Best Barbell?


Hello everyone;

It's time to get a barbell--I've been modifying for long enough. Any recommendations? What do you like or dislike about your barbell? And where is the best place to purchase one? I was looking at barbells at a sporting goods store: there were some with "indented" bars (for lack of a better description). It looked like they might be more comfortable on the shoulders.

I guess I should mention that it drives me nuts to get a piece of equipment that either I'm disappointed with or I find something I like better later. (I guess that's pretty obvious, huh)? I'm still trying to get over buying a cheaper heart rate monitor instead of waiting and saving up for a Polar one. Oh well, at least everything is accurate but the calorie expenditure (I hope), and I can replace the battery myself.

I figure I need some expertise and this is just the place to get it.

Thanks you guys,

Carol F
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Troy Lite system (from ?). It has rubber weight plates (so no rust, ever!) and the bar is more compact than most, so it is a bit easier to manipulate, IMO. If you decide to buy it, I recommend ordering a set of 10# plates and 1.25# plates at the same time (the set comes with 4, 2.5# plates; 2, 5# plates and 2, 7.5# plates). The 1.25# are nice for microloading (adding smaller increments to your barbell to kind of trick your body into lifting more without it realizing it!)

For shoulder comfort, you can get a bar pad, or even put a folded up towel on your shoulders, and be sure to hold the bar on the "meaty" part of the traps and rear shoulders, rather than on the neck.
The "indented" bars are called Easy Bars and are primarily for bicep curls--you work a different part of the bicep depending on your grip. I have seen them used w/other exersizes--triceps & shrugs mostly--but not as often.

If you're looking for the most versatile barbell, I'd suggest a 25 lb straight bar. But if you're working at an advanced level a 45 lb straight bar might work better since you might have to stack a lot of plates on the 25 lb bar. Ideally you'd have both but obviously I don't know what your finances are. :)

Also, you can wrap a towel around the bar to make it more comfortable, or there are these little round black velcro things they sell for squats & other exersizes where the barbell rests on the shoulders.
Hi, Carol. I have a the Troy Lite. I like it very much. :) I also picked up this set for the additional 80 pounds and thee price is right. Free shipping too. When I bought it I had to pay $5.00! LOL! It's been on sale for as little as $16.99 and I think it's a great first barbell.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I agree with Kathryn. I love my Troy lite bar and I've been getting all my equipment from Fitness1st and they are the best!
Gotta agree about the Troy Lite. I asked my local Fitness retailer if they could order it and they did! Saved all the shipping! Alexis
Alexis has a great idea. If you can save the shipping, you'll save a lot, because the shipping costs almost as much as the set.
>Gotta agree about the Troy Lite. I asked my local Fitness
>retailer if they could order it and they did! Saved all the
>shipping! Alexis

Hi Alexis,

May I ask if you had to provide any additional information to you fitness retailer for them to order it for you? Did they just know where to order from? I plan on asking Sports Authority but just wanted to know if I needed any additional information other than the name of the set for them to order it. TIA

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