Bento's In the Ring--hmmmmmmmmm..........


Did it for the first time this morning & I'm not sure what I think. It didn't seem that difficult intensity-wise compared to her other cardio. Maybe it's b/c I'm feeling well rested & energetic, or maybe it's b/c it really isn't as tough. :p

When it comes to the choreo, yes, she gives you a whole mouthful of moves before doing them, & the KB combos are pretty complex compared to what I'm used to. But once you catch on it's loads of fun. Probably the most fun I've ever had doing KB.

So, my review: tough, fun choreo but not too tough when it comes to intensity. 4 stars out of 5 b/c I like my cardio to really kick my butt.

What do the rest of you think?
Well, I don't have it, but my opinion of kickboxing in general is that it's just not intense enough. No matter how much I put into it, I just don't feel like I've had a great cardio workout. Too much stopping and starting, I guess.
Shannon, have you ever used 2lb hand gloves with kickboxing? I haven't gotten ANY of my Bentos yet. :(


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Chrissy--yes, it's a space hog. Similar to her other workouts. Lots of shuffling side to side, kicking forward, etc.

Shannon, I'm really surprised to hear that! KB usually gives me a pretty good workout. Do you have weighted gloves? Have you tried Tracey's KB sweatfest? It's a bit repetitive but seriously intense. I track cals burned for each DVD & would you believe this one is at the very top of the list! Even higher than Drill Max! :eek:
awww man.. I'm still waiting. nervous now. She usually is a space hog but I modify some. I just did her high/low dome cardio and kept running into my bed and chesterdrawers. I will try another way next time or else have to do it in the living room. Its worth it though cause I like the music and moves and I'll catch on to any moves that I didn't get down right away.
>Well, I don't have it, but my opinion of kickboxing in
>general is that it's just not intense enough. No matter how
>much I put into it, I just don't feel like I've had a great
>cardio workout.

If you keep your shoulders back and down, it engages the lats more, forcing them to more during punches. Getting those large muscles involved increases the intensity of the workout. Patricia Moreno's latest KB workout does a LOT of engaging the back muscles this way.
> She usually is a
>space hog but I modify some.

Yeah, she's one of those instructors I'd like to force to stand on a platform (like Gilad or Sharon Mann or Patricia Moreno in her latest do) to keep moves 'in-bounds'!
I find kickboxing to be a great workout, especially if it is safe to use weighted gloves. However, Tracey's KB sweatfest doesn't seem as intense as Drill Max. Then again, I use pretty heavy weights for Drill Max. Maybe I need to wipe the dust off of KB sweatfest and give it a try with the gloves!
I ordered these and I'm looking forward to getting them. I'm enjoying the reviews.

Interesting about In the Ring being a space hog, though - this is her comment to someone requesting that it not be:

Hi there,
I appreciate what you have to say here. Thank you for expressing it. We are actually making a square space out of 4 medicine balls and not going outside that space. That's the theme... "In The Ring".

Did that not happen? Or were the 4 medicine balls WWWAAAAAYYY far apart?
Sounds like I'm going to have to try this one.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Hi Kathryn,
I keep looking at Patricia Moreno's new workout. Do you like it? Would you mine giving me a quick review? Have you seen the one before the cross training one? I tried her new age one and couldn't get past her constant chanting, gave it right away.
I haven't rec'd my new Amy's yet. I rec'd a shipping notice from Jen yesterday so hopefully they will arrive by the end of the week. I thought from previewing the clips that this would be a workout that would be tough b/c of what I put into it. I also hope that using that 8lb. med ball will make it tough. I can't wait to review it myself and I hope that it's one of those workouts that gets "tougher" as I become familiar with it and really work it.

I'm glad you thought her other one was really kick butt! I look foward to previewing these then trying them out!

I don't mind the "space hog" moves too much. As I become familiar with Amy's workouts, I learn how to modify to fit my needs and I don't want her creative choreography impaired by having to stay "in bounds." Amy's choregoraphy is innovative and fun. I would be soooo disappointed to have Amy's creavitivy and innovation compromised in any way, shape, or form. I'm so paranoid Amy is going to change up her step/choreography routines to try to please "everyone" like another instructor did....don't do it Amy!
I personally find it a space hog. I am having a hard time doing the 2nd combo, where you kind of spin and do a kick. Space is one reason I don't always do her cardio, I end up just jumping up and down or doing boxer shuffles. I don't recall seeing 4 balls. Each girl has a ball on a step riser, but their is alot of space between them.
>I keep looking at Patricia Moreno's new workout. Do you like
>it? Would you mine giving me a quick review? Have you seen
>the one before the cross training one? I tried her new age
>one and couldn't get past her constant chanting, gave it right
Jen, here's a link to a thread on it on VF. I posted several opinions there!: one after viewing (I really liked what I saw!). One after doing it once (somewhat disappointed). And once after getting lat DOMS from it and reconsidering it!

I think it's a workout that will grow on me some.
I'm waiting for mine too. My med ball is a 13-pounder, so I think those parts will certainly be tough!

I did In the Ring today and found it plenty tough. Then again, I haven't done a lot of hi-intensity cardio lately so my endurance could be down. I'll use weighted gloves once I build up my endurance.

There's little TIFT'ing, and she throws the combos at you pretty quickly. It was a little frustrating at first, but once I get the routine down I'll prefer that type of instruction to a long-winded breakdown. I didn't find the intervals with the medicine ball all that tough. Then again, I may have been cheating on my form and not giving it my all. It's hard to tell since it was my initial run through.

The music is great and very motivating. Amy's form has really improved since her first kickboxing workout. The 5 premixes are great if you're short on time. It's a keeper!
MuscleGuy! Nooooo! Put that 13 pounder away, start with maybe 8 lbs. That's what I did & I think if I'd gone heavier I'd have hurt myself.

There were a couple of the med ball intervals that got my heart rate going. The "bootcamp" one where you do squat thrusts, & the turning one w/the ball going over the head. I agree that after I get to know it I can probably modify & make it more intense.

If nothing else, it's lots of fun & has the potential of being a pretty good core workout.
Well I hated the music. I had no motivation at all. Thought the intensity was quite low even the med ball intervals. I was surprised by this as it is completely different from KBX. However, this was only my 1st time doing it. Also don't like her cueing on the move instead of before. Choreo comes at you fast, however, I'm sure I'll get it all down pat a few more times doing this. I'm sure once I know all the moves, I can put my all into it & it'll become more fun.

Haven't tried Hi-lo Knockout yet. Will try that one over the weekend. Kathy
For those of you who own weighted gloves...

What brand do you recommend, and where did you purchase them?

I have a 1 lb pair and a 2 lb pair I purchased from TJ Maxx. While they are fine for weight lifting and ab work, the velcro slips and the stitching is coming off from wearing them while kickboxing. I've sewed them several times, but the stitching keeps coming undone. I'd like a pair that had velcro around the wrists, as opposed to on the palms (like my current pairs).



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