Best Cereal?


Hi Everyone!
What's your favorite cereal? Also as a snack perhaps? Looking for something healthy of course! A little overwhelming with Kashi or Chex or Cheerios ...
My DH and I really like Kashi Honey Sunshine both as traditional cereal with milk and as a snack. It has pretty good nutritionals and almost tastes like captain crunch a little.

I also like Smart Bran by Nature's Path. It is better tasting than Fiber One (IMHO). I really only eat this as cereal with milk or as a topping on a yogurt parfait. It's kind of too small to eat as a snack I think.

Fruit loops, Corn Pops and Captain Crunch... just kiddin' :D (they are pretty tasty though I have to say)

I like anything Kashi, Kellogg's Bran Flakes, All Special K varieties, Nature's Path Organic Smart Bran.

Right now I am enjoying Nature's Path Organic Crunchy Maple Sunrise as a cold cereal. It must be good because it's the second time I've purchased it in a row. I do alternate my breakfasts with oatmeal or farina. Always organic cereals, with added cinnamon, wheat germ, flax seed, nutritional yeast, chia seeds, some fruit, and soymilk. Enjoying it right now! Yum...
Omigosh have you tried the new chocolate Krave cereal? It's SO good, but I think of it more like dessert. :p
My two favs are Bob's Red Mill muesli and Ezekiel 4:9 cinnamon raisin. I'm gonna have to search out a few of the suggestions here, though :D
I got Kashi ONCE at Costco. It tasted like eating cardboard to me and then sat in our pantry for weeks before I just threw it out. Sorry Kashi lovers.....~~
Since that time I have never personally understood all the rave reviews. I know they're healthy...but so miserable for me to eat!

I still love the old fashioned Grape Nuts. They are so good in yogurt or just in a bowl with some milk. I have eaten them since I was a kid.

Also Traders Joe's has a wicked Maple Nut Granola, which I don't buy very often because the box will last only about two days in this house.
Another fan of Nature's Path organic cereal here! My faves are Flax Plus Multibran Flakes, and Multigrain Oatbran. For hot cereal, I like Old Wessex Ltd. 100% Whole Grain 5 Grain Cereal. Yum! :-D
I alternate between Kashi Cinnamon Harvest (mini-wheat squares with cinnamon), the Kashi Bluberry Oat Clusters, and Grape Nuts.

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