Belly Baring Tops


Hi guys,
Here's my concern. I am now approaching thirty, but I love to wear short tops, tops which show off my stomach. (If you've got it flaunt it, right) But, I am now becoming hesistant to wear them because of my relatives. They keep on telling me that I am nearing thirty and married, so now its time for me to put this 'teen-age' fashion trend away. My husband doesn't mind me wearing them. He likes when I wear them and when people comment on my abs. What do you think? I am caught between a rock and a hard place because, I am also trying to get pregnant and start a family. When I become a mom, would it be appropriate to still wear them. Give me you honest opinions please.:eek:
Do what you want to do. I'm 45 and I don't let anyone tell me I'm not dressed appropriately. If I had abs that looked good enough to show, I'd show 'em. I'm not a mother, so I can't give you an opinion from that perspective. Thirty is still very young in my eyes.
Heck yeah, you should still wear them if you've got the abs!! I agree with the other poster...I'm 48 and 30 is VERY young from my perspective!!! Don't let anyone influence you on what YOU want to wear! :)
You just made me think of my mother in law. She was wearing a bikini until she passed away at 67. She was skinny and looked great! My mom stopped wearing bikini's by the time she got into her 30's but she had some pudge. My feeling is show it if you've got it girl, but only if you've got it.

Hi Chrissy,

You should dress how you feel comfortable, there are probably occassions when it is not appropriate, but I am sure you know that.
My friend Kate was a very sexy girl but after having her first child it took her a year to get back in shape and she changed the way she dressed. As she begun to feel more like a mother she became more conservative, she wants to set a good example for her daughter. I think that you will know when it is time to change.
Heck, I'm 41 and I still wear 'em. But only in situations where it is appropriate. Not shopping with DD, etc. I wear short tops if I'm going to a club. Mostly because I get way too hot dancing. But also because I have good abs, and if I can't show them off sometimes, what's the point?;)
nearing old thing...just kidding!

I am 34, have 3 kids and flat abs because I work them hard and watch what I I love to wear shirts that "flash" a little skin when you bend over or something. My hubby hates it, he does not like people looking at me. Too bad for him! Shoot, he is ready for me to wear a one piece bathing suit so I will not get any looks at the beach! Heck no!

We gals here work hard and I think we should be proud of our hard work. Show the "average" woman a Cathe workout and she would run away kicking and screaming! ;)
Well I am 45 and I do wear them, hubby likes them. The only persons I won't wear them around is my parents. Not that my mom would say anything, I just respect my parents enough not to wear the tops around them. I will wear them almost anywhere else, except work... they have to be long enough to cover my navel piercing.... Rhonda
Good Grief..."nearing thirty" are still a baby!!!:D

I see woman much older than you wearing only sport bra tops around town shopping and they have no business making the whole world look at their big flabby stomachs. Wear what you like and don't worry about it, as long as you look good in it. But please, don't wear the belly shirts to church, okay? Thank you.:)
I say wear em, especially if your DH likes it and it makes him feel proud to have you by his side. I tease mine with it and I have had 3 kids! :p i wouldn't care what anyone else says. If they are offended then I may dress drab in front of them just because I wouldn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. That is just me though. Have fun with your body!
If I wasn't blessed with the lovely collection of stretch marks left from 2 pregnancies, I'd wear one. My abs are flat enough, the skin just looks, quite honestly, like elephant skin.

Wear what makes YOU comfortable. Ultimately, the only person you have to please is yourself.
Go for it...absolutely! I still wear a bikini at 50 with no intentions of going to a one piece until I feel I don't look good anymore.
I am 33 and I still like to show a little skin and I have 3 kids. My DH loves it too. He would rather I wear things more form fitting than not. He said he wanted to see me in bikini's ALL summer.
I think you should do whatever makes you comfortable. I am finding that the main ones that make those types of comments (especially when you have the body for it) are the ones who are somewhat envious of your body.

But that is their problem...don't make it yours!

Like others have said, when it doesn't feel right (and that may or maynot happen), you will know.
Well (again), I'm 37 & I prefer to wear tops that show some of my body. Also I have a beautiful diamond navel ring that I like to show off. Crap, I have 25 year old trainers at my gym complimenting my abs.

I really don't get all this "you're too old to dress that way." First of all, you're only as old as you feel. Second, you should wear clothing that makes you feel good. Showing my abs, showing my legs, showing my arms, that makes me feel good! I am not hiding this stuff b/c some people think I'm too old for it! Sheesh!
I just have to chime in here. While I agree that, yes, you should wear what you want to if you can pull it off, I also have to throw in a word of caution about going to your childrens' schools when dressed that way. We have several mothers who come in to pick their children up from school wearing midriff tops and short, short shorts. I can't tell you how many comments are made by other STUDENTS, not to mention teachers, secretaries, etc. I've seen several teenage boys who were embarrassed by their moms who have come into our school dressed that way.

Rule of thumb ~ when going into a school to pick up your kids or talk to teachers or whatever, dress a little more modestly. Kids have to put up with a whole lot in high school (and elementary, and middle) without having to defend their mothers for showing off too much at their own school.

Hope I didn't offend ~ I'll get off my soapbox now.

Here, here, Sarah! I totally agree with you. I usually only dress up when I go out with DH. I really don't want others to feel uncomfortable because I want to show my bod: my kids, family, friends or anyone. As a rule of thumb, I won't wear anything I don't want my daughter to wear (at least not in front of her, am I the biggest hypocrit or what???). But of course we wear much less and leave nothing to the imagination when we go to the beach, so.......:eek:
OH! Excellent point Sarah. My son is in 8th grade. One of the girls in his class has a mother who refuses to grow up and face that she isn't a teenager anymore...and she dresses like an exotic dancer going out for a pack of cigs between sets...barely enough fabric covering everything up. Anyway, I've known this gal for years so whatever she wears never surprises me day she was at school and my sons group of friends happened to see her and one of the boys then proceeded to tell her daughter that her mother was a sl*t and did she put out like her mother does. Now, this poor girl has had to grow up in the shadow of this underdressed mother and I've always felt sorry for her because you KNOW she has to be embarrassed with some of the outfits her mother will wear. She wanted to help coach the kids when they were little (aged 7-8) in little league...she showed up at the first practice in a two piece bikini. I kid you not. The other coach had to explain to her that what she was wearing was NOT appropriate and if she wanted to help she needed go back home and get some clothes on. She went to her car and put on a pair of cut off jean shorts that were so short that her swim suit bottoms showed. So...this is the kind of mother that poor girl has had to deal with all her life.

So, most certainly make sure the black leather halter top suits the situation!

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