Belly button piercing?


I have been wanting to do this for a very long time, just never quite got around to it. If some of you that have had it done could give me some advise I would appreciate it!

First of all, I'm afraid I'm too old and should not do it because I'm supposed to be more mature!! (I'm 38!) I'm also afraid of infections. I have read all sorts of horror stories on the internet about naval piercing infectins. Are they really that common, or will good cleansing and care prevent most of them?

What styles of rings do most people have? I have seen the rings, bars, and a few other styles. Is one style easier to care for than others? What about low-rise pants? Is it really necessary all the time? Most of my casual work pants sit at or just below my belly button. Will this be absolute torture?

Thanks for the help!

ETA: What material seems to be best? Surgical steel, sterling silver, titanium?
Hi Edie,

I had a belly button piercing for 6 years before I took it out when I was pg with my 3rd child (now 3!). I had it in through my pgs with my other 2, though. I never had an infection at all. Healing wasn't too bad, not much longer than my ear lobe. The piercing intself wasn't too painful, either, but I went to a well respected piercing place to get it done, too. They're top notch. I believe that's important to the success of the piercing (b/c of infection and possibly your body rejecting the piercing and it being pushed out). As for pants, it really is necessary, at least during the healing phase, to avoid anything at your belly button level (or that would hit it when sitting). After it's healed up, you should be able to wear whatever you like. Maybe try dresses or something while it heals... Anyway, don't worry about what people think about your age... Belly button piercings are great b/c they're easily hidden under normal clothes if you don't want people to know or see the piercing. Anyway, that's just my two cents... Good luck with your decision and your piercing!

Hey, I got mine done when I was 36--I'd just lost 30 lbs & decided to reward myself. My idiot boss said something like "you're not 25 anymore Laura" & my response was thank god! LOL! But my stomach looks better than 99% of 25 YOs out there.........;-) So discard the age thing, it means nothing.

First of all, make sure you have it done by someone who knows what he/she is doing. Ask your friends, get references. You only risk infection if it's not done in an hygenic way & if you don't follow the directions after it's done. Which, if I remember correctly (OK I have a young body but my memory is a product of my age :+ ) is wash it with antibacterial soap 2X a day & flush it w/hydrogen peroxide 2X a day. Also soaking in sea salts helps.

Oh, & it didn't hurt much at all, it was all over so fast I barely felt it.

Now, one of the benefits of being older is I can afford better jewelry. }( I've had a couple--I even bought one of those ridiculously expensive ones from but I ended up selling it on ebay (& I can't believe some sucker bought it pretty much for what I paid) b/c it was so heavy it hurt if I wore it for more than 8 hours. This is the one I've been wearing pretty much since I've had it done & will probably wear for the rest of my life, I love it so much:

This guy's prices are pretty decent, & if you want you can call him--his name is Ian--tell him I (Laura from NJ) referred you, maybe he'll give you a better discount than the 5% offered on the website.
LauraMax, you crack me up! $400 for a belly button ring!!! LMAO! See, next time you are antsy over not being in a relationship, remember that this type of shopping is one of the utter joys of being a single woman, lol.


PS: Sorry, Edie, didn't mean to hijack your thread.

Marie, I used to think that all the time--when I bought new shoes, new purses, new jewelry.......

Then I started remodeling my house & my dog got sick. All luxuries disappeared overnight.......

(oh & I got a 20% discount on that particular ring b/c of all the business I've done w/Ian, that counts for something, right? Now if you really want to choke, look at the other one I bought & sold on ebay:
I got it done at 33, sorta feel like I missed the boat too (all my friends got theirs in college!) but who cares? The piercer who did me (Apogee body piercing in San Diego) recommended that I avoid a ring, which I asked for, until one year out because apparently a slightly curved bar is the best for healing. In order to find a reputable shop, I recommend looking in the "best of" issue that comes out in your local alternative paper or other news outlet, and going to them. In my case the San Diego City Paper had a 'best of' edition, and that's how I chose the place. In my case the advice was spot on--the place was great, the piercer seemed knowledgable, and I healed without any problems! I wear an ID tag at work that hits my navel, and when that thing would bounce on my new piercing it was PAIN! Never had any trouble with pants though. Couldn't twist for about 3 weeks though, which limited my working out somewhat. Could run, though. I LOVE my belly button piercing, it was totally worth it!
Forget about your age. A girl I work with is in her 40's and has one. She looks great!! And she's planning on keeping until she hits 60!! I'm 54...if I had the abs, I would have one. One last thing, my friend's hurt her for a whole year!!! Now it's fine.
I'm 44, got mine pierced when I turned 42. I'm genetically blessed in the ab department. I was like you, felt a little silly for wanting one, but my husband encouraged me to do it. Best thing ever!
It makes me feel sexy and looks fabulous when I'm wearing my bikini!
My husband buys me expensive belly rings.:)

It does take about 6-9 months for your piercing to heal. Just clean it twice a day. It's easy to care for.

