Best news ever!

RE: Wonderful!!!!!


"That is truly amazing that you have experienced NO morning sickness! Does that mean that beyond the fatigue, you never developed a food aversion, or no smells turned you off?"

Yeah, amazingly enough I have not had a single problem with food at all! Everything has stayed the same. :D

I think, though, that morning sickness and all of that stuff tends to run in families a little bit. Neither my mom nor my sister ever had many if any issues with food. The only one I recall is my sister with just 1 of her 6 pregnancies (yes, I said 6! lol) had a hard time eating onions for a while. That's really it.

Have a great day!
Early symptoms..... well I'm 2 weeks away from my due date but I clearly remember I had a terrible morning sickness, very dizzy, fatigue, nasea. Most of the day the symptoms continued making my tasks at work very challenging, plus I had intense sinus pain.
Because of this I had to give up teaching aerobix bec. I was too dizzy, and the sinus pain used to blurred my vision.
I suspected I was pregnant few days after missing my period; I'm very regular. I saw my baby since his 6 weeks... his heart was beating 158 beats per minute (fat burning zone???).:7
I'm dying to see his face....
Congratulations again to all of you that are expecting! Wendy, lucky you withoug morning sickness. I won't do this more than twice, I can't be myself with all those symptoms.
AHHHH, no food adversion while I was eating, thereafter I couldn't tolerate the smell of any food. Kitchen needed to be cleaned immediately and deodorized. I was spraying the house and putting incense at night in the house while I was in my bedroom, bec. I couldn't stand the after smell of food in the morning

Wow! Only 2 more weeks!! I wish you the best of luck! I can only imagine how that sinus pain must have been a terrible ordeal for you in the first trimester. Ugh!

The good news is that every pregnancy can be different, and women typically have less morning sickness and breast tenderness in their subsequent pregnancies. So far, for me, morning sickness hasn't been a problem, and it was a definite problem for me in my first pregnancy. I also had that smell situation you mentioned, but don't have it this time around. When my husband made microwave popcorn and threw the bag into the garbage, the smell was pervasive throughout the house and it made me sick. Coffee was terrible; he had to go to the coffee shop and buy a cup, because I wouldn't let him brew it in the house.

Good luck during the delivery of your little boy!! Very exciting!

RE: Wonderful!!!!!


So, you are being seen earlier... right? Than makes me happy.

Yes, in utero exposure to DES increases my risk for all sorts of stuff... a rare form of vaginal and cervical cancer... miscarriage... preterm delivery... stuff like that. So far... difficulty TTC is my only reproductive problem, but that may or may not be related to the DES. Someone suggested I seek compensation, but DES may or may not have saved my fetal life. :) If it saved my life, it was worth any problems I may encounter since I am healthy (knock on wood). If it is ever proven that DES did not prevent miscarriage, I may feel different.

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