Belly Baring Tops

I like wearing those tops also, but I have to say that now that my 3 girls are getting a little older and are aware of what i am wearing, I have started to tone it down a little. I still wear them when I work out, of course, but I just don't show as much as I used to. It's hard when you work out this hard not to show off your fit body :)

Diane Sue, I totally agree....
I don't have any daughters only 2 sons and they are out of da house and have their own lives....
My oldest called the other night and said heard you got your b-button pierced (he's 22)... I said yes I did, he said how come, and I asked him how come he got 2 tattoos, not to mention the other messes he's gotten himself into...
I figured my b-buttons piercing hurts NO one, and neither does my wearing mid drift tops, I worked hard to get where I am...
Hubby likes them, we have NO grand kids yet and hope it will be awhile on that.....
So yeah, others have their opinions, but I don't give a care:7 ...

>"It matters more what's on a woman's face than what's on it."
>Claudette Colbert;-)

Huh? COuld that be "it matters more what's behind...? "

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