<--- Bee Bop a Loo Lah

<---put pics of collage in pictrail
<---cleaned kitchen (which was easy cause my dishwasher is fixed!:))
<--0 is going to do im3 now!

<---is listening to neighbor have telephone conversation that is coming in as interference on <---baby monitor.:eek:
<---unfortunatley he is speaking spanish so can't understand a word of it!}(
<---is happy to report that <---felt good all day today...no headaches or nausea!:+
<---likes Jes' collage.
<---doesn't think Jes would survive in <---house!
<---doesn't have a dishwasher!:eek: x( :-(
<---thinks <---may have to make a collage of <---own to put on wall.
<---only has clock and Marilyn Monroe poster on wall in work out room right now.
<---is currently too cheap to buy more fitness related posters to hang. :p

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