Best news ever!


I'm pregnant again! OMG!! I just tested at 12 days past ovulation, and it's a solid, bright pink line. I suspected something was up when I suddenly wanted to put pepper on my porridge this morning, and then actually DID put pepper on my cauliflower at suppertime. I HATE pepper!! I'm beyond happy right now. It took us 16 months to conceive this one, with a miscarriage a few months ago.

Autumn, you have my eternal gratitude for guiding me to the TCOYF book. It was exactly what I needed. My cycles began getting longer again, and if I hadn't been charting, we would have completely missed my ovulation this month. It took us two months to conceive this time, versus the ten months it took us the last time.

I guess I'll be visiting these forums a bit more often in the upcoming weeks!



That is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! I mean this from the bottom of my heart, I am sooooooooo happy for you!!!! I have been wondering how TTC was going, but I know it is not something to ask and that you would update us when you were ready.

Ok, so when are you due... oh guess I could calculate it? :) Oh, if I am calculating correctly... you conceived around Christmas... right??? So, you are due in September. When do you see the doctor? Get an appt. ASAP! Tell us how it goes.

I will be awaiting anxiously for your updates. We are here for you!

Take care!
RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Gettin busy on that ski trip huh sister??? I did a happy dance for you and had a hamburger to celebrate. i haven't stopped smiling since you emailed me and jay thinks i'm crazy...

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Sandra - looks like we can buddy up! I just found out this week that I am pg myself :) 4 weeks exactly. I am keeping my fingers crossed b/c I've had a few losses in the past year (thus all my knowledge of luteal phase etc..)
Congratulations to you!
RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Sandra and Vanity:
It's my first time talking to you, but I feel your happiness. Sandra, how old is your first one? I'm due on February 1rst, it's my first. For me, thank God, was so easy that it's ridiculous. But I was always afraid of having to go through treatments. My sister in law has been trying for more than 5 years. What is the method that you used Sandra? If it's in this fourm, just tell me where and I read it.
Blessings to you 2 (or 4), I hope you enjoy this time.:+
RE: Wonderful!!!!!


I had to jump in here and say "Congrats". Like Jes, I'm still smiling for you. It's the first thing I told my husband this morning when he woke up. I even forgot to tell him he had an appointment in 15 minutes OOPS! Oh well, your news was more important:)

Jes- you crack me up!

RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Thank you for the good wishes, everyone. I love these forums; people are so supportive and kind.

Vanity68 - 9 years of trying!! That was a very long road for you. I sincerely hope your pregnancy is trouble free. Congratulations!!! We won't be too far apart!

Wendymin72 - Thanks!!! As I said before, you are a great motivation for remaining persistent and consistent with my exercise.

Autumn - LOL! Yes, er, I ovulated between the 25-26th, so it is indeed a Christmas present :) As Jes pointed out, we were on a holiday and staying in a hotel over Christmas, with our daughter in the same room, so we had to be creative and make a hard effort to find some private time together. Seriously, had I not been so certain that those were "the" days, based on my charting, we would not have made the effort. I don't plan to see my doctor for a few weeks, at least. The last two times I went to see her immediately and she told me to come back at 12 weeks. I don't know what the protocol is in the US, but here in Canada they don't seem to do anything until the second trimester. Why do you recommend such an immediate visit? Is there something I should be doing, or that the doctor should be doing?

Jes - of course Jay thinks you're crazy; we all do! It's because you are, but in the most enjoyable way. Your hamburger post, btw, was just mean. Now I really want one. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. All that KPCing will kick an appetite into high gear. Thank you for your well-wishes. My boobs will be flying around helter-skelter in no time, too!

Lynne!!! Congratulations! I remember your previous posts and am so happy you finally conceived this month, too. When you say 4 weeks, are you referring to 4 weeks since your last menstrual cycle, or 4 weeks actual gestation? By the first calculation, I am 5 weeks; by the second I am 2. I think for me gestational age is going to be a more accurate reflection of where I am in my pregnancy, so that will be my reference point. Yup! I'd love to be your buddy!

Doctorjany - oh my, you are almost due!! I'm glad to hear your pregnancy has been so great. I hope delivery goes as smoothly. My first daughter is 4 1/2 years, and we conceived her on the first attempt. When we started trying for a second child, my cycles had become quite wacky and unpredictable. Autumn recommended a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", which outlines a method whereby you use your cervical fluid, cervical position, and changes in your basal temperature to determine your most fertile days and ovulation. The first month we tried that was unsuccessful because I did not have an appropriate thermometer. The second month I had the proper tool, and was able to determine my most fertile time quite easily. And it was not when I was expecting it, so this was good information to have!

Wendy - LOL! I'll bet Jason is thrilled that some Canadian woman has got herself knocked up :) But I'm very flattered that I was the first thing you thought about this morning. I think my first thought was, "What do Americans call porridge?!" ;-)

For the early pregnant women, what have your early symptoms been?

RE: Wonderful!!!!!


My first trimester brought about sheer exhaustion. I was sooo very tired and napping before I even realized I was pregnant! It was a struggle to make it through my day at work and I would usually nap as soon as I got home or I wouldn't make it to 7pm! My work outs suffered (they dropped from an average of 5 days per week to a struggle to do a short work out every other day), but I had to's what my body obviously needed at the time. After about 2 months I started to regain my energy and I have been good to go ever since!