Go for it!
Edie- thank you so much for asking! I have been wanting to pierce my belly button for quite a while as well! I am 34, recently lost 65 lbs. I am waiting until I reach my goal weight to us the piercing as a reward!

Laura- If I could afford those rings, I would have gone for them, too! They are gorgeous!!!

I know that JanieJoey has also recently told my that she has her belly button pierced, although I am not sure what her age is. She was telling me to get it before I get to my goal weight so that I can enjoy it when I do! Safety is a great point! I don't know if I would trust anyone here where I live just yet.

Good luck and go for it!!!
I got my belly pierced when I was 18 and I can't imagine not having it. It's like a part of me now--how cheesy is that?! It didn't really hurt to have it done. The only scary thing was that it bled a lot for the first hour or so after. It soaked through my shirt on the way home from getting it pierced and that scared me but it was totally fine. I've never had an infection, either. And DON'T worry about the age thing--my Mom got hers done 6 years ago (when she was 47!!--and she's given birth to 7 kids!- granted she's a workout freak and looks better than me or any of my siblings....5 ft. tall and 100 lbs) but I don't think what you look like matters. If you want it, DO IT!!! And enjoy it!
I got it done at 18... I had a HARD time healing. I think it's because I got a ring... if you get the curved barbell, it heals a lot quicker. (I know that NOW!!!) My healing took about 6-7 months, despite my being a total clean freak and cleaning it 3-4 times daily. However, most people I knew had nothing close to this problem. Today, at age 26, I still have it... I don't wear low-rise pants now, but I'd say for about the first 2 months, it might not be a bad idea. But running hurt for about 2 months after the piercing, too. And my piercer recommends surgical steel.
Hey, thanks for all the great advise! Now I'm really getting excited about it!

Amy, why don't we get it done at the same time?!?!:+ :+
>Tell me when and where, Edie!:D


Well, unless I go to Florida or you come to Montana, we can't get them done at the same place!:( But, I'm going to schedule mine for November 2, 2006. This gives me 5 weeks to lose 10#, which is my goal for this project! What do you think?!?!? Are you game?? Now I just need to find the appropriate piece of jewelry!:p Have a great day!
I have been working to lose another 10# for the last 4 months without success (talk about a plateau!)x( But I will get it done anyway. That day doesn't work for me as I work on Fridays, Saturday, and Sundays, but I will try to do it either that week or the week after. I think that I will take Janie's advice and do it while I am still working for my goal weight (25 more lbs!!!) so I can enjoy it when I get there.

I hear you about the appropriate piece of jewelry. I looked on the internet this morning and found some gorgeous rings but I think for my lifestyle, the banana bell would be better for me. Someone said that the bars heal faster because they lay flatter and don't catch as much.

Good luck on the #10, and keep me posted!!!
hi, i got my belly button pierced when i was 26, i am now 38 and don't have any intention of taking it out! i thougth it hurt....(bad) and mine took a long time to heal,like 6 months, i got it done then went to the beach and got a sunburn (not too smart) i finally started washing with dial soap and putting alcohol on it, i was told to not use alcohol on piercings, but it worked.
i believe now the tribal reverse styles are in and the dangling ones...i usually put a captive bead in for the winter though.....:)
I wanna get mine pierced SOOOO bad!!! My mom said I could anytime but I just don't have the couraget to do it. I hate needles stuff like that. When I got my ears pierced when I was 5 I cried. Then when I got second holes at 9 I cried}( Dunno why:p Maybe thats why my mom says I can get it pierced whenever I want cuz she knows I won't do it:p

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

>hi, i got my belly button pierced when i was 26, i am now 38
>and don't have any intention of taking it out! i thougth it
>hurt....(bad) and mine took a long time to heal,like 6 months,
>i got it done then went to the beach and got a sunburn (not
>too smart) i finally started washing with dial soap and
>putting alcohol on it, i was told to not use alcohol on
>piercings, but it worked.
>i believe now the tribal reverse styles are in and the
>dangling ones...i usually put a captive bead in for the winter

What is a "tribal reverse style"? I'm still researching types of jewelry. Are they easy to take out and put in once it's healed?

Interesting thread. I've been thinking about doing this for my 39th birthday (in Feb. '07) Any advice on finding someone reputible?
Thanks for feedback and have a GREAT Friday!

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