Best Cathe cardio


Hi all! Just taking a small survey, what's your favorite Cathe cardio workout? When I say favorite, I mean most fun and/or best workout. I have most of Cathe's strength training & just started buying her cardio. I have KPC, LowMax, Step/Jump/Pump, and StepBlast. I'd really appreciate any input. Thanks to everyone in advance!! Coleen
Imax 2, Rhythmic Step and Powermax. All are fab, great, wonderful moves, stupendous music. I wouldn't be without any of them.

Another vote for Imax2 and PowerMax, although I haven't done step Blast yet. I also love combining CTX cardios. this really doesn't help you does it? Shoot, just get them all!
I would say the best value for your dollar is the CTX Dvd. I had not used that Dvd in awhile and A-Jock made a strength rotation for my son using that Dvd and I have been doing the workouts with him, for encouragement and to give form pointers, but I had really forgotten how fun the cardio segments are. And they are very easily combined to make a longer cardio workout if you want.

Also and this may be more important for you since you are newish to Cathe cardio/ that the step workouts on CTX are easy to learn without too much frustration. You'll have the step segments down in two run-throughs. Some of Cathe's other step cardio's are more difficult to learn so I would suggest you start out with the CTX cardios and you'll be happy with the results right away.
Step Blast and IMAX 2 are also my favorites, but I agree with the poster who said to get the CTX DVD. It's a great intro into Cathe's stuff, not too difficult to learn, lots of fun and quite effective.

Imax 2 and Imax music and moves and killer cardio. SB/SJP Cardio Circuit premix....moderate cardio but fun. When I'm in the mood for kickbox KPC is usually my pick or one of the premixes...good cardio that can be made more or less intense depending on the energy level you put into it.

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