Best Multivitamin suggestion

Hi There...
I was wondering this myself about 1 month ago...when I asked my mother, and sher gave me a write up on all the multi vitamins and the contents and what each woman needs at certain ages...and they gave the top 5 multivitamins for Women under 50 and over 50....
I am 30 years old and consider myself to be quite active also...
After looking at all the options I dedided to chose one...and I chose Nu-Life for Active Women...I have been taking it for about 1 month now...and I love it...Just take 1 per day....
I live near Toronto Canada, so I am not sure if these are available in the US or not.....
I will give you their website so you can check them out.....

Hope this helps.....If I can find the article again...I will post you the names of the other 4 they listed!!!
:7 :7 :7
I really like the All One powdered vitamins. They go well in a smoothie or juice. Just don't let the smoothie sit -- it has some chemical reaction and turns it off green.
I use Shaklee multivitamins and have for seven years. You have to take two because of how they are processed (slow heat - so they would be huge if in one tablet form). They are bioavailable, which means they break down within 30 minutes or less = your body uses it rather than discards it in the toilet, and have nothing synthetic in them. My only caution is that because they breakdown fast, they can make you nauseaus (sp?) so make sure to take on a full stomach. Because I was worried about it making my newborn baby feel icky, I switched to the children's chewable (took 4) and those were great too. I've gone back to the adult one as my baby seems to have no ill affects from it!

The thing about bioavailability is even more important to me as my husband recently read an article in the Chicago tribune about port-a-potties. The workers who have the displeasure of emptying them said they see TONS of undissolved vitamins in them. I know this is gross but I thought it somewhat relevant??!!

Take care! jeni
I use greensplus+multiplus+ powder~fresh fruit flavor. I mix it with aloe and pure cranberry juice every morning.It had lots of good stuff in it. It's made in Canada. I also make smoothies with the Transform powder~vibrant vanilla~it's really good becuz it's sweetened with Stevia instead of Aspartame~which supposedly can damage the optic nerves in the eyes(this is what I have read and I need to be concerned becuz I am type 1 diabetic for 28 yrs. and am now 39) Check out their website at I'm also using Abs+(CLA&green tea extract)Lean+ and Liv-tone. I am really happy with these products. I'm sure some health food store in your area carries these items.

couple things I've learned/been told about vitamins:

> Your body can only handle so much of any vitamin at a time - so if you take 2 or more, try to space them out. Also, some vitamins/minerals absorption rates lower when taken in conjunction with certain types of foods.

> The gnc person told me that you can do this test with your multi- stick it in a cup of vinager. If it dissolves, it is a good one - your stomach will be able to break it down and absorb it. If not.... my dh's gnc multi did dissolve, as did my Sun Harvest (grocery brand) pre-natals and HEB (grocery brand) multi's.

> Calcium - I've read your body loses the most calcium at night because normally, you are not getting any calcium sources while your sleeping (unless you get up in the middle of the night to snack!!) I take my multi at night, sometimes additional calcium for this reason.

happy shopping!

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