Benefits from bonus burns in GS


Hi everyone,

In the Gym styles series, Cathe often does "bonus burns" with the band. I tend to skip them because I find them hard and I like it better when the pace is slower. I was wondering, what are the benefits from those bonus burns? I'm sure they are there for a reason! Maybe that could motivate me to do them!!! :D
If Im not mistaken I believe the bonus burns are so you can bring your muscles to complete failure which will promote better muscle growth. Hope that helps

Funny, I like those a lot because it's just different. Different/variety is really good at building muscle. Think about that, maybe you'll be motivated.
They're supposed to be hard - that's where the gains come from!!
Definitely do them - even if you can't do the whole thing at first. The benefit comes from that challenge. If you don't challenge your muscles fully, you won't see the full benefit training can give.
Add to that, the satisfaction of pushing yourself and rising to the challenge. Go for it!!
Knowing that, it will help me staying motivated in doing them.
It will act as a motto when those burns become too hard!!!!!
Nathalie }(

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