During my first trimester I also "suffered" through about a month of a tremendous sweets craving where I couldn't get enough of cake, cookies, donuts and the like AND peanut butter and jelly was a staple in my diet during that time as well! I probably gained an *extra* 5 pounds because of it but I am back in control so everything should turn out fine in the end.

The only other issues I have had popped up in the 2nd trimester and they are heartburn (Tums is ok to take and it works for me) and waking up with pain (sometimes severe) in my hips at night. I recently found the solution for the hip pain tho--placing a pillow on the bed, under my knees for when I am laying on my side-which is ALWAYS now since this is the only way you are advised to sleep from the 2nd tri and on.

I have been one of the fortunate ones...NO MORNING SICKNESS! YEAY!

Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!:D


P.S.-I can't believe that *I* am somebody's motivation to work out...that is sooo awesome! Thanks! :)
RE: Wonderful!!!!!

congratulations!! i'm 36, married 4 months and just beginning to try. curious to know what the TCOYF book is. My husband keeps telling me about taking my temperature in the morning to know the exact ovulation day, but I keep forgetting. I'm hardly a morning person; it's all I can do to find my way to the nearest cup of coffee, so i'm hoping there's another easier but effective way. Anyway, wondering what the name of the book is and also, how active can you be in your first trimester? which stage is the "really careful" stage, or is that on a case by case basis?
RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Oh, don't fret. Call your doctor and ask when he or she would like to see you. With my daughter, I wasn't seen until 10 weeks. I did with the second too (which is the pregnancy I miscarried). Since I had miscarried, I was told to come in the moment I had a positive pregnancy test. Like you, it was before I had even missed my period that I had a postive test. I had ultrasounds (vaginal in the beginning... remember "my relationship" with the ulstarsound at the infertility clinic... :) and serum HCGs every couple of weeks until we saw the heartbeat. So, I saw Jordy bug grow from a fetal pole (yep, it is the actual name) to a little baby to the man he is today. :)

I believe the cautious approach was a combination of things. I had undergone 5 months of treatments for infertility, had the miscarriage, and am high-risk because I am a *DES daugheter*. I also lthink the doctor wanted to provide as much reassurance as possible to ease my anxiety because of the miscarriage. If you were here in the states and I was caring for you, I would want to see you now.

You just keep taking care of yourself! Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Here in the states, some doctors don't prescribe them anymore.

Cyber hugs and flowers are coming your way!!!


Babies are bits of stardust blown from heaven to fill our hearts with hope and love.

*DES was a hormone used between 1938 and 1971 to prevent miscarriage and premature deliveries. It took 4 years and two inseminations for my mother and father to conceive. She started spotting at about 8 weeks and was given DES.
I somehow missed your post... I am so sorry. BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you too!!!!!!! That is sooooo exciting and such a blessing!

Take care!
RE: Wonderful!!!!!


That is truly amazing that you have experienced NO morning sickness! Does that mean that beyond the fatigue, you never developed a food aversion, or no smells turned you off?

At 14dpo, my breasts are intermittently, mildly tender; I have odd occasions where my stomach turns sour for a minute, then it goes away. I am a bit more tired right now, but it's still quite manageable. I have noticed a difference in how strenuous my workouts feel, and have begun toning down the intensity to compensate. I also need to really work on keeping my blood sugars stable, because I am getting hungry more frequently and intensely, and when I'm hungry, I have been getting veeeery grumpy! So, I'm trying to keep a steady stream of low-glycemic carbs in my system, so I don't end up on the blood-sugar rollercoaster.

My biggest change so far has been in my lower back. It is really, really fatigued. This happened during my last pregnancy, so when I noticed it a week ago, I took it as an optimistic sign that I was pregnant again. But it really is tired.

Hm, that's all I can think of right now.

Anyone else want to share their early signs? It's so different for everyone, which makes it very interesting to me.

RE: Wonderful!!!!!

Hi Autumn,

Today would have been the day to get my period, and I tell you when I took my temp this morning, I was slightly nervous that it might have dropped, and one of those gone-before-you-know-it miscarriages would occur. The relief I felt when it was a high temp was a great feeling. I have to read up on it in the TCYOF book, if she even talks about it, but what use is temping during pregnancy, except as a tool to detect a progrestrone drop (and resultant miscarriage)?

I think I will phone my doc and just ask if she sees any point in me coming in so early. You're right; since I had a miscarriage, and also since I will be over 35 when the baby is born, they may want to monitor me more closely. I guess I'll find out when I phone.

I've never heard of DES before. Do I understand correctly that you are saying because *your* mother took DES to prevent miscarrying you, that *you* could be at a higher risk of miscarrying?

I've been taking prenatal vitamins for 18 months! I started taking them 2 months before we started TTC. In Canada, they are not a prescription medication; you just go the drugstore as soon as you decide you want to get pregnant and pick them up. General health information here is to start taking them a few months before attempting to conceive, or as soon as you find out you are pregnant (if it was unplanned). I wonder if our prenatal vitamins are the same as yours?

Cyber hugs and flowers are warmly received! Thank you!
Congratulations! That is excellent news. I am very happy for you. Keep us posted on how things go and enjoy! Glad to hear that TCOYF helped!!


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