Let's see, results of my muscle endurance experience. You know how your arms sway when you walk, my biceps hurt from that motion. I went to push open a door and my chest hurts. So I have light, bordering on moderate doms in my upper bod today. I will be doing lots of stretching throughout the day. I'm considered an odd bird anyway, so my co-workers don't think twice when they see me standing with my arms stretched out or any other weird poses I do.
My lower body is fine, slight tightness. I plan to do the elliptical when I get home after work.
When I did kpc, in its entirety, I needed some juice or something by the end. My first taste of kickboxing came by way of taebo. I didn't know anything about form until I got turbo jam. That's when I started to feel the movements. I'm glad I had the heart rate monitor though because I would've given kpc all of my energy. I had to ease up on the intensity I was giving to the hammer slams (name?) cause my heart rate was getting out of my zone.
Oh, on my videofitness experience. I was offered kickmax as a trade. I said yeah, what they hay. I know there's lots of plyo stuff that I will not be doing, but people seem to like the low intensity drills. I still need the dvd of kpc though. Ummm, I think I'm a little addicted to kickboxing workouts.
Wow, this post is long. Can you tell I don't feel like working today?