Being Sick and Exercising


I got the whole new series for a Christmas present from my DH. Only problem is I have had a series of small but painful illnesses. Firstly I got a canker sore, followed very closely by an eye infection that has effected both my eyes. I am on an eye drop antibotic plus an oral antibiotic. The oral antibiotic has left me feel a little sick and very tired. The bed rest has made my back ache and you guessed it girls then anti biotic has lead to a yeast infection. Needless to say can't wait to see the backend of 2003.

I am so frustrated at not being able to tackle the new series but these problems have had me not exercising for three weeks. I was on a five day a week schedule mixing running with step and weights. Any ideas on how to slowly work my way up to the new series? I was thinking of doing the Cross training series as they are a bit shorter in the cardio sections and only doing one body part a day for a week or so. I have all the videos and a treadmill for those snowy days. Love to walk or run, so any suggestions on a routine that will slowly allow me to get to my former level would be great!
Hi Cybersis, I know exactly how you feel!! I've been sick with a bad cold and still recuperating from a screwed up knee operation. Suffice it to say that getting back to where I was before all of this happened is a huge struggle. But with my strong-headed, tough personality I still manage to do upper body work, mat pilates just enough to "feel the burn". So my advice, do what your doctor prescribed and above all - listen to you body. Take it one day at a time - it will all come back - promise!! Happy holidays and hope you feel better soon!

Take care,

I'm with Iris! If you don't let yourself recover somewhat you might prolong your illness or compromise your immune system and pick up another bug. If you take it easy, you'll get well more quickly and then you'll tackle those babies with the energy they demand! Gently at first and don't worry about losing you fitness level. Since you work out regularly, it may actually be benefical to rest up and you'll have lots of energy when you feel well enough to tackle those babies! That's a terific gift, the new series! You are going to love them! Feel better! Bobbi
Oh isn't it just so horrible when that happens??? I was stuck with the flu just when I was doing so well at running non-stop already for half an hour...and my BB series arrived! I strated again today after 3 weeks of no exercise and my endurance has been totally wiped out. I was guzzling water and taking breaks alot during step blast and could tell running will be HARD again. I didn't even finish SB...lasted 45 minutes ( midway through the 2nd blast )before sitting it out on the step. But the rest was badly needed. You have to recover.
I feel your pain! I have bronchitis and laryngitis at the moment. I was up at 3 am from a coughing fit this morning and decided that since I was wide awake, I might as well preview my new CTX dvds! LOL. So, I did! I got my replacement copy of Push Pull in the mail today and curled up on the couch to preview that one tonight. The only Body Blast dvds I got to do before I got sick were KPC and Timesaver #1. I just started antibiotics today and hope, hope, hope that I feel well enough next week to start slowly easing back in. Heck, I have all these new Cathe workouts and all I can do is watch them from the sidelines. :( I want to DO them!!!:7 Oh well. As the other posters have said, better not to push your body if it's sick.
I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. I know how frustrated you must be. I was on a roll with the BB's when I came down with the flu. I eased back into working out by doing Christi Taylor, Pilates and yoga. I finished the week with SJP and Circuit Max to ease back into weight workouts and a little more intense cardio. Next week I'm going to start a strength rotation.

Listen to your body! You'll be back into it before you know it. Good luck and I hope you feel better!

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