for that? And do some of her circuit style workouts focus more on your upper body than lower? I noticed Cardio & Weights does that. Anything else?
The Gym Styles (my favorite), Pyramid Upper Body and Slow & Heavy (to build premium muscle mass). For Gym Styles, you should use medium to heavy weight, for Pyramid Upper Body, lightest to heaviest weight and for Slow & Heavy, use your heaviest weight. Cathe's March 2006 rotation (Strong Like Bull) really helped me a lot. The Viper on the Terminator DVD works more of the upper body. It's a tough, really good workout but long (80 mins.).


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