Best Premixes for SJP??????


I did this one for the first time and really loved it, but there are soooo many ways to utilize this one that I figured I had better get to experts here and fast! Which premixes are the most popular out there?

Thanks in advance,

Today I have done the premix with the hi/low( 19 minutes) and it is great.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)

I usually do the Step/Hi-Lo premix as I try to keep all my cardio to around an hour but I have to admit, I've not really tried any of the other options. As you said, there are so many!

I like the circuits myself. The ones with the cardio from Step Blast and the weights from S,J,P are fun. I've also added on to other workouts the step only or the hi/low only premixes. I'm "dying" to try the one that includes the full workouts of both S,J&P and Step Blast. I forget how they are mish-moshed together, but this premix looks like fun (long, but fun!).

Last week I wanted to do a short all-strength Cathe, and the SJP strength only fit the bill. I don't remember how short it was, but it couldn't have been more than 45 minutes, including WU and CD. I really like the music in this workout. Good for a short, not too tough strength day! :D
I only have VHS for the Intensity and Body Blast series. I would so love to invest in the DVDs. The pre-mixes sound wonderful!
My two very favorites are the Step & Circuits. One of them is 85 minutes and includes the Step Blast Challenge, the other one is 68 or so and has no Blasts.

My next favorite is the Step, Hi-Lo and Circuits - Love that too! I think it's about 85 minutes also.

I actually love all of them and do different ones depending on how much time I have in the morning. Of course I think part of the "love them" is the music and it always feels like a new workout to me. Premixes are just a little slice of heaven - I've done every one of them (on all the DVD's)! :) :)

Thanks to all of you for those great suggestions! I think I will try the Step & Circuits, then I will go on from there. I really am impressed with the premix and blender options on these DVDs. They are worth every penny and make the other products out there ridiculous by comparison! I can't wait for the Hardcore series!!!:7
The one's I enjoy and use the most are the SB/SJP 85 min. premix (which is the SB WU, Step section 1, step section 3, & the challenge then it goes right into SJP hi/lo #1 through the end of the weight work, skips the abs and goes to the stretch) and SB/SJP Cardio Circuit Premix whichis SB WU & step section 1, SJP hi/lo #1, SB step section 2, SJP hi/lo #2, SB step section 3, SJP hi/lo #3&4 then stretch. Enjoy!

I used the Step and Weights premix just yesterday. It was about 48-50 minutes, I think?? It reminded me of Cardio and Weights only harder because the step portion is harder and the weights are heavier.
It was a great workout!
Then I added on the abs section separately.

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